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How Can Orbitrap Technology Help My Food Safety Analysis?

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Presentation on theme: "How Can Orbitrap Technology Help My Food Safety Analysis?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Can Orbitrap Technology Help My Food Safety Analysis?
Larry Burchfield Mass Spectrometry Product Manager Latin America Region August 28, 2012

2 EFS Target or Non-target analysis workflow
SAMPLE Target Analysis Non-Target Analysis Target screening ? Profiling Fingerprinting Authenticity Quantitation Quantitation Food Safety Environmental

3 Which LCMS Analyzer Do I Choose?
Pure Quantitative Pure Qualitative Determine structure Detect & Quantify Structural ID Compound Confirmation Reaction Monitoring Process Monitoring Metabolism Proteomics Metabolomics Targeted screening Targeted & Unknowns screening 1 – >40 cpds 40 – 600 cpds Multiple cpds LTQ ORBITRAP QTRAPs Q-TOF Triple Quads Ion Traps Exactive & Q-Exactive (Orbitrap)

4 Triple Quadrupoles for Target Quan : Traditional Workhorse and still 75% of EFS Instruments Sold in 2011 TSQ Quantum Access Max TSQ Quantum Access TSQ Quantum Ultra TSQ Vantage The following is what Thermo Scientific has to offer in the TSQ line. For the ultimate value we have the TSQ Quantum Access Max. For the utmost detection needed TSQ Vantage which was introduce in 2008. Ultimate Value Ultimate Performance

5 However, conventional thinking is evolving…
Food Safety: International Requirements and Innovative Analytical Solutions Innovation Applied

6 Thermo LCMS EFS Workflow
Screen Targeted or Non-targeted. Identify Putative ID web or local DB search PCA for unknowns Confirm ID via MS2 Quantify Quantify contaminants – either targeted list, or newly detected set. ExactFinder Exactive Plus UHPLC Q Exactive EQuanMAX Q Exactive: Untargeted Profiling in Discovery ’s of analytes in ’s of samples Hypothesis-generating step thus requires highest level of precision and accuracy with minimal variance, as well as removal of noise and background Best all-in-one platform for budget limited labs Excel in profiling, but also capable of identification, validation and quantification Orbitraps: Target Identification in Discovery 10-100’s analytes in ’s of samples Provide the most comprehensive structural information for de novo structural elucidation TSQs: Target Validation and Quantification 10-100’s of analytes in 1000’s of samples Preferred where LOD and LOQ is the highest priority Trace Finder Turboflow TSQ 6

7 Thermo Fisher Scientific
The benefits of high resolution MS in high throughput screening of mycotoxins in food Michal Godula, PhD Thermo Fisher Scientific Food Safety Group

8 Food analysis challenges: Matrix complexity

9 Food analysis challenges: Range of analytes
Pesticides (insecticides, herbicides...) Mycotoxins (Aflatoxins, OTA, fumonisins, trichothecenes..) Veterinary drug residues (Chloramphenicol, MG..) Environmental pollutants (PCB, PBDE, Dioxins, PAH..) Food processing contaminants (Acrylamide, furan, MCPD) Packaging contaminants (BPA, 4-benzophenone...) others (melamine)

10 Analytical challenges in residue analysis
Matrix complexity Number of analytes Number of samples Performance (LOD) Speed Extraction Clean-up Determination The complexity of samples requires a more selective way of analyses

11 Use of mass spectrometry in screening analysis
Simple sample preparation: QuEChERS, extract-n-shoot Target screening Single and Triple quadrupoles (SIM, SRM) Ion traps TOFs, Q-TOFs Non target screening Single and Triple quadrupoles (SCAN) Ion traps (SCAN, Auto MS/MS) TOFs, Q-TOFs (accurate mass)

12 MS/MS approach limitations and benefits
only target compounds screened no post acquisition data mining limited number of compounds per analysis no possibility to search for unknown compounds Benefits: Low detection limits achieved Very good quantitative characteristics Robustness

