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Bart Bretherton, RG Region 2 Hazmat Coordinator Lessons Learned from Unanticipated Cleanup on a Preservation Project (a tale of whoa)

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Presentation on theme: "Bart Bretherton, RG Region 2 Hazmat Coordinator Lessons Learned from Unanticipated Cleanup on a Preservation Project (a tale of whoa)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bart Bretherton, RG Region 2 Hazmat Coordinator Lessons Learned from Unanticipated Cleanup on a Preservation Project (a tale of whoa)

2 Defining Factors During Project Development January 2004  Project starts  Scoped as Pavement Pres job  No hazmat anticipated  Expected completion- one const. season Midpoint in project development Project expands with addition of SWIP Funds Dec 2005 Hazmat Phase 1 requested by R/ W and Project Leader May 2006 Project let R/W develops area of take

3 Consequences of Unanticipated Hazmat to Project Construction Project completion time severely impacted  Almost doubled! Significant increase in volume of materials to be managed and disposed  50 tons estimated; 967 tons actually removed  Saturated soil increased actual tonnage and management issues  Additional subcontractors necessary  Licensed tank removal contractors and continual hazmat supervision Unanticipated hazmat issues were 40-50% of total cost overrun  $600K over engineer’s estimate

4 Lesson Learned: Involve Hazmat in Early Scoping and Part 3 Dev Issue: Part 3 did not recognize and/or include possible hazmat sites.  Easily retrievable public documents were not reviewed.  Notable site characteristics were not evaluated for impact to the project. Resolution: Essential to include the Region Hazmat Coordinator in review and preparation of Part 3.

5 Lesson Learned: Beware of Project Scope Creep Issue: Addition of SWIP funds in the middle of the project development seriously impacted the Part 3 hazmat evaluation.  Required property acquisition and trenching.  Should have triggered a full Phase 1 earlier.

6 Issue: Late hazmat evaluation prevented needed Phase 2 work.  Phase 2 would have greatly increased ability to evaluate the financial impacts and constructability of the project.  Phase 2 would have produced more accurate info than RP supplied site information.  A lack of characterization resulted in incomplete 00290 special provisions. Resolutions:  The 2005 implementation of PD-02 helps to limit scope creep.  Hazmat review should continue through entire development process up to PS&E.  Don’t just “check the box” as completed – read the report! Lesson Learned: Beware of Project Scope Creep cont.

7 Lesson Learned: Obtain Cost Sharing Agreements with Property Owners ASAP Issue: Too many property owners and multiple agencies involved.  No time to negotiate agreements and assign liability or;  Litigate responsibility. Resolutions:  Leave sufficient time to interact and negotiate with property owners.  Develop well-defined cost recovery process.

8 Lesson Learned: It’s Not Over Until It’s Built Issue: Contractor did not have sufficient special provisions. Resolution: Make sure to have all special provisions for increased project flexibility.

9 In Closing: There are some things that are fun to dig up. (Petroleum contaminated soil is not one of them!)

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