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Crystallographic Orientation Zbigniew Radzimski. Crystal Structure Unit cell Silicon.

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Presentation on theme: "Crystallographic Orientation Zbigniew Radzimski. Crystal Structure Unit cell Silicon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crystallographic Orientation Zbigniew Radzimski

2 Crystal Structure Unit cell Silicon

3 1.Mono (Single) crystalline silicon 2.Multi crystalline silicon (Grain size: ~ mm) 3.Poly crystalline silicon (Grain size: ~ µm) 4.Nano Crystalline silicon (Grain size: ~ nm) 5.Amorphous silicon (non crystalline) All these types of silicon may have the same chemical composition, however the first one are typically the cleanest. Same Silicon: Different Crystal Homogeneity 5 µm

4 Unit Cell in 3-D Structure: Coordinates

5 Crystal Orientation: Specific Directions: [100], [010] and [001] Unit Cell in 3-D Structure: Directions

6 Crystal Orientation: Typical Crystal Planes Z X Y {100} Z X Y {110} Z X Y {111} Unit Cell in 3-D Structure: Planes

7 From Poly to Single Crystal Seed with desired crystal orientation Ingot maintain seed orientation

8 Flat grind Diameter grind Preparing crystal ingot for grinding Ingot Shaping 1234 5678 90 Notch Possible variations: During crystal slicing During flat grinding or notching

9 Standard SEMI Flats

10 Ingot Shaping This is {100} plane in crystal This is {111} plane in crystal OROR …. In perfectly aligned crystal:

11 This is {100} plane in crystal Slice Orientation

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