13 HRAM (TOF) approach limitations and benefits
Limited dynamic range Limited resolution Mass Stability Slow positive/negative switching Detection limits Benefits: Speed Acceptable mass accuracy for many assays

14 “Saddle of Mass Accuracy” for DETECTED Ions

15 Resolution for various mass separation techniques

16 Exact Mass and Isobaric Compounds
Element Exact Mass H C N O Is a simultaneous measurement possible? 289.00 289.05 289.10 289.15 289.20 m/z 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Relative Abundance R = 10,000 289.00 289.05 289.10 289.15 289.20 m/z 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Relative Abundance R = 20,000 289.00 289.05 289.10 289.15 289.20 m/z 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Relative Abundance R = 100,000 C9H21O2P1S3 Terbufos C13H21O3P1S1 Iprobenfos C15H17N4Cl1 Myclobutanil C11H20N4O3S1 Epronaz C11H21N4O3P1 Pirimethaphos C16H20N2O3 Imazamethabenz amu If the instrument can obtain mass accuracy of 0.01 amu, we can easily tell these compounds apart. Yes, at high resolution ! 16

17 Analytical Challenges for Screening using MS
Detection and identification of isobaric compounds High resolution mass separation Mass accuracy Predictable Isolation of compounds from background matrix components Unknown or uncharacterized species What resolving power is required? Unpredictable! Qualitative Quantitative 100 R = 15,000 > 50 ppm R = 50,000 0.7 ppm 80 60 40 20 Relative Abundance 100 80 60 40 C 14 H 14 O 5 Cl S ppm 20 328.95 329.00 329.05 329.10 m/z

18 EFS LCMS Options for Target or Non-target Analysis
Q Exactive Target and Non-target Analysis Qualitative & Quantitative AIF and MS/MS Confirmation Exactive Plus Target and Non-target Analysis Qualitative & Quantitative AIF Confirmation Triple Quadrupole TSQ Target Analysis Quantitative SRM confirmation

19 Exactive Plus™ Bench-Top LC-MS
“The Exactive LC-MS has the speed, accuracy and precision to routinely give the most confident analysis of both simple and complex samples.”

20 Orbitrap – Priciple of Operation
z φ r Makarov A. Anal. Chem. 2000, 72,

21 Exactive Plus Benchtop LC-MS
Resolution up to 140,000 < 2ppm routine mass accuracy Sub pg sensitivity >10,000 dynamic range Up to 12 scans per second Fast polarity switching What’s different about this Orbitrap compared to the one in the LTQ Orbitrap? Orbitrap itself is very similar but its mounting and wiring have been made more compact. How do you get faster scan speed? Why is it faster than the LTQ Orbitrap? We operate orbitrap mass analyzer at higher voltage which results in higher frequencies. In parallel, we have reduced overheads on ion transfer (as there is no LTQ) and thus we need less time for a spectrum and less time for inter-spectrum delay. What’s the ultimate resolution? 100,000 at m/z 200 and 1 sec acquisition. What’s the dynamic range At least similar to that in LTQ Orbitrap, Full MS mode. Pumping system? There is a novel split-flow pump which allows to keep vacuum chamber smaller and make it from aluminium. Final vacuum is similar to that in a standard LTQ Orbitrap. C Trap is this the same as the current LTQ Orbitrap Yes, C-trap and ion optics are the same though their mounting is different (from a flange) HCD Scan – how does this work and – what’s new? Ions get accelerated through the C-trap into a quadrupolar collision cell where they fragment and get stored. After that, voltages are ramped and ions are transferred back to the C-trap from which they are injected into the orbitrap. There is no mass selection so only a narrow mass range of ions fragment with optimal sequence coverage, with lower m/z fragmenting excessively and higher m/z fragmenting only weakly. Is the mass accuracy the same at the LTQ Orbitrap?  (based on work in Bremen, it was better than the LTQ Orbitrap) Actually, we have a better layout and components of central electrode power supply so we expect mass accuracy at least as good as on LTQ Orbitrap XL. One setting: full scan! Easy-to-use!

