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1 Introduction to Computer Graphics – CGS-1586C Spring Quarter 2011 Instructor: Amanda Dickinson Tues/Thurs from 6:00PM to 7:50 PM.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Introduction to Computer Graphics – CGS-1586C Spring Quarter 2011 Instructor: Amanda Dickinson Tues/Thurs from 6:00PM to 7:50 PM."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Introduction to Computer Graphics – CGS-1586C Spring Quarter 2011 Instructor: Amanda Dickinson Tues/Thurs from 6:00PM to 7:50 PM

2 2 Overview for Today  Retouch and Paint Tools  Custom Brushes  Filters  Class Practice  Project 4  Homework

3 3 Retouching and Paint tools  Spot Healing Brush Tool Primarily used to quickly remove blemishes, imperfections or other unwanted elements from an image. To use it, paint over an imperfection you’d like to get rid of using a suitable brush (brushes can be selected and modified in the options bar). The Spot Healing Brush Tool will automatically try to repair the imperfection by sampling the surrounding area.

4 4 Retouching and Paint tools Careful! Although the Spot Healing brush can be a great tool for quick fixes, it’s not always guaranteed to work if the area surrounding the imperfection is busy. Generally speaking, the surrounding area should be an approximate match in color & texture to what you want to take place of the unwanted element in your image.

5 5 Retouching and Paint tools  Healing Brush Tool Performs a similar function to the spot healing brush tool mentioned above. Instead of automatically trying to determine the lighting, shading, and texture from the surrounding area, the healing brush tool lets you manually select a source, and then paint over an imperfection. To select a source, hold alt/option and click the desired part of the image. Then paint over the area you wish to replace. As with the Spot Healing Brush Tool, settings such as brush size can be controlled in the options bar.

6 6 Retouching and Paint tools

7 7  Patch Tool An entire area can be repaired with pixels from another area. Just like the healing brush tool, the patch tool will try to correct lighting, shading, and texture. To use the patch tool, first draw a selection with any of the selection tools (or the patch tool, which will function as a lasso tool). Then, using the patch tool, drag that selection over the destination you want to use to repair that area.

8 8 Retouching and Paint tools

9 9  Red-Eye Tool This tool will remove the famous red- eye from your photos. Simply click the tool then click in the red eyes. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Adjust the settings in the options bar to get best results.

10 10 Retouching and Paint tools  Clone Stamp Tool This tool allows you to paint with a sample of the image. Select the tool, then select a source by holding down alt/option and clicking on your image. Now paint away. Keep in mind that you are not healing/repairing an image when you use the Clone Stamp Tool. Therefore, lighting and shading will not be maintained when you paint over an area. What you see is literally what you get when you paint from a given source, making it very useful in certain situations. The pattern stamp tool lets you paint a pattern from presets or custom patterns or part of an image.

11 11 Retouching and Paint tools

12 12 Retouching and Paint tools  Blur and Sharpen Tools Manipulate edges by making them softer or harder. They do exactly what you would expect them to do; blur and sharpen. Both tools have similar attributes such as Strength (increase or decrease the strength of the tool, or how much it will blur) and the brush, all of which can be adjusted in the Options Bar for each tool. To use the blur or sharpen tool, simply set up the brush to your specification, hold down the mouse button, and hover over the areas you’d like to alter in your image. The smudge tool lets you smudge your image around like it’s wet paint. I use this sometimes for smoothing my shading.

13 13 Retouching and Paint tools After using blur/sharpen tools Before using blur/sharpen tools

14 14 Retouching and Paint tools  Dodge and Burn Tools Used to lighten or darken areas of the image, the Dodge tool and the Burn tool are based on a traditional photographer’s technique for regulating exposure on specific areas of a print. Photographers hold back light to lighten an area on the print (dodging) or increase the exposure to darken areas on a print (burning). The more you paint over an area with the Dodge or Burn tool, the lighter or darker it becomes. The sponge tool lets you add or remove saturation in your image to make the colors more or less intense. Remember to check the Options toolbar to use this tool efficiently.

15 15 Retouching and Paint tools  Dodge and Burn Tools Using the Dodge/Burn tool, choose a brush tip and set brush options in the options bar. In the options bar, select one of the following from the Range menu: Midtones  Changes the middle range of grays Shadows  Changes the dark areas Highlights  Changes the light areas Specify the exposure for the Dodge tool or the Burn tool. Click the airbrush button to use the brush as an airbrush. Alternatively, select the Airbrush option in the Brush panel. Select the Protect Tones option to minimize clipping in the shadows and highlights. This option also tries to keep colors from shifting hue. Drag over the part of the image you want to lighten or darken.

16 16 Retouching and Paint tools BeforeAfter

17 17 Retouching and Paint tools  Brush Tool In order to use the brush tool to its full extent, it’s important to understand what exactly a brush is in Adobe Photoshop. A brush uses brush presets that are predefined (or user defined). A brush preset is any brush tip with defined characteristics (such as size and shape). Think of brushes in Photoshop as a large collection of different paintbrushes, each with a different shaped tip. Imagine when you press the tip of one of these paintbrushes against a canvas, the shape of the tip is imprinted immediately. Note: You can also make custom brushes or import/export them.

