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Spinal Cord By Michael J. Harman . Meninges Meninges: Pia Mater Thin inner membrane covering brain and spinal cord.

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Presentation on theme: "Spinal Cord By Michael J. Harman . Meninges Meninges: Pia Mater Thin inner membrane covering brain and spinal cord."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spinal Cord By Michael J. Harman 

2 Meninges

3 Meninges: Pia Mater Thin inner membrane covering brain and spinal cord

4 Meninges: Arachnoid mater Web-like membrane located between the pia and dura mater

5 Meninges: Dura mater Tough outermost layer of meninges

6 Anterior median fissure

7 Posterior median sulcus

8 Central canal

9 Dorsal root

10 Dorsal root ganglion

11 Ventral root

12 Spinal nerve

13 Gray matter

14 Gray commissure

15 Posterior horn

16 Lateral horn

17 Anterior horn

18 White matter

19 Anterior column

20 Lateral column

21 Posterior column

22 Conus medullaris End of the spinal cord

23 Cauda equina From the conus medullaris down

24 Filum terminale Extends from end of conus medullaris and attaches to the coccyx

25 Sympathetic chain ganglion

26 Spinal nerves

27 Cervical nerves (8)

28 Thoracic nerves (12)

29 Lumbar nerves (5)

30 Sacral nerves (5)

31 Coccygeal nerve (1)

32 Intercostal nerves

33 Cervical plexus

34 Brachial plexus

35 Axillary nerve

36 Radial nerve

37 Ulnar nerve

38 Median nerve

39 Lumbosacral plexus

40 Lumbar plexus

41 Femoral nerve

42 Obturator nerve

43 Sacral plexus

44 Sciatic nerve

45 Tibial nerve

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