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Animal Digestion At the completion of this unit students will be able to: Describe the major parts and functions of the digestive system Define Monogastric.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Digestion At the completion of this unit students will be able to: Describe the major parts and functions of the digestive system Define Monogastric."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Digestion At the completion of this unit students will be able to: Describe the major parts and functions of the digestive system Define Monogastric and list characteristics of monogastric animals Describe the Ruminant Digestive System Describe the Avian Digestive System Classify animals according to their type of digestion List Digestive Enzymes and their function

2 Describe the major parts and functions of the digestive system
Bubble Gum Lab On the back of your pink lab sheet, answer these questions: (Please write the question!!) What were your predictions of what would happen between the masses of: Unchewed gum and wet chewed gum? Unchewed gum and dried chewed gum? Wet chewed gum and dried chewed gum? What were your results between the masses listed above? What caused the masses to change? What do our mouths have that aid in digestion? What are the contents of saliva that help with digestion?

3 The MOUTH is the starting point that begins the digestive process.
Describe the major parts and functions of the digestive system The MOUTH is the starting point that begins the digestive process.

4 The TONGUE is used for grasping the food, mixing, and swallowing.
Describe the major parts and functions of the digestive system The TONGUE is used for grasping the food, mixing, and swallowing.

5 Describe the major parts and functions of the digestive system
The TEETH tear and chew the feed into smaller particles that may be swallowed.

6 SALIVARY GLANDs: excrete saliva, which serves many purposes:
Describe the major parts and functions of the digestive system In the mouth SALIVARY GLANDs: excrete saliva, which serves many purposes: -Water to moisten -Mucin to lubricate -Bicarbonates to buffer acids -Enzyme amylase to breakdown carbs.

7 Review: What type of muscle makes up the esophagus?
Describe the major parts and functions of the digestive system The ESOPHAGUS is the hollow muscular tube that leads from the mouth to the opening of the stomach. Esophagus Review: What type of muscle makes up the esophagus?

8 Describe the major parts and functions of the digestive system
The STOMACH is a hollow muscle that contracts and relaxes to integrate digestive juices with the food causing it to breakdown

9 Describe the major parts and functions of the digestive system
The SMALL INTESTINE is the next organ in the digestive system that is controlled by a sphincter muscle that helps move food into and through the tract.

10 SMALL INTESTINE The small intestine is made up of three segments
Describe the major parts and functions of the digestive system SMALL INTESTINE The small intestine is made up of three segments 1- Duodenum 2- Jejunum 3- Ileum

11 -where absorption takes place
Describe the major parts and functions of the digestive system The Small Intestine cont’d: DUODENUM -First segment -Uses secretions from the pancreas and intestinal wall to break down protein, starch, and fats. JEJUNUM & ILIUM: -where absorption takes place Absorption is the process which nutrients are passed from the intestine to the bloodstream.

12 VILLI Walls of the Jejunum & Ileum… Small fingerlike projections
Describe the major parts and functions of the digestive system The Small Intestine cont’d: Walls of the Jejunum & Ileum… VILLI Small fingerlike projections Increase surface area for absorption Absorb nutrients through membranes known as semipermeable membranes. These membranes allow particles to pass through in a process called diffusion.

13 VILLI Walls of the Jejunum & Ileum… The Small Intestine cont’d:
Describe the major parts and functions of the digestive system The Small Intestine cont’d: Walls of the Jejunum & Ileum… VILLI

14 The LARGE INTESTINE is the last organ of the digestive tract.
Describe the major parts and functions of the digestive system The LARGE INTESTINE is the last organ of the digestive tract. It contains two segments: 1- Cecum: is where fibrous food such as hay and grass is broken down into usable nutrients. 2- Colon: provides a storage space for waste from the digestive process, and is the largest part of the large intestine.

15 Describe the major parts and functions of the digestive system
The LARGE INTESTINE cont’d Rectum is the terminal end of the large intestine and the entire digestive system.

16 Monogastric= 1 Simple Stomach
B. Define Monogastric and list characteristics of monogastric animals Monogastric= 1 Simple Stomach

17 They have an UPPER & LOWER set
B. Define Monogastric and list characteristics of monogastric animals Characteristics: TEETH They have an UPPER & LOWER set

18 DO NOT Chew Cud Characteristics: Factiod: Horses cannot vommit
B. Define Monogastric and list characteristics of monogastric animals Characteristics: DO NOT Chew Cud Factiod: Horses cannot vommit (Cardiac Sphincter connects esophagus to stomach)

19 B. Define Monogastric and list characteristics of monogastric animals

20 Make your own Monogastric digestive system!
B. Define Monogastric and list characteristics of monogastric animals Make your own Monogastric digestive system! Corn Flake Digestion Lab

21 2- Reticulum (honeycomb) 3- Omasum (Many piles or pages of a book)
C. Describe the Ruminant Digestive System Ruminant Systems: A system with four compartments: 1- Rumen (Paunch) 2- Reticulum (honeycomb) 3- Omasum (Many piles or pages of a book) 4- Abomasum (true or glandular) These ruminant animals are often called “cud chewers”

22 C. Describe the Ruminant Digestive System

23 C. Describe the Ruminant Digestive System
1- Rumen Serves as a storage vat where food is soaked, mixed, and fermented by bacteria. It contains fingerlike projections called papillae that absorb nutrients through the rumen wall to provide energy.

