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Enjoying God’s Word. Question 1: What book do we first see the name ‘Hezekiah?’  A. Genesis  B. Isaiah  C. 2 Kings.

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Presentation on theme: "Enjoying God’s Word. Question 1: What book do we first see the name ‘Hezekiah?’  A. Genesis  B. Isaiah  C. 2 Kings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enjoying God’s Word

2 Question 1: What book do we first see the name ‘Hezekiah?’  A. Genesis  B. Isaiah  C. 2 Kings

3 Question 2: What is the shortest verse in the Old Testament?  A. 1 Chronicles 1:25  B. Ezekiel 4:16  C. Deuteronomy 24:11

4 Question 3: What is the longest verse in the Bible?  A. Acts 7:13  B. Ezekiel 4:16  C. Esther 8:9

5 Question 4: What is the most commonly used name in the Bible?  A. Mary  B. Simon  C. David

6 Question 5: Judah is described as a ‘lion.’ Which brother is described as a ‘donkey?’  A. Dan  B. Issachar  C. Naphtali

7 Question 6: Who are the sons of Joseph?  A. Ephraim and Manasseh  B. Jacob and Esau  C. Hophne and Phineas

8 Question 7: What was Eleazar, son of Dodai, known for?  A. Going into a pit to kill a lion  B. Fighting for so long that his sword froze to his hand  C. Killing 300 Philistines

9 Question 8: Who was king of Judah when Jeremiah was written?  A. Josiah  B. Rehoboam  C. Hezekiah

10 Question 9: Who is responsible for writing the majority of the New Testament?  A. Paul  B. Luke  C. John

11 Question 10: What is the national symbol of Israel?  A. Tree  B. Eagle  C. Cross

12 SUDDEN DEATH How many times in the Bible is God described as ‘invisible?’


14 Small Group Questions  1. When you hear about or read about the need to go deeper into your Bible study or reading, do you ever struggle with that a bit and wonder if it’s okay to turn to the Bible for relaxation, comfort reading, encouragement, enjoyment, worship, or any other motivations?  2. Do you delight in God’s word or does it feel like a grind and obligation to read it regularly?  3. Are you reading, enjoying, studying God’s word on a daily basis (or “How are your Quiet Times going?”)  4. What do you do when you are stagnant spiritually? Are your typical responses effective?  5. Why is it helpful to have the mindset that every time we go to God’s word it is an act of worship?

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