22 Presentation of Dr. Hans Mol

23 Dm (Parathion and Thiamethoxam) is 0.0138 amu
Resolution (FWHM) Dm amu Thiamethoxam [M+H]+ = Parathion [M+H]+ = 100 90 Dm (Parathion and Thiamethoxam) is amu R = m / Dm R = 292 / R = 21,160 80 70 60 Relative Abundance 50 40 30 20 Mix 1:1 10 292.00 292.05 m/z

24 Dm (Parathion and Thiamethoxam) is 0.0138 amu
Resolution (FWHM) Dm amu Thiamethoxam [M+H]+ = Parathion [M+H]+ = 100 90 Dm (Parathion and Thiamethoxam) is amu R = m / Dm R = 292 / R = 21,160 80 70 60 Relative Abundance 50 40 30 20 Mix 1:3 10 292.00 292.05 m/z

25 Dm (Parathion and Thiamethoxam) is 0.0138 amu
Resolution (FWHM) Dm amu Thiamethoxam [M+H]+ = Parathion [M+H]+ = 100 90 Dm (Parathion and Thiamethoxam) is amu R = m / Dm R = 292 / R = 21,160 Measured at R = 50,000 80 70 60 Relative Abundance 50 40 30 20 Mix 1:1 10 292.00 292.05 m/z

26 Standard Pesticide Mixture in Horse Feed Matrix
XIC with 5 ppm window of selected pesticides Total of about 110 pesticides (each ~ 250 ug/L) in horse feed matrix 1.20 C18H35NO2 Spiroxamine 1.70 C14H14Cl2N2O Imazalil 0.20 C14H18ClN3O2 Triadimenol 2.00 C10H15O4PS2 Fenthion-sulfoxide 1.40 C15H20ClN3O Paclobutrazol 0.30 C14H16ClN3O2 Triadimefon 0.70 C10H9ClN4S Thiacloprid C9H10Cl2N2O2 Linuron 0.90 C9H13ClN6 Cyanazine 0.10 C12H14ClNO2 Clomazone 6.50 C11H18N4O2 Pirimicarb C12H16N2O3 Carbetamide C9H10Cl2N2O Diuron 2.50 C8H14ClN5 Atrazine C8H14N4OS Metribuzin C10H13ClN2O Chlortoluron 1.10 C11H15NO3 Propoxur Error [ppm] [M+H] Elemental Compsition Component 6.50 Normal flow Chrom Unusually high error of 6.5 ppm higher resolution

27 Standard Pesticide Mixture in Horse Feed Matrix
Unusually high error of 6.5 ppm is suspicious 239.00 239.05 239.10 239.15 239.20 239.25 m/z 20 40 60 80 100 Relative Abundance C 11 H 19 O 2 N 4 6.50 ppm R = 15,000 Error = 6.50 ppm Pirimicarb C11H19O2N4 m/z = Repeated analysis at 80,000 resolving power 239.00 239.05 239.10 239.15 239.20 239.25 m/z 20 40 60 80 100 Relative Abundance C 11 H 19 O 2 N 4 0.32 ppm R = 80,000 Error = 0.32 ppm

28 Background Interferences in Pesticide Analysis
Expanded view of the pesticide mixture at different resolution settings (top: 15,000 and bottom: 50,000). Pesticide Sulcotrion (m/z ) is masked under background ions at a resolution of 15,000 but is easily detected at 50,000 resolution (see also mass chromatogram inset)

29 Pesticide Analysis at different Resolution Settings
Overlaid extracted ion chromatograms from a mixture of 116 pesticides and mycotoxins at a 100ppb level. Extraction was done with 3 ppm mass window. The inset chart shows the number of detected compounds at different concentrations (in matrix) at two different resolution settings Time [min]

