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C1 C2C3C4 C5 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555.

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Presentation on theme: "C1 C2C3C4 C5 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555."— Presentation transcript:



3 C1 C2C3C4 C5 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555

4 Question: Asistir con frecuencia a alguna parte. Check Your Answer Capitulo 1 for 1

5 Answer: ACUDIR Back to the Game Board Capitulo 1 for 1 Score Board

6 Question: Oficial general de la Armada. Check Your Answer Capitulo 1 for 2

7 Answer ALMIRANTE Back to the Game Board Capitulo 1 for 2 Score Board

8 Question: Tela con los colores distintivos de la patria. Check Your Answer Cap 1 for 3

9 Answer: LA BANDERA Back to the Game Board Cap 1 for 3 Score Board

10 Question: Encontrar algo que estaba escondido. Check Your Answer Cap 1 for 4

11 Answer: DESCUBRIMIENTO Back to the Game Board Capitulo 1 for 4 Score Board

12 Question: Torre alta en las costas con luz. Check Your Answer Capitulo 1 for 5

13 Answer: EL FARO Back to the Game Board Capitulo 1 for 5 Score Board

14 Question: Acto de ir ordenadamente en grupo de un lugar a otro. Check Your Answer Cap 2 for 1

15 Answer: PROCESION Back to the Game Board Cap 2 for 1 Score Board

16 Question: personas remotas en el pasado. Check Your Answer Cap 2 for 2

17 Answer: ANTEPASADOS Back to the Game Board Cap 2 for 2 Score Board

18 Question Grupo musical Check Your Answer Cap 2 for 3

19 Answer: EL CONJUNTO Back to the Game Board Cap 2 for 3 Score Board

20 Question: Hacer memoria de algo. Check Your Answer Cap 2 for 4

21 Answer: Conmemorar Back to the Game Board Cap 2 for 4 Score Board

22 Question: Hábito de hacer algo. Check Your Answer Cap 2 for 5

23 Answer: La costumbre. Back to the Game Board Cap 2 for 5 Score Board

24 Question: Sinónimo de eliminación. Check Your Answer Cap 3 for 1

25 Answer: Abolición Back to the Game Board Cap 3 for 1 Score Board

26 Question: poner cara a cara. Check Your Answer Cap 3 for 2

27 ENFRENTAR Answer: Back to the Game Board Cap 3 for 2 Score Board

28 Question: Trabaja sin sueldo y sin libertad. Check Your Answer Cap 3 for 3

29 Answer: esclavo Back to the Game Board Cap 3 for 3 Score Board

30 Question: Abusa de su poder o autoridad. Check Your Answer Cap 3 for 4

31 Answer: opresor Back to the Game Board Cap 3 for 4 Score Board

32 Question: Persona que propone algo. Check Your Answer Cap 3 for 5

33 Answer: proponente Back to the Game Board Cap 3 for 5 Score Board

34 Question: Algo que se celebra de manera ceremoniosa o impresionante. Check Your Answer Cap 4 for 1

35 Answer: solemne Back to the Game Board Cap 4 for 1 Score Board

36 Question: se consigue después de vencer. Check Your Answer Cap 4 for 2

37 Answer: La victoria Back to the Game Board Cap 4 for 2 Score Board

38 Question: Persona, partido a favor de la continuidad. Check Your Answer Cap 4 for 3

39 Answer: CONSERVADOR Back to the Game Board Cap 4 for 3 Score Board

40 Question: Forma o sistema de gobierno que tiene cada estado. Back to the Game Board Cap 4 for 4 Score Board

41 Answer: la constitución Check Your Answer Cap 4 for 4

42 Question: Doctrina favorable a la intervención del pueblo en el gobierno. Check Your Answer Cap 4 for 5

43 Answer:la democracia Back to the Game Board Cap 4 for 5 Score Board

44 Question Conjunto de ideas que caracterizan el pensamiento de una persona. Check Your Answer T 5 for 1

45 Answer: la ideología Back to the Game Board C 5 for 1 Score Board

46 Question: Escrito en el cual el autor desarrolla sus ídeas. Check Your Answer C 5 for 2

47 Answer: el ensayo Back to the Game Board C 5 for 2 Score Board

48 Question: Persona que tiene amor a su patria. Check Your Answer C 5 for 3

49 Answer: patriota Back to the Game Board C 5 for 3 Score Board

50 Question: Persona que gobierna un pueblo o una ciudad. Check Your Answer C 5 for 4

51 Answer: el alcalde Back to the Game Board C 5 for 4 Score Board

52 Question: Tener la facultad de mandar. Check Your Answer C 5 for 5

53 Answer: el poder Back to the Game Board C 5 for 5 Score Board

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