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POETRY Found Poems Couplet Poems Acrostic Poems Haiku Poems

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1 POETRY Found Poems Couplet Poems Acrostic Poems Haiku Poems
Cinquain Poems Concrete (Shape) Poems Limerick Poetry Clerihew Poetry

2 FOUND POEMS The poet uses existing texts to refashion and reorder the
words and then present them as poems. Unexpected Problems Exposure to germs is a part of life And is deadly. A germaphobe uses a She Pee. Sticky and stinky people are suffering from Dirty toilets. If the washroom has no paper towel, Urine trouble!

3 Click, Clack, Clifford Farmer Brown had a problem
Clifford wanted to help Click, clack, crunch! “No milk today!” cried Farmer Brown Clifford gave him a hand…err, a tail Click, clack, moo! “No eggs!” cried Farmer Brown. Clifford tried to do his part Click, clack, quack! “How can I run a farm with no milk and no eggs!” Somehow Clifford got them all into the garbage truck Giggle, giggle, quack!


5 What’s Next? Take some notes Try a found poem on your own

6 THE COUPLET A couplet is a pair of lines of verse. It usually consists of two lines that rhyme, but couplets do not have to rhyme.

7 COUPLETS Not all couplets rhyme. Even though they can be simple, couplets can also appear in more complex rhyme schemes. FISHING Fish hooks floating through the sea The little fish say, “Don’t catch me!” Pulling, tugging on the line Oh no! Look! He is mine!

8 STARFISH I found a starfish in the bay When I was fishing yesterday Starfish, starfish in the ocean Moving along in slow motion Many arms and colors bright Sea stars are a special sight

9 What’s Next? Take some notes Try a few couplets on your own

10 ACROSTIC POEMS A poem or series of lines in which certain letters, usually the first in each line, form a name, motto, or message when read in sequence.

11 Here is an example is from Lewis Carrol's "Through the Looking-Glass"
Here is an example is from Lewis Carrol's "Through the Looking-Glass". The final chapter "A Boat, Beneath A Sunny Sky" is an acrostic of the real Alice's name: Alice Pleasance Liddell.

12 TARZAN Tan Athletic Resourceful Zooms Assertive Nimble
EMMA Eager to learn Makes time to read Marvellous artist Adores her white poodle TRASH Takes a Really Astounding Stomach to Handle this mess TARZAN Tan Athletic Resourceful Zooms Assertive Nimble

13 Caleb is so very athletiC A nice guy he’ll share with yA
Little guy will make you loL Eleven years old and loves cakE Big and strong and really faB

14 Acrostics can be more complex than just by making words from initials
Acrostics can be more complex than just by making words from initials. A double acrostic, for example, may have words at the beginning and end of its lines Set among hills in the midst of five valleyS, This peaceful little market town we inhabiT Refuses (vociferously!) to be a conformeR. Once home of the cloth it gave its name tO, Uphill and down again its streets lead yoU. Despite its faults it leaves us all charmeD. Stroud, by Paul Hansford

15 What’s Next? Take some notes Try an acrostic poem on your own

16 HAIKU POETRY Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry, consisting of 17 syllables in three lines (5, 7, 5). Haiku poetry is usually about seasons or nature and these poems often do not rhyme.

17 CLOUDS Clouds float slowly by Fluffy, lumpy, cotton balls Silver, grey, and white

18 HAIKU POETRY Line 2 7 syllables Line 3 5 syllables
Clouds float slowly by Fluffy, lumpy, cotton balls Silver, grey, and white Line 1 5 syllables Line 2 7 syllables Line 3 5 syllables

19 Line 2: 7 syllables Line 3: 5 syllables
Clouds float slowly by Fluffy, lumpy, cotton balls Silver, grey, and white Clouds float slow/ly by Fluf/fy, lump/y, cot/ton balls Sil/ver, grey, and white

20 Forest finery Of purest green, ferns boast their Delicate beauty

21 Bursting in bright hues Splashing colors all about  Autumn leaves must fall

22 CINQUAIN POEMS Line 1 is one word (the title) Line 2 is two words that describe the title Line 3 is three words that tell the action Line 4 is four words that express the feeling Line 5 is one word that recalls the title Knights Armour ,shields Fighting, charging, slaughtering Worried, delighted, brave, fearsome Crusaders

23 Toys play things laughing,enjoying,frolicking What joy to play. Games
CINQUAIN POEMS Toys play things laughing,enjoying,frolicking What joy to play. Games Mules Stubborn, unmoving Braying, kicking, resisting Not wanting to listen People

24 CONCRETE POEMS Shapes are formed by the letters, words, or symbols that make up the poem rather than by the traditional arrangement of words. a small triangular pyramid shape an idea of creating concrete poetry imagery





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