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Habit 7 Sharpen the Saw.

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Presentation on theme: "Habit 7 Sharpen the Saw."— Presentation transcript:

1 Habit 7 Sharpen the Saw

2 Sharpen the Saw! Habit 7 is all about keeping your personal self sharp so that you can better deal with life. It means constantly renewing the 4 key dimensions of life: Body Brain Heart Soul

3 President John F. Kennedy said:
“The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.” What does this mean?

4 It’s “ME” Time!

5 Sharpen the Saw = RENEWAL

6 Especially now, make time for yourself!

7 Look Familiar?!

8 How Do You Unwind and Recharge?

9 Why is it important to renew?

10 It’s all about balance. Let’s Sharpen the Saw!
How would you like to renew your soul?

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