18 18 Retouching and Paint tools  Brush Tool Brushes in Photoshop have plenty of other characteristics which make them entirely unlike a real world paint brush. By manipulating these attributes, we can create entirely new brushes that act in unique ways. You could create a brush that changes in shape and size as you are painting, a brush that scatters itself in random directions, and even a brush that becomes more and less transparent while creating strokes. Photoshop has a variety of brush presets to use from. You can modify these or create your own.

19 19 Retouching and Paint tools  To open the brush palette, go to Window > Brushes. A.Brush Settings – Various settings for the selected brush tip. B. Brush Stroke Preview – A preview of the current brush stroke will look when used. C. Selected Brush Tip – The currently selected brush tip. D. Brush Tip Shapes – A list of all brush tip shapes available. E. Brush Options – Options for modifying the currently selected brush tip. Changes will not be permanent unless a new brush preset is saved.

20 20 Retouching and Paint tools  From the Brush Tip Shape settings, a user can select a brush tip shape from a list of available shapes (predefined or user defined).  By clicking any of the various brush settings on the left, a panel of options will be displayed that can adjusted to your own preference.  Brush Tip Shape -you affect the size of the brush.  Shape Dynamics By changing shape dynamics, you’re adjusting how a brush mark changes during a stroke.  Scattering will affect placement and number of brush marks.

21 21 Retouching and Paint tools  To use a drawing tablet properly, you must first setup the brush pen pressure.  Go to Window>Brushes to open up the Brushes Panel and click on Shape Dynamics.  You will then have to change the Control under Size Jitter to Pen Pressure

22 22 Retouching and Paint tools  If you now try to draw using any of the brushes you will notice that the line gets thicker the harder you press the pen against the tablet.

23 23 Retouching and Paint tools  Eraser Tool Like many other tools in Photoshop, the Eraser Tool uses brushes which effect the size, shape, and hardness of the tool. Essentially, the eraser tool is controlled in the exact same way as the brush tool, only it erases rather than paints. Watch Out! If you’re erasing directly on the “Background” layer, you’ll leave the currently selected background color wherever you erase.  Always be sure to set your background color before erasing from the Background layer.

24 24 Retouching and Paint tools  Paint Bucket Tool The Paint Bucket Tool is used for filling areas with solid colors. It can be used to fill selections with a selected foreground color, or fill areas that are similar in color to the part of an image that is clicked. To use the paint bucket tool, select a foreground color you’d like to paint with, and click anywhere in the active image area you’d like to fill.

25 25 Retouching and Paint tools

26 26 Retouching and Paint tools  Gradient Tool The Gradient Tool is very similar to the paint bucket tool, in that it fills entire areas or selections with colors. However, rather than filling an area with a solid color, the Gradient Tool creates a series of colors than blend into one another. When the gradient tool is selected, a preset gradient can be selected from the gradient picker in the options bar. A gradient can then be created in the active image area by clicking and holding the mouse button, and dragging in the direction you’d like the gradient to go. Release where you’d like the gradient to stop.

27 27 Retouching and Paint tools

28 28 Retouching and Paint tools  There are 5 different gradient styles which can be selected to create different effects.  You can set them from the Options Bar.

29 29 Custom Brushes  Ever see those cool images that look like this?  The artist used custom Photoshop Brushes to make this.  I’m going to tell you how to find them, install them, and use them.

30 30 Custom Brushes  First, you need to find a few websites that have free Photoshop brushes. Some sites are: es es And more sites, just google them.

31 31 Custom Brushes  There are many types of custom brushes from grunge effects to moon and planet stencils.  Once you found a free brush you like, download it to your computer.  They will be downloaded as.abr files.

32 32 Custom Brushes  All custom brushes need to be put in a specific place in your Photoshop folder.  Go find Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop (version)\Presets\Brushes  Place your.abr brush file into this folder. (rename them if you need to remember what they do)  Now open Photoshop.  Open the brush pallete, click the little arrow on the top right, look through the presets to find your new brushes to play with!

33 33 Custom Brushes I have a lot of custom brushes at home. :D

34 34 Filters  Filters are used to change the appearance of an image, layer or selection in Photoshop.  They can be helpful, but they should be only used to supplement your overall image, not dominate it. You can find them in the Filter drop down menu.  Photoshop’s Filter Gallery is basically a one-stop place for working with filters in your documents.  In the Filter Gallery, you can browse through many different types of filters, apply them individually to your image, or even stack them on top of one another like you would with layers.  You can get to the Filter Gallery by going to Filter > Filter Gallery.