30 The benefits of high resolution MS in high throughput screening of mycotoxins in food

31 Health Impacts on Human and Livestock
Most potent known carcinogens Mycotoxins Acute Chronic Teratogenic Estrogenic Hepatotoxic Nephrotoxic Carcinogenic effects Immediate toxic response Immunosupression Necrosis of liver cells Sickness, vomiting Abdominal pain

32 Outbreak of Aflatoxicosis in Kenya in 2004
Maize products Concentrations 125 deaths reported

33 Typical mycotoxin method workflow
Extract Cleanup Derivatize Detect ACN/Water Methanol HAc Hexane Mycosep C18 Silica, Florisil IAC GPC (oil) Fumonisins Trichothecenes Aflatoxins B1, G1 KobraTM cell PHRED cell* TLC LC-FL, UV LC-MS/MS LC-HRMS GC-FID, ECD, MS GC-MS/MS Immunoassay: ELISA Lateral flow assay *

34 AOAC Method 2008.02 Aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2 and Ochratoxin A in Ginger and ginseng
Homogenized sample 5g Extraction 1g NaCl 25 ml MeOH + 0.5% Na2CO3 (700:300) Centrifugation 7ml of extract dilute with 28ml 0.1M phosphate buffer pH 7.4, 1% Tween 20 Filtration 25ml of extract load to immunoaffinity column AflaOchraTest column Alex – Common look and feel, boxes, arrows centered, type font & size, boldness consistent. Elute with 2x 1ml of MeOH Evaporate to dryness LC-Fluorescence Post-column derivatization for AF

35 Multi-mycotoxin screening approaches
Simple sample preparation Accurate mass and high resolution MS MS/MS: SRM or H-SRM Quantitation Target screening Non-target screening

36 Quick Method for Mycotoxins in Food and Feed
Homogenized sample 25g Extraction 2 h 100 ml ACN:Water (80:20%) Filtration Dilution 400 ml Water Alex – Common look and feel, boxes, arrows centered, type font & size, boldness consistent. LC/MS/MS Accela/TSQ Access Max TMO AppNote 377

37 Typical Triple Quad MS Technology in Action
256,3 0.7 Da 256,2 408,4 This represents the heart of the triple quad mass selective detector which is the tool that best allows you to screen, confirm and quantitate multi-residues on complex matrices. Think of the triple quad as a series of mass filters. After the first mass filter, the ions are fragmented one more time in the collision cell. The fragment daughters are separated in the third quadrupole, the second mass filter. The reaction in the second stage is monitored in this third stage – so called selected reaction monitoring. The compound is identified by both the parent ion mass AND the mass of it’s subsequent daughter ions (the selected reaction monitoring result). This gives high confidence in the ID of your target analyte. There a number of triple quads on the market. Here we see the results of the “round-rod” quadrupole design of a typical triple quad. As the ions pass through the stages the ions are selected according to mass. If the first mass selective detector is not selective enough, ions of similar mass can both be fragmented, resulting in uncertainty in your confirmation. 408,2 0.7 Da

38 Thermo Scientific Quantum and TSQ Series - H-SRM Means Higher Selectivity and Sensitivity
256.3 0.7 Da 408.8 Because of the unique hyperbolic rod design (90 degree bend of Q2 and the better isolation of ions in Q1, between 0.7 and 0.4.) and higher energies of the Thermo Scientific TSQ triple quad, highly selective reaction monitoring is available for greater selectivity to select the compound of interest out of the heavily contaminated matrix, thus providing better overall sensitivity and selectivity – higher confidence in screening, confirmation and quantitation in a variety of matrices.. In this animation, we show how using H-SRM narrowly defines the mass of the parent ion in the first stage, so that we only create reactions with our parent compound in the third stage, and not with interferents from the matrix which have similar masses. This leads to reliable quantitation and higher throughput in demanding applications such as pesticide analysis. 408.4 0.4 Da

39 H-SRM benefits for mycotoxin analysis Diacetoxyscripenol in wheat, 23 ug/kg
Alex – Common look and feel, boxes, arrows centered, type font & size, boldness consistent. TMO AppNote 377

