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Soldiers On Point for the Nation…On Point for the Environment Army Overhauls Cleanup Program Management Russ Marshall April 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Soldiers On Point for the Nation…On Point for the Environment Army Overhauls Cleanup Program Management Russ Marshall April 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Soldiers On Point for the Nation…On Point for the Environment Army Overhauls Cleanup Program Management Russ Marshall April 2004

2 Soldiers On Point for the Nation…On Point for the Environment April 2004Army Overhauls Cleanup Program Management2 Army Environmental Cleanup Strategy Provides roadmap to guide the Army in attaining its environmental vision –“The Army will be a national leader in cleaning up contaminated land to protect human health and the environment as an integral part of its mission” Identifies unified cleanup program objectives to ensure consistency and accountability Establishes program areas, drivers and mission statements for each program area Uses ISO 14001EMS framework

3 Soldiers On Point for the Nation…On Point for the Environment April 2004Army Overhauls Cleanup Program Management3 Cleanup Program Areas Active (Enduring) Installation Restoration Excess Installations Restoration BRAC Cleanup Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) Compliance-Related Cleanup Special Installations Cleanup Remediation Overseas Military Munitions Response Program (MMRP)

4 Soldiers On Point for the Nation…On Point for the Environment April 2004Army Overhauls Cleanup Program Management4 Defense Environmental Restoration Program (DERP) Compliance-Related Cleanup Army Environmental Cleanup Program Formerly Used Defense Sites Remediation Overseas Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) BRAC ’88 BRAC ’91 BRAC ’93 BRAC ’95 Future BRAC Active Installations Excess Installations Special Installations Military Munitions Response Program (MMRP)

5 Soldiers On Point for the Nation…On Point for the Environment April 2004Army Overhauls Cleanup Program Management5 CLEANUP PROGRAMS Active ER,A (Enduring) Active ER,A (Excess) MMRP AEC BRAC Cleanup (BCA $$) Active-Excess (OMA $$) MMRP (BCA & ER,A $$) BRACO FUDS MMRP Defense/State MOA USACE Compliance-Related Cleanup Overseas Remediation Special Installations IMA Compliance-Related Cleanup Guard Installations ER,A MMRP NGB Cleanup Principals (Program Managers)

6 Soldiers On Point for the Nation…On Point for the Environment Management Review Strategy (SECARMY) Strategic Plan (ACSIM) Reporting Program Management (Designated Agency) Management Action Plan (Installation) Who/What/Where/ When/Why Why & What What & When Who & Where How & When Frequency of Update Enduring POM Cycle POM Cycle or More Frequently Annually Cleanup Program Model

7 Soldiers On Point for the Nation…On Point for the Environment April 2004Army Overhauls Cleanup Program Management7 Continual Improvement Environmental Strategy Environmental Strategy Planning Implementation and Operation Implementation and Operation Checking and Corrective Action Checking and Corrective Action Management Review Management Review Environmental Management System ISO 14001 Framework

8 Soldiers On Point for the Nation…On Point for the Environment April 2004Army Overhauls Cleanup Program Management8 Cleanup Strategy Management

9 Soldiers On Point for the Nation…On Point for the Environment April 2004Army Overhauls Cleanup Program Management9 Expected Outcome Enduring Army Environmental Cleanup Strategy Programmatic Cleanup Strategic Plan on POM cycle – ACSIM Annual PMP – Principals (Program Managers) MAP (equivalent) – Garrison/Property Management Controls and Semi-Annual Review Mechanisms

10 Soldiers On Point for the Nation…On Point for the Environment April 2004Army Overhauls Cleanup Program Management10 Impact on Installations Promote and support stakeholder involvement More stringent controls on site-level data Permanent archive of cleanup information

11 Soldiers On Point for the Nation…On Point for the Environment April 2004Army Overhauls Cleanup Program Management11 Army Expectations from Installations Single Installation Action Plan for the entire cleanup program at an installation –Regardless of fund source Streamlined project execution

12 Soldiers On Point for the Nation…On Point for the Environment April 2004Army Overhauls Cleanup Program Management12 Impact on Industry More use of performance-based contracting –Fixed price (statement of objectives) –Fixed price (with incentives) –Fixed price (with insurance) More stringent controls on site level data

13 Soldiers On Point for the Nation…On Point for the Environment April 2004Army Overhauls Cleanup Program Management13 Army Expectations from Industry Auditable and defensible cost estimates following investigation or design work Streamlined project execution and contract administration

14 Soldiers On Point for the Nation…On Point for the Environment April 2004Army Overhauls Cleanup Program Management14 Results of Management Reviews Three traditional cleanup program areas making progress –Army met 2002 RIP/RC goal The four new program areas need more rigor and accountability –Site level data & cost estimates Program managers understand they are accountable for progress

15 Soldiers On Point for the Nation…On Point for the Environment April 2004Army Overhauls Cleanup Program Management15 What’s Next? “Plan-Do-Check-Act” allows easier adaptation to changing or emerging requirements MMRP is evolving –Inventory is complete –Military Munitions Response Site Prioritization Protocol being established with public input

16 Soldiers On Point for the Nation…On Point for the Environment April 2004Army Overhauls Cleanup Program Management16 Summary Army Environmental Cleanup Strategy is designed to provide more consistency and accountability in all cleanup program areas Management reviews conducted in the framework of an EMS are a major factor in responding to emerging requirements and achieving cleanup results

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