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What to expect in Grammar/Writing 2 By AJ Brown (Rev by Kit)

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Presentation on theme: "What to expect in Grammar/Writing 2 By AJ Brown (Rev by Kit)"— Presentation transcript:

1 What to expect in Grammar/Writing 2 By AJ Brown (Rev by Kit)

2 Do you realize that GW2 is really 2 classes? Level 2 Writing class Paragraph writing (for process and compare/contrast writing) Essay writing (focus on compare/contrast writing; intro and concl. paragraphs) Sentence control (few or no Frags/ROs/CSs) Writing skills (prewriting techniques, outlining, peer & self editing) Sentence variety (simple, compound, complex sentences; passive and active voice sentences) Spelling (few or no errors) Level 2 Grammar class Review (Level 1 grammar) Verbs (present perfect tense; modals; imperatives; real conditionals) Passive Voice Infinitive/gerund use Nouns (count/noncount; plurals; articles & quantifiers) Comparatives & Superlatives (Adjectives and adverbs) Sentence control (few or no errors) Capitalization & punctuation control

3 In Grammar/Writing 2, you will… read all or most of 2 textbooks (1 about writing and the other about grammar), do A LOT of homework, correct some homework together in class (other HW will be turned in for points), do work in class (individual, partner, and group), learn & practice writing techniques (prewriting, outlining, peer & self editing), write paragraphs and an essay, and each one will be written two (2) or more times, take quizzes almost every day, and take 5 big tests (2 writing and 3 grammar). Wow! That is a lot of work!

4 What to expect each day… When you first arrive to class, don’t forget to put your HW in the HW folder. (I only accept HW at the start of class. Do not work on HW during class because I will not accept it). We usually start with a quiz at 9:05 am. We will do one or two activities before the break (Sometimes you will learn a new skill, sometimes we will correct homework together, and other times you will practice old skills). We will take a break after about an hour (at 10:00 or 10:15). After break, we’ll do one or two more activities (sometimes you’ll learn a new skill, sometimes you’ll write something, and other times you can start HW in class). That night’s HW will always be written on the board. Class is finished at 11:20.

5 How to Succeed in GW2 It is easy to be overwhelmed by all of the skills you must control before you can go to level 3, but if you follow this advice, you can do it! #1– Go to every single class. Because GW2 class is so long (2.5 hours), each one will have a lot of information. If you miss one class, it’s really like missing two classes! #2 – Arrive on time to class. Almost all of the quizzes are at the start of class, so arriving late to class not only hurts your attendance status, but it also hurts your quiz average. If you arrive on time, you don’t get hurt!

6 How to Succeed in GW2 #3– Ask questions & be sure you understand. We will correct a lot of HW in class, and that is the best time to learn from your mistakes. When you learn why you make a mistake, you can stop making it, and your writing will improve! #4 – Get extra help if you need it. Use the teacher’s office hours, or use a tutor in the Learning Center. Ask friends or family who are in higher levels. Remember, it is YOUR job to ask for help, so don’t be shy!

7 How to Succeed in GW2 #5– Write each paragraph or essay two times or more. Good quality writing almost always requires more than one draft (version), so when your teacher gives back your first draft, see what you can improve, and then write it again! This is called revision, and you must do it in your own writing before you go to the next level. #6 – Form study groups with classmates. It is almost always easier to learn with other people, so make a study group and meet after class each day to do HW.

8 How to Succeed in GW2 #7– Do and redo all homework whenever possible. Not many teachers allow this, but if you are willing to do extra work to improve your English, then I am also willing to help you with it! This is an excellent way to sharpen your grammar skills, so take advantage of it! #8 – Don’t miss test days. Remember, you must have a test average of 70% or higher to be able to pass up to level 3. A score of 0 from a missed test makes it almost impossible for a student to pass the level, so don’t miss a test day!

9 with hard work, good organization, and lots of practice, you can succeed in Grammar/Writing 2. Don’t forget… Good luck!

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