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SB 5296 passed in 2013 authorizing new tools: Defined Brownfields Changed Remedial Action Grant (RAG) program; made Integrated Planning Grant (IPG)

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3 SB 5296 passed in 2013 authorizing new tools: Defined Brownfields Changed Remedial Action Grant (RAG) program; made Integrated Planning Grant (IPG) program permanent Created Redevelopment Opportunity Zones (ROZ) Brownfield Renewal Authority Brownfield Redevelopment Trust Fund Account Model Remedies

4 “Brownfield property" means previously developed and currently abandoned or underutilized real property and adjacent surface waters and sediment where environmental, economic, or community reuse objectives are hindered by the release or threatened release of hazardous substances that Ecology has determined requires remedial action under this chapter or that the US EPA has determined requires remedial action under the federal cleanup law.

5 Abandoned lumber mills Gas stations and bulk-fuel facilities Transportation facilities Landfills Port facilities Light industrial Former Dry Cleaner site

6 Impact human health and environment Reduce surrounding property values Contribute to blight Reduce employment opportunities Reduce tax revenue Contribute to neighborhood crime Increase sprawl

7 Turn distressed property into community asset. Efficient use of existing utilities and infrastructure. Stimulate a community’s economy. Create habitat restoration or park. Restores property active use. Increases jobs and local tax base. Mitigate human health and safety concerns. Improves community image. Anchors further development Builds community through public participation.

8 Place Chart B here. 2


10 Every $1.00 spent in Washington State cleanup creates*:  $12 in local and state tax revenue  $14 in payroll value  $64 in business revenue *2008 numbers

11 Ecology Remedial Action Grants Commerce Revolving Loan Fund EPA Assessment Grants Cleanup Grants


13 RAG Oversight Grants Extended grant agreements added Independent Eligible cost limit increased to $600k Periodic reimbursements allowed Area-wide Groundwater Grants $500k for investigation Local government does not need to be a PLP Integrated Planning Grants No longer a pilot program $200k/$300k limit with no match requirement

14 Redevelopment planning Environmental site characterization Land use and regulatory analysis Economic and fiscal analysis Administrative costs

15 RCW 70.105D.140 – Development Criteria Cities, Counties, or Ports may designate a ROZ where: 50% of properties are Brownfields. Cleanup will be integrated & consistent with local comp plans. Incorporated within city boundaries or UGA. WHY? - Allows for prioritization of funding (RCW 70.105D.140)

16  Available to public and private land owners who have not caused or contributed to contamination  Up to $1,000,000  Eligible Costs  Cleanup  Public Participation  Environmental Insurance

17 Targeted Brownfields Assessment EPA provides Phase I and Phase II assessment work Area-Wide and Site Specific Assessment $200,000-$400,000 for hazardous or petroleum Inventory, characterize, assess, planning and community involvement Cleanup Grants $200,000 for hazardous or petroleum 20% match required

18 publications/publications/ 1409058.pdf

19 Tiffany Johnson, Brownfields Environmental Planner 360-407-7336 Alan Bogner, Brownfields Lead 360-407-7188

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