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R ECEPTION M EETING September 17 th 2014. A IMS FOR THE MEETING : To find out about routines and procedures in Reception To find out about the topics.

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Presentation on theme: "R ECEPTION M EETING September 17 th 2014. A IMS FOR THE MEETING : To find out about routines and procedures in Reception To find out about the topics."— Presentation transcript:

1 R ECEPTION M EETING September 17 th 2014

2 A IMS FOR THE MEETING : To find out about routines and procedures in Reception To find out about the topics for the year To meet each other and build a support network

3 E XPECTATIONS The rules and expectations have been discussed and agreed with the children We have a token system to encourage good behaviour. We also have a range of rewards –stickers, message home, whole class treat etc. Consequences for breaking rules escalate from a warning, time out, going to another class, and finally, sent to Ms. Osbaldeston or Miss Carroll. You will always be told if your child’s behaviour has resulted in being sent to the headteacher.

4 U NIFORM Children should wear school uniform every day unless it is a fundraising day or a special theme (World Book Day) Shoes need to be sensible for climbing No jewellery should be worn and any earrings must be small studs. PE kits must be in school for PE lessons. This consists of a plain top and shorts/leggings, plimsolls or trainers (No baggy shorts) Book bags should be in school every day. No rucksacks please as we don’t have the storage space in class

5 R EADING Children will read once a week, individually and in group reading. There is shared reading in class every day Children learn speed sounds in phonics sessions. (The sound each letter makes) We will be sending high-frequency words home to learn every week. These are for learning to read AND to spell They will take a reading book home for them to read with you and talk about the story they have read. Please write in the home/school Reading Diary when your child has read with you at home. They can also borrow a book from the class library

6 T OPICS FOR THE YEAR Autumn 1 – Where We Live Autumn 2 – People Who Help Us Spring 1 – Animals and their Babies Spring 2 – Things That Grow Summer 1 – Things that Move! Summer 2 – Busy Bodies (Senses)

7 P OTENTIAL T RIPS Spring: Horton Kirby Summer: The Park Weekly visit to Torridon Library We may do little trips to the local area and will need parent volunteers to help with these.

8 H OW YOU CAN HELP IN SCHOOL Volunteer to come in on a regular basis to hear children read, play maths games, do creative activities, etc. You will need to complete a DBS form if you are helping out in school regularly Volunteer to come in on specific occasions, e.g. party days, world book day etc.

9 S UPPORTING YOUR CHILD AT HOME Regular and punctual attendance Daily reading with your child (not necessarily always having your child reading to you) Talking about the school day Playing games – dice games, card games, board games are all fantastic ways to promote speaking and listening, turn taking and mathematical development

10 L EARNING T OGETHER Learning Journals – a “scrapbook” of your child’s achievements (photos, paintings, writing etc.) Parental observations – things that you might notice your children doing/saying that demonstrate their learning at home Home Learning Activities Class Toy Fronter – links to educational websites/games.

11 I F YOU HAVE ANY CONCERNS … Speak to the class teacher or myself at the earliest opportunity If you feel the matter is more serious you can also make an appointment to speak with Ms. Osbaldeston or Miss Carrol.

12 T HANK YOU FOR COMING THIS M ORNING ! Please feel free to ask any questions. I am also available after school on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday for any further queries you may have.

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