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Rogers High School Outdoor Education Env. Science/PE

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1 Rogers High School Outdoor Education Env. Science/PE
Jeff Belk


3 CONCEPT Environment not that important in public schools.
If every school in Arkansas had this course, Arkansas would be a better place (on many levels). Students need outside activities to appreciate the environment and stay healthy. Not all students play sports. Students will be given knowledge and skills for a lifetime of enjoyment. Character Education not used in most courses. Students need the instruction in decision-making, problem solving, teamwork, and leadership.

4 What are the Results? Common–Core Scores are better or above the regular Ecology first semester test. Students are more eager to learn the science. No discipline problems. More effort in all classes. A different approach to class is necessary. Students problem-solve more.

5 Course Description ½ Ecology credit – ½ PE credit 2 hour – 1 semester
All physical education activities have ecology tied to them. Integration of subjects is crucial to tricking them into learning science. Class can be combined for two hours or held separate for one hour each. Water is the focus of the curriculum.

6 Ecology Curriculum 1st semester Ecology course
Common core semester test compared to regular Ecology Also: Stream Ecology Icthyology Entomology Minimal Impact Camping (Leave No Trace) Fish/Game Management Forest Management Water Quality/Watersheds Recycle/Reduce/Reuse Tree/Leaf ID Character Education

7 Physical Education Curriculum
Hunter’s Education - certification Boating Safety Education – certification Fitness Testing Archery Camping/Orienteering Fly Fishing and Fly Tying Canoe/Kayak/Paddling Sport Fishing Character Education First Aid

8 Ch. 5 Outdoors Videos Hiking/Caving - Devil’s Den Spring 2002
Fly Fishing – Beaver Dam/White River Spring 2003 Canoeing – Elk River Spring 2004

9 Field Trips Fly Fishing on the Beaver Tailwaters includes cleanup, cooking, ecosystem exploration, and water quality monitoring

10 Field Trips Canoe/Smallmouth Fishing on the Elk River - includes river cleanup and water quality monitoring

11 Field Trips Hiking/Spelunking at Devil’s Den - includes 3 mile hike through several ecosystems and cave ecosystem, trail and cave cleanup, water quality monitoring

12 Field Trips, Focus, and Activities May Vary

13 Recycling Program Outdoor Education is responsible for the development and collection. Collection is a part of curriculum and happens during class time. Student-led and student-governed. Work in teams. Potential for earnings. Expansion of collection

14 RHS Outdoor Education Water Quality
Our water quality is performed through grants from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC). Students are volunteers for the AGFC Stream Team. We have adopted four streams in four different watersheds. Students work in teams.

15 Watershed Project Watershed Greenway Development
Our data and efforts will assist in partnership with several stakeholders. Blossom Way Creek, located on our campus, is the upper arm of the Osage. Osage drains to Illinois River. Overall Goal: Better city planning for the environment RHS Goal: Perform our duties as well as spread participation throughout district.

16 Illinois River Watershed
Northwest AR

17 Watershed Project Description
Since we do work in many watersheds, we decided to focus our project on our most troubled watershed, the Illinois River Watershed. This watershed receives wastewater discharge from most of the metropolitan communities in NW AR, and is the source of concern and conflict because of sediment and phosphorus loading to Oklahoma. The stream at our school, Blossom Way Creek, is an arm of Osage Creek which then flows into the Illinois. We are working with several area agencies in forming a proactive greenway development for the city.

18 Testing Chemical – nutrients, sediment, oxygen, toxics
Physical – riparian zones, bank stabilization, biodiversity Geomorphology (Fluvial) Hydrological Student testing and automated test site for storm events.

19 Wetland Preserve Blossom Way Creek at RHS has received a $900,000 grant for a Wetlands Preserve Plan to preserve upper watershed quality. This preserve will be a joint venture between stakeholders for four years and then turned over to RHS for outdoor curriculum.

20 Outdoor Club Environmental/Recreational/Volunteer Group
Weekend Expeditions After-school Clinics Community Service Projects Adventure Races Fishing Tournaments

21 Soon: Mountain Biking Team Ultimate Frisbee League
Low Ropes Initiatives Fly Fishing Tournaments and Contests Frisbee Golf Course Outdoor Center Inter-School Competitions

22 FUNDING All funds come directly from student dues.
We depend heavily on equipment and financial donations. Small grants have been received and future grants are being pursued.

23 Future Funding Arkansas Wildlife Federation
Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Other small agencies or organizations National Organizations (TU, Wilderness Education Association, etc) Wal-Mart Tyson Local Outdoor Stores Grants/More Grants (They can’t say no)

24 Future Goals Spread Outdoor Education around the state in all schools grades 6-12. Expand recycling program. Begin nationwide trainings.

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