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Principle-Centered Leadership -Learnings from Indiatimes Summit

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Presentation on theme: "Principle-Centered Leadership -Learnings from Indiatimes Summit"— Presentation transcript:

1 Principle-Centered Leadership -Learnings from Indiatimes Summit
Stephen R.Covey

2 About Stephen R. Covey Internationally accepted leadership authority & teacher, and Chairman & founder of the Covey Leadership Center MBA from Harvard & Doctorate from Brigham Young University Bestsellers: Seven Habits of Highly Effective People First Things First Principle Centered Leadership Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families

3 Learning Gradient Teach 95 % Experience 80 % Discuss 70 %
See & Hear 50 % See 30 % Hear 20 % Read 10 %

4 Ages of Civilization Wisdom Information / Knowledge Worker Industrial
Agrarian Hunters/ Gatherers

5 Seismic Social / Economic Shifts
Globalization of Markets and Technology Democratization of Information / Expectations University Connectivity Exponential Increase in Competition Wealth Creation Movement from Money to People Free Agency (“Knowledge” Worker Market) Permanent Whitewater

6 (No freedom and power to choose) (Freedom and power to choose)
From THING Paradigm (No freedom and power to choose) to PEOPLE (Freedom and power to choose) Practices (Rules) Principles (Wisdom) Outside-In Inside-Out Scarcity Abundance Control Unleash (Directed Autonomy) Efficiency (Methods/Steps) MANAGEMENT Formal Authority Effectiveness (Results) LEADERSHIP Moral Authority

7 Paradigm Shift “The world is flat” “The world is round”
“The Earth is the center of the solar System” “The Sun is the center of the solar System” Divine Right of Kings US Constitution Bloodletting Germ-Theory People as Things (Manage People and Things) Whole Person (Manage Things; Lead People) Leadership is a Position (Formal Authority) Leadership is a Choice (Moral Authority) Quick Fix (Outside-in) Sequential Process (Inside-Out)

8 What is the Difference Between Values and Principles?
Social Norm Personal Emotional Subjective Arguable PRINCIPLES Natural Law Impersonal Factual Objective Self-Evident Behavior is governed by values. Consequences are governed by principles. Therefore, value principles.

9 Principles Embodied in the 7 Habits
Be Proactive : Responsibility/Initiative Begin with the end in mind : Vision/Values Put First things First : Integrity/Execution Think Win-Win : Mutual respect/Benefit Seek first to understand Then to be understood : Mutual understanding 6. Synergize : Creative Cooperation 7. Sharpen the Saw : Renewal Behavior is governed by values. Consequences are governed by principles. Therefore, value principles.

10 MISSION = the WHY of it all
Character Roles Goals Be Proactive Begin with the end in Mind(AGR) Put First Things First Think Win/Win Seek First to Understand (xQ), Then to be Understood Synergy Sharpen the Saw Modeling (7H) (Trust, Collaboration) Pathfinding (Clarity, Commitment) Aligning (Enabling, Accountability) Empowering (Translation, Discipline) Focus & Execution

11 Four Areas of Choice Mind Spirit Heart Body

12 Four Needs of People Spirit (To Leave a Legacy) Mind/ (To Learn)
Mental Development Spirit (To Leave a Legacy) Spiritual Memory Body Doing (To Live) Heart Feeling ((To Love)

13 Four Intelligence of People
Mental Intelligence (IQ) Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) Mental Intelligence (PQ) Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

14 Leading a Balanced, Integrated, Powerful Life
Mind/Vision Spirit Conscience Body Discipline Heart Passion

15 The High Cost of Low Trust Four Chronic Problems
Mind / No Shared Vision / Values Spirit / Low Trust Heart / Disempowerment Body / Misalignment

16 Trustworthiness Trust
CHARACTER COMPETENCE Integrity (SQ) Technical (IQ – PQ) Maturity (EQ) Conceptual (IQ) Abundance (SQ, EQ) Interdependency (IQ, EQ)

17 Listening continuum 5. Empathic Listening 4. Attentive Listening
Within the Other’s Frame of Reference 4. Attentive Listening Within One’s Own Frame of Reference 3. Selective Listening 2. Pretend Listening (Patronizing) 1. Ignoring

18 Developing Empathic Listening
Mimic Re-phrase Content Reflect Feeling Reflect Feeling and Re-phrase content Heart/Body Empathy

19 Two steps in Achieving Synergy (Third Alternatives)
Would you be willing to search for a solution that is better than what either on of you (us) have proposed? (Habits 4,6) Would you agree to a simple ground rule: No one can make his or her point until they have restarted the other person’s point to his or her satisfaction (Habits 5)

20  Circle of Concern Wait Until Told Make a Recommendation Do It
YOUR JOB Do It Do it and report periodically Do it and report immediately “ I Intend To” Ask

21 Principle-Centered Living – Three Generations
Courage (to live true) Humility (Principles govern) Parents Integrity (Integrated around principles) Child WISDOM (Perspective) Abundance Mentality (no comparison) Grand Children

Level 5 LEVEL 5 EXECUTIVE Builds enduring greatness through a paradoxical combination of personal humility plus professional will Level 4 EFFECTIVE LEADER Catalyzes commitment to and vigorous pursuit of a clear and compelling vision;stimulates the group to high performance standards Level 3 COMPETENT MANAGER Organizes people and resources towards effective and efficient pursuit of predetermined objectives Level 2 CONTRIBUTING TEAM MEMBER Contributes to the achievement of group objectives;works effectively with others in a group setting HIGHLY CAPABLE INDIVIDUAL Makes productive contributions through talent,knowledge,skills and good work habits Level 1

23 The Principle-Centered “Sweet Spot” of organizations
The “Sweet Spot” Passionate Focus & Execution Why/Who MISSION (Purpose, Vision, Values) How/When LINE OF SIGHT STRATEGY (Accountability) What

24 Thank You

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