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R ESEARCHING THE H ARLEM R ENAISSANCE African American Literature with Dr. Ellen Bonds Info Session by Judy Olsen (Based on K. Carrol’s original PowerPoint.

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Presentation on theme: "R ESEARCHING THE H ARLEM R ENAISSANCE African American Literature with Dr. Ellen Bonds Info Session by Judy Olsen (Based on K. Carrol’s original PowerPoint."— Presentation transcript:

1 R ESEARCHING THE H ARLEM R ENAISSANCE African American Literature with Dr. Ellen Bonds Info Session by Judy Olsen (Based on K. Carrol’s original PowerPoint and Web course guide)

2 L IBRARIANS : H ERE TO H ELP ! Subject librarians work with every academic department Available by phone, email, instant messaging, appointment or just stop by We answer all kinds of questions How to I pick a topic? Where do I find scholarly articles? Why can’t I access this article from home? How do I write a bibliography?

3 L IBRARY W EBSITE : T HE G UIDES T AB There is a guide to this course. Easily return to this Power Point slide Review all the resources we cover today Get in touch with Judy Web pages created by subject librarians to guide you to the BEST resources for a particular subject, course, or research project. Good starting point Research is difficult – we don’t expect you to know where to go every time you get a new project. Helpful tips & pointers

4 R ESEARCHING THE H ARLEM R ENAISSANCE : W ORKSHOP O VERVIEW Getting Started: Encyclopedias and Dictionaries African American Studies Center Dictionary of Literary Biography Online Finding Books: The Search Tab Authors and Their Works & Context Historical New York Times Database Finding Articles Databases The Search Tab

5 G ETTING S TARTED : E NCYCLOPEDIAS AND D ICTIONARIES Explanations of terms, people, events or ideas related to a specific subject Browse a subject-specific encyclopedia or dictionary for topic ideas Get background information In most subject areas, available online and searchable

6 G ETTING S TARTED African American Studies Center

7 G ETTING S TARTED : E NCYCLOPEDIAS AND D ICTIONARIES Encyclopedia of the Harlem Renaissance Encyclopedia of the Harlem Renaissance / Cary D. Wintz, Paul Finkelman, editors. New York: Routledge, 2004. Ref. NX512.3.A35 E53 2004 Encyclopedia of the Harlem Renaissance Encyclopedia of the Harlem Renaissance / Aberjhani and Sandra L. West; foreword by Clement Alexander Price. New York: Facts on File, 2003. Ref. PS153.N5 H245 2003 The Harlem Renaissance: a Gale critical companionThe Harlem Renaissance: a Gale critical companion / foreword by Trudier Harris-Lopez. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Ref PS153.N4 H37 1984 The Harlem Renaissance: a historical dictionary for the era The Harlem Renaissance: a historical dictionary for the era / edited by Bruce Kellner. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1984. (3 rd floor) NX511.N4 H37 1984 The Encyclopedia of the Harlem Literary Renaissance The Encyclopedia of the Harlem Literary Renaissance / Lois Brown. New York: Facts on File, 2006. Ref. PS153.N5 B675 2006

8 E-R EFERENCE : O NLINE R ESOURCES For this session, take a look at the Dictionary of Literary Biography Online Full text of literary works: Literature Online

9 F INDING B OOKS : T HE S EARCH T AB Books are an important resource for research in most subject areas Scholarly research is often published in books Tip: You don’t always have to read the entire book Check the Table of Contents and Index for sections/pages applicable to your project Books can give you a broader view of a topic Articles are very specific

10 F INDING B OOKS : T HE S EARCH T AB Keywords: Harlem Renaissance Author’s Name Author search for works by that author Author’s Name + criticism Title of work + criticism

11 L ITERARY R EVIEWS AND CONTEXT Literary works can be reviewed in newspapers, magazines, and academic journals Reviews can range from brief critiques to lengthy analyses Historical New York TimesHistorical New York Times – context and reviews Readers’ Guide Retrospective – covers the era Literature Resource CenterLiterature Resource Center – includes critical analysis Literature OnlineLiterature Online – includes criticism and reference works Books and Movies Reviews Guide Books and Movies Reviews Guide – for more resources



14 F INDING A RTICLES Scholarly or peer-reviewed articles are research articles that have been reviewed by other experts in the field Databases are searchable indexes Fields  RECORDS Usually cannot be searched using same techniques as with Google Humanities Full Text Literature Online MLA International Bibliography Ethnic Newswatch – scholarly and non-scholarly Library catalog

15 F INDING A RTICLES : T HE S EARCH T AB The Articles & More tabs searches the library’s entire full text online holdings – that’s a lot of material! This search is very broad and is best used when you are just familiarizing yourself with or exploring a topic. To learn how to use the FindIt button to access full text, watch this

16 T HANK YOU ! Judy Olsen English and Theatre Librarian 610-519-5183 Kristyna Carroll Social Sciences Librarian 610-519-5391 Your questions are always welcome!

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