24 C. Describe the Ruminant Digestive System

25 2- Reticulum (Honeycomb or Hardware)
C. Describe the Ruminant Digestive System 2- Reticulum (Honeycomb or Hardware) 2nd Compartment Contains bacteria & microbes to promote fermentation Food is ingested then, Eructated, and chewed & swallowed again **Eructated means vomit Factoid: Non digestible items that are consumed such as small stones, nails, or wire fall into the reticulum. They usually stay in the reticulum

26 C. Describe the Ruminant Digestive System
Reticulum: Honeycomb

27 often referred to as the
C. Describe the Ruminant Digestive System Why is the reticulum often referred to as the “Honeycomb” or “Hardware Stomach”?

28 What is Hardware Disease?
C. Describe the Ruminant Digestive System What is Hardware Disease?

29 What is Hardware Disease?
C. Describe the Ruminant Digestive System What is Hardware Disease?

30 C. Describe the Ruminant Digestive System
Factoid: In young ruminants, there is a structure called a Reticular groove or heavy muscular fold that allows milk from the mother to bypass the rumen and reticulum to go directly to the omasum. Why??

31 3-Omasum (Many plies or pages of a book)
C. Describe the Ruminant Digestive System 3-Omasum (Many plies or pages of a book)

32 3-Omasum (Many plies or pages of a book)
C. Describe the Ruminant Digestive System 3-Omasum (Many plies or pages of a book) A round organ with walls that contain many folds or “plies” Lined with blunt muscular papillae that grind roughage.

33 4-Abomasum (True or glandular)
C. Describe the Ruminant Digestive System 4-Abomasum (True or glandular) This compartment is the only glandular (true) stomach of the ruminant. Secretes gastric juices to digest microbes

34 C. Describe the Ruminant Digestive System

35 Ruminants do not have upper front teeth.
C. Describe the Ruminant Digestive System Characteristics of ruminants: Ruminants do not have upper front teeth. Instead, they have a dental pad that works with the lower front teeth (incisors) in tearing off feedstuff.

36 Saliva does not contain enzymes
C. Describe the Ruminant Digestive System Characteristics of ruminants: Saliva does not contain enzymes …though they produce large quantities. Factoid: A full grown steer produces about 50 liters of saliva per day.

37 Saliva does not contain enzymes
C. Describe the Ruminant Digestive System Characteristics of ruminants: Saliva does not contain enzymes …though they produce large quantities. Factoid: A full grown steer produces about 50 liters of saliva per day.

38 Characteristics of ruminants:
C. Describe the Ruminant Digestive System Characteristics of ruminants: Chew Cud

39 C. Describe the Ruminant Digestive System

40 Avian Digestive System
D. Describe the Avian Digestive System Avian Digestive System

41 Avian Digestive System 1- Mouth: No teeth-NO chewing 2- Esophagus
D. Describe the Avian Digestive System Avian Digestive System 1- Mouth: No teeth-NO chewing 2- Esophagus 3- Crop: Pouch where food is stored and soaked Factoid: an empty crop is what sends hunger signals to the bird’s brain.

42 Avian Digestive System
D. Describe the Avian Digestive System Avian Digestive System 4- Proventriculus: true stomach where hydrochloric acid is added (remember no physical breakdown of the feed has begun)

43 Avian Digestive System
D. Describe the Avian Digestive System Avian Digestive System 5- Gizzard: Muscular organ which functions LIKE teeth to grind food -Often find small pieces of stones here that the bird ate. They help in the breakdown of feed.

44 Avian Digestive System 6- Small Intestine
D. Describe the Avian Digestive System Avian Digestive System 6- Small Intestine 7- Ceca Same as other animals 8- Large Intestine 9- Cloaca: Digestive system waste AND wastes from the renal (urinary) system exit here.

45 Avian Digestive System Dissection
D. Describe the Avian Digestive System Avian Digestive System Dissection

46 Name 4 types of animal digestion
E. Classify animals according to their type of digestion …Pull it all together… Name 4 types of animal digestion 1- Monogastric 2- Ruminant 3- Avian 4- ???

