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Regionální rozvojová agentura jižních Čech, a.s. Local and Regional Information Society Local and Regional Information Society as a “best practice” in.

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Presentation on theme: "Regionální rozvojová agentura jižních Čech, a.s. Local and Regional Information Society Local and Regional Information Society as a “best practice” in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regionální rozvojová agentura jižních Čech, a.s. Local and Regional Information Society Local and Regional Information Society as a “best practice” in the transfer of technology and innovations - RERA, a. s. Ing. Miroslav Krtička

2 Regionální rozvojová agentura jižních Čech, a.s. MATEO – Matching Technologies and Opportunities Principles: - Transfer of technologies - Concrete work, real goals - Sustainability of the subprojects realized - Cooperation between R&D and production sphere Basic info: ERDF INTERREG IIIC RFO – Regional Framework Operation Budget:Total: 7 812 012,- € South-West Bohemia:1 822 750,- € Coordination in South-West Bohemia:RERA, a. s. Support for the participants in 2007 – 2013: primarily independent subprojects Possible grant schemes: 7th Framework programme, OP VaVpI, OPPI, OP VK etc…

3 Regionální rozvojová agentura jižních Čech, a.s. 4 MATEO regions

4 Regionální rozvojová agentura jižních Čech, a.s. 8 MATEO SECTORS Advanced materials Technologies for optimal utilization of alternative energy sources Food processing technologies Biotechnologies Technologies with applications in pharmaceutical industry and medicine Process and production technologies Mechatronics Aerospace

5 Regionální rozvojová agentura jižních Čech, a.s. 12 MATEO subprojects 1.ANTASME → Aerospace 2.E-CLUE 4 MATEO → Process and production technologies, Biotechnologies 3.FlashPoM → Process and production technologies for biotechnology 4.Industrial Controllers → Process and production technologies, Mechatronics 5.MATCH-TECH → Process and production technologies 6.MATE.O.D → Advanced materials 7.Mechatronics Centre → Mechatronics 8.MEDSCOUT → Technologies for pharmacy and medicine, Biotechnologies 9.NAVISTO → Aerospace 10.PTT-RenEnergy → Technologies for optimal utilisation of alternative energy sources 11.TeTRInno SMARTEX → Process and production technologies 12.TRACENET → Food processing technologies, Biotechnologies

6 Regionální rozvojová agentura jižních Čech, a.s. Name of the subproject:E-CLUE 4 MATEO Lead partner: Ajuntament de Manresa (Catalonia – Spain) Czech participant: AUC Nové Hrady & FM VŠE Jindřichův Hradec Budget:Czech participant 103 806,- € (Total: 394 000,- €) Grant: 103 806,- € (100 % for the Czech participants) Aim: Training of transfer employees for R&D institutes Support in 2007 – 2013: primarily independent Possible grant schemes: OPPI, 7th Framework programme, OP VaVpI, OP VK etc… Case Study 1:

7 Regionální rozvojová agentura jižních Čech, a.s. Name of the subproject:Industrial Controllers Lead partner: Universtity of West Bohemia in Pilsen Budget:Czech part 100 000,- € ( Total: 264 000,- €) Grant: 81 100,- € (81,1 % for the Czech participant) Focus:- interactive design and automatic tuning of robust controllers Aims: - to create connected virtual and remote laboratories based on industrial standards that will help the practitioners and students to bridge the gap between theory and practice and to share newly developed software & hardware tools and algorithms. Support in 2007 – 2013: primarily independent Possible grant schemes: 7th Framework programme, OP VaVpI, OPPI, OP VK etc… Case Study 2:

8 Regionální rozvojová agentura jižních Čech, a.s. Name of the subproject: TRACENET Lead partner: Fondazione Parco Tecnologico Padano (Lombardy – Italy) Czech participant: University of South Bohemia Budget: Czech participant 47 000,- € (Total: 223 999,- €) Grant: 47 000,- € (100 % for the Czech participant) Aims:- food origin traceability - a database of high-quality food producers in the region Support in 2007 – 2013: primarily independent Possible grant schemes: 7th Framework programme, OP VaVpI, OP VK, OPPI, etc… Case Study 3:

9 Regionální rozvojová agentura jižních Čech, a.s. Local and Regional Information Society Local and Regional Information Society Thank you for your attention Ing. Miroslav Krtička Regionální rozvojová agentura jižních Čech, a.s. Husova 5 České Budějovice Tel.: 387 014 112

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