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BY MIA 2012-2013. Morning Work Unpack backpack Sharpen pencils Write assignments DL DG Read or take AR quizzes What to remember when you go home Pack.

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Presentation on theme: "BY MIA 2012-2013. Morning Work Unpack backpack Sharpen pencils Write assignments DL DG Read or take AR quizzes What to remember when you go home Pack."— Presentation transcript:

1 BY MIA 2012-2013

2 Morning Work Unpack backpack Sharpen pencils Write assignments DL DG Read or take AR quizzes What to remember when you go home Pack backpack Remember books Do homework(spelling, reading, and math)

3 MY CLASS There are only 18 kids in our class. This picture is a picture of everyone in my class including me. I am the one in the pink shirt and a red hat. My class is the best! MEET OUR CLASS Click to view the class video.

4 AT WORK Our class has done many things that were fun but one was really fun for me and it was dissecting flowers. We tried finding all the parts in the flower. We are also making worm Farms. We made a diary as if we were the worms. Dissecting worms and flowers was really fun

5 CELEBRATING INTERNATIONAL DOT DAY! This picture is a dot picture to celebrate international dot day. In my picture I have a flower with a bee and a sun shining over it. My cloud was even made of dots that were erased to make it look like a cloud.

6 . I am on the level 5 team in gymnastics. Sticking with gymnastics has been hard because everyone except for two people have left. Those two people are now skipping a level and moving to level seven. I also have a passion for singing. I take singing lessons on Saturdays and Sundays. I technically have a love for music period. I play the piano which I also have a lesson for on Sunday. I used to play guitar but quit when I was really little. Music and gymnastics are for me.

7 MY SELF-PORTRAIT This is my self-portrait. I made it on the computer at the beginning of the year. This picture is a little bad in my opinion but drawing on the computer is hard. These self- portraits are something I look forward to at the beginning of the year even though mine is usually bad. I love doing my self-portrait.

8 MY FAVORITE BOOKS Piper Reed 1 Piper Reed 2 Piper Reed 4 Piper Reed 5 There are many more …

9 Our class has only had two field trips. One was to Bass Hall. Another was to Camp El Tesoro. When we were at Bass Hall we saw the ballet first part of the Nutcracker. I think the Nutcracker was a very good performance. When you see the next slide you’ll learn more about Camp El Tesoro.

10 My favorite part about Camp El Tesoro was shooting bow and arrows. I felt like I was good at the aim. As you can see I had a cast on back then so that was one of the only things I can do. I had a lot of fun at Camp El Tesoro. EL TESORO

11 This is Seuss Week and my biography picture.

12 I was a flamingo for Gump Day. The costume just made me itch at first but then I got the feel for it. GUMP DAY

13 In Charlottes Web I was Templeton. In the end I turned fat from the carnival. I also saved Charlottes’ babies. I would describe Templeton as a grumbly rat who is lazy. I had a blast playing this role. CHARLOTTE’S WEB

14 For field day I got a couple of ribbons and one metal that everyone got. In the long jump I am never excited because I always get so much sand in my shoes and those little prickly thing in my socks. I still have fun in the long jump though. You can even see the sand going into my shoes. There was also an obstacle course this year. It was hard remembering what they were telling you to do. We also had the relay race and it was fantastic. There is a picture of me in the right corner doing the relay. Field day was a blast.


16 MAKING SEED BOMBS FOR MOTHERS DAY We made seed bombs for mothers day and they were a little bit hard to make. They are made of seeds, clay, and soil. You throw them in an open area where they don’t mow. Making these seeds were really fun.

17 MOTHERS DAY CARDS For Mothers Day we made a four or more paragraph letter. This letter was really fun to make and my mom loved it. We made the letter with a ruff draft and a final copy. It was a blast.


19 THIS YEAR WAS BANANAS! Banana split party

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