47 Curve Ball… Modified Monogastric -Eat large amounts of roughage
E. Classify animals according to their type of digestion Curve Ball… Modified Monogastric Animals that: -Eat large amounts of roughage (like a ruminant) -Have a single compartment stomach (like a monogastric) -Have a large Cecum to digest large amounts of roughage

48 Modified Monogastric:
E. Classify animals according to their type of digestion Ruminant: Multi compartment stomach & eats a lot of roughage Monogastric Single compartment stomach and eats more concentrates (grain) than roughage Modified Monogastric: Eats a lot of roughage BUT does NOT have a multi compartment stomach Avian Birds, Has Crop & Gizzard in place of teeth

49 Mostly Roughage with some concentrates
E. Classify animals according to their type of digestion … What do they eat? Mostly Roughage with some concentrates …How many stomach compartments? 4 … What type of digestive system? Ruminant

50 Mostly Roughage with some concentrates
E. Classify animals according to their type of digestion … What do they eat? Mostly Roughage with some concentrates …How many stomach compartments? 1 … What type of digestive system? Modified Mongastric

51 Mostly Roughage with some concentrates
E. Classify animals according to their type of digestion … What do they eat? Mostly Roughage with some concentrates …How many stomach compartments? 4 … What type of digestive system? Ruminant

52 Mostly Roughage with some concentrates
E. Classify animals according to their type of digestion … What do they eat? Mostly Roughage with some concentrates …How many stomach compartments? 1 … What type of digestive system? Modified Monogastric

53 …How many stomach compartments? 1
E. Classify animals according to their type of digestion … What do they eat? Concentrates …How many stomach compartments? 1 … What type of digestive system? Avian

54 …How many stomach compartments? 1
E. Classify animals according to their type of digestion … What do they eat? Roughage …How many stomach compartments? 1 … What type of digestive system? Modified Monogastric

55 Mostly Roughage with some concentrates
E. Classify animals according to their type of digestion … What do they eat? Mostly Roughage with some concentrates …How many stomach compartments? 4 … What type of digestive system? Ruminant

56 …How many stomach compartments? 1
E. Classify animals according to their type of digestion … What do they eat? Concentrates …How many stomach compartments? 1 … What type of digestive system? Monogastric

57 …How many stomach compartments? 1
E. Classify animals according to their type of digestion … What do they eat? Concentrates …How many stomach compartments? 1 … What type of digestive system? Avian

58 Enzyme: A protein that chemically breaks down food
F. List Digestive Enzymes and their function Enzyme: A protein that chemically breaks down food In the mouth: Saliva: begins breakdown of carbs In the stomach: Gastric Juice: % hydrochloric acid Produced by stomach/abomasum Pepsin: Breaks down proteins

59 In the small intestine: Chyme An Acid Pancreatic Juices
F. List Digestive Enzymes and their function In the small intestine: Chyme An Acid Pancreatic Juices Trypsin: breaks down protein Pancreatic Amylase: changes starch to a simple sugar Bile: Green liquid produced in the liver and stored in gall bladder. Digests fat

60 Describe the major parts and functions of the digestive system
MATCHING With a partner of your choice, choose 16 organs and make a matching game : 1. Abomasum 2. Cecum 3. Cloaca 4. Colon 5. Crop 6. Cud 7. Duodenum 8. Esophagus 9. Gizzard 10. Ileum 11. Jejunum 12. Large Intestine 13. Omasum 14. Proventriculus 15. Rectum 16. Reticulum 17. Rumen 18. Salivary Gland 19. Small Intestine 20. Sphincter 21. Stomach 22. Teeth 23. Tongue 24. Villi




64 Bell Quiz 1- Describe the difference between PHYSICAL and CHEMICAL Digestion 2- What starts the chemical digestion of carbs in the mouth? 3- What allows food to enter the small intestine? 4- List 2 things that distinguish a monogastric animal 5- What is the purpose of villi and microvilli?

65 Bell Quiz 1- Name the 3 sections of the small intestine in order 2- What is the purpose of villi? 3- What tube takes food from the mouth to the stomach? 4- What function do teeth have in the digestive system? 5- What is the purpose of the cecum?

66 Bell Quiz 1-Why does a cow eat everything in their path vs a sheep or goat that is selective? 2- Name 3 purposes of saliva 3- Describe the mouth of a ruminant? 4- How many stomachs does a ruminant have? 5-How many liters of saliva does a full grown cow produce per day?

67 Bell Quiz Harry the Hay bale is on his way through “Bessie” the cow. Be the tour guide and tell me everywhere Harry will go (in order) and everything he will SEE along the way.

68 Bell Quiz Carla the corn kernel is on her way through the digestive system of Rocky the rooster. Be the “Miss Frizzle” tour guide. Tell me where you will go and what you will SEE.

69 Bell Quiz Write down 3 questions AND answers for the Digestive System Test. Study for the Digestive System TEST!!

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