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1 Reflections on How to Improve Students’ Learning at KFUPM Dr. Hocine Bahlouli Physics Department.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Reflections on How to Improve Students’ Learning at KFUPM Dr. Hocine Bahlouli Physics Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Reflections on How to Improve Students’ Learning at KFUPM Dr. Hocine Bahlouli Physics Department

2 2 Topics of Discussion Academic Factors Affecting Students’ Learning Non-Academic Factors Affecting Students’ Learning

3 3 Academic Factors Affecting Students’ Learning Prep-Year Program Curriculum Faculty Office Hours

4 4 Prep-Year Program Not only does the prep-year program introduce the students to basic mathematics and prepare them for the language of instruction, it is also an entrance gate to the university life. The role of our faculty in smoothing out the transfer of our students from prep-year to freshman level is very important. Through both English and Math programs, our students should improve their communication and interaction with others, and master the basic mathematical techniques, respectively BACK

5 5 Curriculum Historical developments in the subject matter will create more enthusiasm towards the learning process of the students. Practical examples, physical interpretations and visualization of the concepts will improve students’ learning. Continuously review and assess our programs Encourage students to use computers and have access to the Internet at the prep-year level BACK

6 6 Faculty Help students improve their critical thinking. Have a welcoming and friendly attitude towards students, especially during office hours. Interaction between faculty and students is very important for the development of students’ skills. Therefore, our faculty should do their best to sharpen the study habits of the students and enhance their motivation Develop a dialog kind of attitude with the students Cont……

7 7 Faculty Give students an opportunity to express themselves Reduce the psychological barrier between faculty and students Caring is sharing. Faculty should share the concerns of students and invite them to discuss matters that improve their attitude towards learning during office hours Faculty should cooperate with the recently established Counseling and Advising Academic Center ( CAAC ) in providing the necessary counseling and guidance to weak students BACK

8 8 Office Hours A friendly and welcoming attitude of the faculty will encourage the students to use office hours Since our advising and counseling takes places during office hours, faculty should encourage our students to make use of office hours Identify and properly deal with strengths and weaknesses of each student Promote confidence of the students while providing guidance in solving their problems Enhance the motivation of the student

9 9 Non-Academic Factors Affecting Students’ Learning  Counseling and Advising Counseling and Advising  Campus Environment Campus Environment  Social Aspects Social Aspects  Rewards Rewards  Discipline Discipline

10 10 Counseling and Advising It is of fundamental importance to assist our students in their first year (and also at later stages) with counseling and guidance. The objective is to prepare prep-year students for university life and provide academic guidance to strengthen their personal skills. Help students acquire the correct study habits very early in their university life. Since our advising and counseling takes places during office hours, faculty should encourage our students to make use of office hours BACK

11 11 Campus Environment Our students should be taught at the prep-year how to adjust to a university environment, how to organize their time, how to conduct self-study program, importance of punctuality in their classes etc. The housing department in coordination with the office of Registrar should group students selectively in their dormitories so that they can benefit from each other BACK

12 12 Social Aspects Faculty should promote collective learning from peer interaction Advisors should keep critical eyes on their students and report any anomaly in their academic record to the CAAC for further investigation BACK

13 13 Rewards The university should reward those students who are performing extremely well in their studies. Students’ compensation should not be uniform; it should be linked with their GPA. Similarly faculty should reward students for their critical thinking and class participations A rewarding environment is very essential for promoting motivation and self desire for better achievements BACK

14 14 Discipline “Before time is not the time and after time is never the time.” Our entire faculty should enforce this concept of training and punctuality and urge the students to abide by it Prep-year students should be given general lectures on time management so that they can learn how they can best utilize their free time Use of library and Internet facilities should be increased to promote self study

15 15 Thank you

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