35 35 Filters A. Filter Preview B. Filter List (Note: You can show or hide this list by clicking the arrow icon to the top right of it) C. Currently Selected Filter D. Filter Options E. Effect Layers F. New / Delete Effect Layer

36 36 Filters  The Filter Effect Layers work just like ordinary filters in Photoshop, and can be dragged and dropped on top of one another for desired results.  Applying a filter from the gallery is very easy to do.  Simply Click on a filter, adjust it’s options to your liking, and click OK to apply.  To stack multiple filters on top of one another, just hit the New Effect Layer (‘F’ in diagram above), and select another filter.  You can expand filter types by clicking the folders in the filter list.

37 37 Filters

38 38 Filters  Not all filters in Photoshop are available through the Filter Gallery.  Many of them must be accessed directly through the Filter Menu, and have unique interfaces and options of their own.  I won’t go over all of them so it’s up to you to explore on your own.  The Blur Filters can be found at Filter > Blur.

39 39 Filters  Noise Filters (Filter > Noise) Noise Filters are great for adding, or reducing noise and grain in photographs. You may find filters such as the Reduce Noise Filter extremely useful if you work with old, damaged, or dusty photographs that need repair work done to them. The Add Noise Filter can also come in handy, and has some creative applications of its own.

40 40 Filters  Sharpen Filters (Filter > Sharpen)  The Sharpen Filters are also great for correcting imperfections in photographs, as well as putting emphasis on important elements in a design.  When working with blurred images, a sharpen filter can be used to clarify and better define edges by increasing contrast between pixels.

41 41 Class Practice  Open up the truck.jpg from the Week 8 class folder.  Save this file as lastname_firstname_clone.psd  We are going to use the clone tool to make a mini- car.

42 42 Class Practice  We will be using the advanced options to clone the mini-truck.  Go to Window > Clone Source to open the advanced cloning options palette  Select the Clone Tool  Set the brush at around 50px and set the Hardness to 0%.  Now to select the cloning source Alt-Click somewhere on your image, a good point is just at the top left of the truck.

43 43 Class Practice

44 44 Class Practice

45 45 Class Practice  When you have selected your clone source, create a new layer above the "Truck" layer and name it "Mini truck."  Go to the Clone Source window and mark the Show Overlay checkbox. This way you’ll have a transparent copy of your clone source.  Try moving your brush here and there to see how it works.  Now in the Clone source window, change these values W: 30% and H: 30%, this way you’ll be resizing your clone source to 30% of the original size.  Next, place the clone transparent overlay on a proper place and start painting until you duplicate the entire truck.  Remember, you’ll be painting on the "Mini truck" layer.

46 46 Class Practice  Now very carefully, using the Eraser Tool, delete all the dirt areas cloned around the "Mini Truck".

47 47 Class Practice  Now using the Burn tool, burn some areas of the "Mini truck" layer to create some shading.  Use Shadows, exposure 25%

48 48 Class Practice

49 49 Class Practice

50 50 Class Practice  Open up the healing.jpg  Save file as lastname_firstname_heal.psd We’re going to brighten up the image and fix up some blemishes.

51 51 Class Practice  Duplicate the original layer for backup.  Fix the levels/curves and do some color corrections with adjustment masks. The picture looks brighter now, doesn’t it?

52 52 Class Practice  Use the Healing Brush and the Clone Stamp to remove fine lines and blemishes.  You can apply them directly to the duplicated layer on a new layer (with the Sample option in the Control Bar to “Current & Below” or “Sample all layers”).  Clean up eyebrows.  In the example, only the left eyebrow was manipulated to match the right one. Remember to pay attention to detail!

53 53 Class Practice  Create a new layer from the menu Layer > New > Layer.  The New Layer dialog box will come up. Name the layer, “Dodge & Burn”.  For mode, select Soft Light. Check ‘Fill with Soft-Light-neutral color (50% gray).  This will create a new layer filled with gray. No change will appear because of the blend mode.  We’ll make changes on this layer and not destruct the original image.  On this layer, use the Dodge Tool to lighten beneath and around the eyes.  Use the Burn tool to darken her lashes, brows and eye liner as you see fit.

54 54 Class Practice  There are several methods to whiten eyes and teeth.  For this photo, create a new layer. Select the brush tool and an appropriate sized brush with a hardness of zero.  Using a white foreground, paint over the white parts of the eyes and teeth.  Change the blend mode of the layer and reduce opacity to make look more natural. (The example uses a Color Blend Mode and opacity of 75%) Ta-da!

55 55 Class Practice  Save both PSD files into your class folder before you leave.  If we have time, practice more with these tools to get a better feel for them.

56 56 Project 4 – Movie Poster  Due May 31 st at the beginning of class.  You must save all your files as Lastname_Firstname_Project4.  You must put the Photoshop file, the JPG file, and a Word file of works cited  The Photoshop file must be 300 DPI and 9 Inches by 13 Inches Portrait  The title of the movie is “Revenge of the Giant Ants”  The movie title must be included in the poster.  Poster content must be related to the movie title.

57 57 Homework  Explore Photoshop/Illustrator at your leisure. The internet has some decent tutorials on interesting things.  Project 4 due May 31 st. The PSD File The JPG File The Word File

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