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1.  Green Remediation (EPA) “the practice of considering all environmental effects of remedy implementation and incorporating options to minimize the.

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2  Green Remediation (EPA) “the practice of considering all environmental effects of remedy implementation and incorporating options to minimize the environmental footprints of cleanup actions”.  Sustainable Remediation (SURF) “protects human health and the environment while maximizing the environmental, social, and economic benefits throughout the project life cycle.”  Green and Sustainable Remediation (ITRC) “the site-specific employment of products, processes, technologies, and procedures that mitigate contaminant risk to receptors while making decisions that are cognizant of balancing community goals, economic impacts, and net environmental effects.”  Common and aligned focus on efficiency and effectiveness 2


4 4 Concentration Time

5  Is: ◦ Holistic, Process Focused, Flexible & Scalable, Site Specific, Fit for Purpose, Performance Based  Is NOT: ◦ New, Technology, Excuse to do nothing (or less), Prescriptive  Benefits: ◦ Maximizes benefits & minimizes costs (environmental, social, economic)-while still protecting human health and the environment ◦ Supports stakeholder participation & acceptance ◦ Provides the best remediation 5

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8  SURF (2009) ◦ “White Paper” Remediation Journal 2009 ◦ “Guidance Documents” Remediation Journal 2011  Framework, Metrics, Footprint and LCA  ITRC (2011) ◦ GSR-1 Green and Sustainable Remediation: State of the Science and Practice ◦ GSR-2 Green and Sustainable Remediation: A Practical Framework  ASTM (2013) ◦ ASTM E2876-13 Standard Guide for Incorporating Sustainable Objectives Into Cleanup ◦ ASTM WK35161 - New Practice for Greener Site Assessment and Cleanup 8

9 1. Select appropriate stakeholder team process to reach general consensus 2. Define current project status: evaluate/update conceptual site model in SR terms: social, environmental, economic 3. Choose project goals, metrics, and tools: prioritize key issues, select boundaries, determine appropriate evaluation level 4. Evaluate options for project: develop options fit for future use of property and evaluate with weighted costs and benefits 5. Implement most appropriate option document, monitor, optimize 9

10 SR Evaluation Levels LEVEL 3 Advanced Evaluation LEVEL 2 Simple Evaluation LEVEL 1 BMPs/Strategies Increasing Data Needs

11 11 SR Example

12 Level 1 – List of BMPs 12 Hand Wash no car washes nearby - have no money use biodegradable soap use rain water No Action save: water, time, money Car Wash car wash is close - have no time stop by on way home from work only stop when no line

13 MetricNo ActionHand WashCar Wash Greenhouse gases  Water Time  Waste  Red = low performance Yellow = average performance Green = good performance Level 2 – Green Remediation

14 MetricNo ActionHand WashCar Wash Greenhouse gases  Water Time  Waste  Community acceptance  Cost  Red = low performance Yellow = average performance Green = good performance Level 2 –Sustainable Remediation

15 MetricWeightNo ActionHand WashCar Wash Greenhouse gases (lbs) 1035 Water (gallons) 10205 Time (hours) 0.5010.1 Waste (lbs) 1053.5 Community acceptance 41021 Cost ($) 20510 Level 3 – values and weighting

16  Set of Excel workbooks developed by EPA for conducting environmental footprint analyses at cleanup sites  Compatible with EPA’s Footprint Methodology  Incorporates data on materials, waste, water, energy, and air  Structured for inputting data, running calculations, and organizing outputs 16

17  Use for remedy selection & optimization  Two levels of detail  Eight technologies  Metrics: ◦ Air emissions, GHG emissions, energy, cost, accident risk, change in resource use  Stakeholder scoring matrix programsandinitiatives/sustainableremediation/srt/ index.asp

18  Remediation lifecycle ◦ Investigation ◦ Construction ◦ Operation ◦ Long-term monitoring  Various activities ◦ Material production ◦ Transportation ◦ Equipment used ◦ Waste handling


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