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Self-Efficacy and Student Achievement Barbara Goza, Ph.D. UCSC Educational Partnership Center UCSC Learning Support Services October 3, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Self-Efficacy and Student Achievement Barbara Goza, Ph.D. UCSC Educational Partnership Center UCSC Learning Support Services October 3, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Self-Efficacy and Student Achievement Barbara Goza, Ph.D. UCSC Educational Partnership Center UCSC Learning Support Services October 3, 2009

2 In Appreciation of Learning Think back to a recent time in which you were being helped with an academic task. –What was the task? –Who was your helper, what was your relationship with your helper? –What specifically did the helper DO? –What did you do/feel in response? –What was the outcome for you? For your helper?

3 Self-Efficacy: What It Is “The belief in one’s abilities to organize and execute courses of action required to produce given attainments.” (Bandura, 1997, p. 3)

4 Self-Efficacy: What It Does Influences: –Choice of courses of action –Amount of energy expended –Perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges and failures

5 Efficacy Beliefs: How They Work Cognition –Analytic complexity –Strategic planning Motivation –Goal setting (specific, difficult goals) –Self-regulation (evaluation and modification) Emotion –Calmness –Challenge vs. threat appraisals

6 University Life Study Martin Chemers, Li-Tze Hu, & Ben Garcia (2001) Effects of Academic Efficacy and Optimism on First-Year Student Academic Performance and Adjustment

7 Participant Demographics Recruited from UCSC frosh, Winter 1997 N = 256 participants with complete data Winter and Spring 82% Female Ethnicity: –58% White –16% Asian –15% Latino –11% Other

8 GPA Academic Self- Efficacy Optimism Challenge/ Threat Academic Expectations Academic Performance Stress Health Problems Adjustment Path Diagram For Efficacy Effects

9 Assessing Scientific Inquiry and Leadership Skills (AScILS) Recent Findings Martin M. Chemers, PI University of California, Santa Cruz

10 Program Components Psychological Processes Outcomes Research Experience Community Involvement Mentoring: Instrumental Socio-Emotional Performance: Science Inquiry and Leadership Skills Commitment: Satisfaction and Continuation in Science Education and Research Student Demographics: Ethnicity, Gender Science Inquiry Self-Efficacy Leadership and Teamwork Self-Efficacy Identity and Belonging as a Scientist

11 Participant Demographics Recruited from UCSC COSMOS program in 2006 and 2007 N = 276 participants with complete data (95% of all attendees) 56% Female Ethnicity: –26% Under-Represented Minority –36% White –38% Asian 38% Received financial aid

12 COSMOS Longitudinal Study: Pre-Program Results Community Involvement Identity as a Science Student Science Inquiry Self- Efficacy Research Experience. Model Fit: χ 2 (4) = 4.19, p =.38, CFI = 1.0, IFI = 1.0, GFI =.99, NNFI =.99, RMR =.02, RMSEA =.01 (.00,.09) Commitment.69

13 Ethnic Group Comparisons on Pre- to Post-Program Change


15 Self-Efficacy: What Are Its Sources? SourceExplanation Enactive MasteryGraduated challenges with “scaffolding” Social ComparisonRole modeling plus peer comparisons Verbal PersuasionConfidence-supporting explanations for performance Affective StatesPositive experiences while working

16 Enactive Mastery: Graduated challenges with “scaffolding” Increase competencies gradually Provide “scaffolding” “Stretch, but don’t break.”

17 Social Comparison: Role modeling plus peer comparisons Social comparison to assess competency Role modeling for possibilities

18 Verbal Persuasion: Confidence- supporting explanations for performance Help students make confidence- building judgments Explain success and failure

19 “Causes” of Success and Failure Source: InternalExternal StableAbility Task Stability UnstableEffort Luck

20 Judgments that Enhance Confidence: Ability & Effort following Success Task Difficulty following Failure Expect Ups & Downs

21 21 AScILS Research Team Melissa Bayne, Graduate Student, Psychology Steve Bearman, Graduate Student, Psychology Martin Chemers, Principal Investigator, Professor Psychology Faye Crosby, Professor Psychology Elizabeth Espinoza, Graduate Student, Chemistry Jamie Franco-Zamudio, Graduate Student, Psychology Barbara Goza, Educational Partnership Center, Director Research & Evaluation Lisa Hunter, Center for Adaptive Optics, Associate Director Education and Human Resources Beth Jaworski, Graduate Student, Psychology John Johnson, Graduate Student, Psychology Carrol Moran, Educational Partnership Center, Director Elizabeth Morgan, Graduate Student, Psychology Deborah Kogan, Evaluation Consultant Refugio Rochin, Educational Partnership Center, Dir. Of Research and Evaluation Kristina Schmukler, Graduate Student, Psychology Julie Shattuck, Evaluation Consultant Jerome Shaw, Assistant Professor Education Moin Syed, Graduate Student, Psychology Eileen Zurbriggen, Associate Professor Psychology Former members: –Graduate Students: Lisa Algee, Education; Christy Rowe, Earth Sciences; –Undergraduate Students: Isai Baltezar, Helen Han, Jaime Jarvis, Teiki Kimball, Ana Daniela Mesa, Marisa Sanders, Patrick Schirmer, Barbara Smith, and Zavi Smith, Emilee Turner, Justin Wang, Bridget Zwimpfer, Psychology; Marcia Soriano, Bioinformatics –Others: Stephen Mello, Educational Partnership Center, Policy Analyst;; Gloria Williams, Educational Partnership Center, Data Manager

22 The project was supported by Grant Number R01GM071935 from the National Institute Of General Medical Sciences. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institute Of General Medical Sciences or the National Institutes of Health.

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