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The Rotary Foundation’s Future Vision Plan A FOUNDATION FOR THE FUTURE.

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Presentation on theme: "The Rotary Foundation’s Future Vision Plan A FOUNDATION FOR THE FUTURE."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rotary Foundation’s Future Vision Plan A FOUNDATION FOR THE FUTURE

2 A Foundation for the Future

3 A Foundation For The Future  Support and Strengthen Clubs Innovation and Flexibility Service Project Variety Diversity Recruitment and Retention Leadership Development New Dynamic Clubs Strategic Planning

4 A Foundation For The Future  Focus/Increase Humanitarian Service Eradicate Polio Service through New Generations and Six Areas of Focus Collaboration With Other Organizations Create Significant Local and International Projects

5 A Foundation For The Future  Enhance Public Image and Awareness Unity Image and Brand Awareness Publicize Service Actions Promote Core Values Emphasize Vocational Service Promote Networking

6 Why A TRF Strategic Plan?  Preparing for The Rotary Foundation Centennial  Immense growth  Relevance in philanthropic world  Evolving organization  Rotarian feedback  Sustainability, significance, simplification

7 Future Vision is a …  Strategic plan for The Rotary Foundation  Simplified grant-making model  Way to build on successes  Alignment of projects and activities  New structure and organization of committees

8 The Foundation’s Motto and Mission Doing Good in the World …to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.

9 Objectives of Future Vision  Strengthen impact of club projects  Sharpen focus of overall grants activity  Transfer more decision-making locally  Partner with other organizations  Simplify the Foundation grants process  Increase visibility and image

10 Strengthen Impact of Projects  Rotarians will develop and implement larger projects with greater more sustainable impact.

11 Sharpen Focus Six Areas of Focus:  Peace and Conflict Resolution  Disease Prevention and Treatment  Water and Sanitation  Maternal and Child Health  Basic Education and Literacy  Economic and Community Development

12 Transfer Decision-making Locally  District- and club-level committees direct use of District Grant funds  Districts continue the direct use of DDF to obtain matching funds from the Foundation

13 Partnerships  Strategic partnerships with NGOs and corporations will enhance Rotary’s capability to address urgent world needs.

14 Simplify and Expedite Grants  Rotarians will learn to understand and navigate grant options.  Rotarians will enjoy faster grant payment processing

15 Increase Visibility and Image Rotary will become increasingly recognized as a premier foundation, which will in turn help increase Rotary membership, donations, and grant activity.

16 Grant Names Rotary Foundation District Grants Rotary Foundation Global Grants

17 Rotary Foundation Global Grants  Long-term projects  Rotarian participation  Larger grant awards  Sustainable outcomes  International partnerships required for club- and district-developed grants

18 Rotary Foundation District Grants  Simple, flexible, innovative  Educational and humanitarian projects and activities consistent with mission  Smaller activities and projects  Local decision making with broader guidelines









27 District 7750 Future Vision Objectives  Complete draft Future Vision Procedures Manual using materials obtained from Future Vision pilot districts by January 1, 2012.  Complete draft club training program by May 1, 2012.  Select Future Vision Club Representatives and alternates from each club in the District by March 1, 2012.  Begin club training for certification on September 1, 2012 and complete by December 1, 2012.

28 District 7750 Future Vision Objectives  Using 2010-2011 PDG’s, create collaborative to help non- pilot districts prepare for transition by July 1, 2013.  Like Future Vision pilots, begin listings of planned world grants to encourage shared resources and ideas across districts by July 1, 2012.  Prepare District application for DDF funding beginning July 1, 2013 and submit to Rotary Foundation by March 1, 2013.  Complete Global Grant applications by March 1, 2013.  Begin drawdown of DDF funding for Global and District Grants by July 1, 2013.

29 District 7750 Designated Funds for 2013-14  District APF Giving 2010-11: $282,480  DDF in 2013-14: $141,240

30 DDF Decision Making  Develop a system of deciding how to distribute District Designated Funds each year that gives the Rotary Clubs the opportunity to decide how the funding they raised three years earlier is to be spent.  Ensure that the system gives the District the ability to make the final decision on the funding distribution in keeping with the deadlines set by the Rotary Foundation.

31 Matching Grants and Global Grants  Establish a Strategic Plan that ensures that all of the global activities presently being carried out by the District continue to develop such that they continue to be funded into the first Future Vision year of 2013-14.  Begin to develop partnerships between clubs, districts and Non- Government Organizations (NGOs) such that we can develop larger projects with greater impact in host countries where District 7750 is working.

32 Club Certification Training  Train all Rotary Clubs in District 7750 so they can be certified to handle either District or Global Grants by January 1, 2013.  Ensure that both the Rotary Clubs and the District leadership have the knowledge and capacity to administer Global and District Grants in accordance with the requirements of the Rotary Foundation.

33 The Future of Rotary To learn more visit: Or Rotary E-Learning Center

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