40 Multi-mycotoxin screening approaches
Simple sample preparation Accurate mass and high resolution MS MS/MS: SRM or H-SRM Quantitation Target screening Non-target screening

41 Fusarium mycotoxins Trichothecenes
Type A: T-2, HT-2, diacetoxyscirpenol Type B: deoxynivalenol, nivalenol, fusarenon-X, acetyl-deoxynivalenol Zearalenone

42 Quick screening method for Fusarium mycotoxins
EXTRACTION 12.5 g + 50 mL ACN/H20 EXTRACTION 20 mL beer + 80 mL ACN IN: Beer, barley, malt, mush, germs Centrifugation Centrifugation Evaporation Evaporation Reconstitution in 1 ml MeOH/Water Reconstitution in 1 ml MeOH/Water ExactiveTM LC-MS analysis ExactiveTM LC-MS analysis

43 Exactive MS – High Resolution Benchtop MS
Accela UHPLC + Exactive MS, HESI II and APCI probes Column - HSS T3 2.1 x 100mm, 1.8 µm Mobile phase: (A) 5mM ammonium formate, (B) methanol Column temperature – 40°C Flow rate – 0.5 mL/min Injection volume – 5 µL

44 Multi-mycotoxin method Standard mix, 5 µg/L
Detection capabilities

45 Multi-mycotoxin method Real beer sample, 5 µg/L, 25.000 resolution
Real life chromatogram

46 High Resolution (100,000 FWHM) benefits Beer extract, T-2 toxin 10 µg/L
Selectivity ± 100 ppm ± 50 ppm ± 10 ppm ± 2 ppm

47 Beer matrix matched standard, 25 µg/L
HESI II vs. APCI Beer matrix matched standard, 25 µg/L Extraction window 5 ppm DON APCI [M+HCOO]- DON HESI [M+HCOO]-

48 Performance characteristics of the method Linearity, barley matrix 5-1000 µg/L
Linearity: 5 – 1000 ng/mL R2 in range – R2: –

49 Linearity in range 5 – 500 ng/mL
Performance characteristics of the method Barley matrix Linearity in range – 500 ng/mL Limit of Quantitation: R2 in range – NIV DON D3G FUS-X ADON HT-2 T-2 ZEA LOQ ng/g 5 10 10  Repeatability of injection on the LOQ level n=12 NIV DON D3G FUS-X ADONs HT-2 T-2 ZEA RSD (%) 7.3 12.3 11 8.3 14.9 13.3 6.1 14.2

50 Linearity in range 5 – 500 ng/mL
Performance characteristics of the method Beer matrix Linearity in range – 500 ng/mL Limit of Quantitation: R2 in range – NIV DON D3G FUS-X ADON HT-2 T-2 ZEA LOQ (µg/L) 5 2.5 10 1 Repeatability of injection on the LOQ level n=12 NIV DON D3G FUS-X ADON HT-2 T-2 ZEA RSD (%) 7.3 12.3 11 8.3 14.9 13.3 6.1 16.2

51 TOF-MS vs. Exactive MS DON in beer, 5, 10 and 100 ug/L
TOF, 20 ppm Exactive, 2 ppm mass window 100 ug/L 10 ug/L 5 ug/L

52 Exactive benefits for mycotoxin analysis
Mass accuracy and resolving power Dynamic range Positive and negative acquisition in one run Quantitation and screening capabilities Post acquisition data mining Excellent stability and robustness Simple instrument setup and tuning

53 Food Safety Seminar Tour
Dublin, Ireland Sept 21st London, UK Sept 22nd Copenhagen, Denmark Sept 23rd Antwerp, Brussels Sept 24th Berlin, Germany Sept 28th Munich, Germany Sept 29th Prague, Czech Rep. Sept 30th Vienna, Austria Oct 1st Zurich, Switzerland Oct 2nd Bangkok, Thailand Oct 5th Kuala Lumpur, Malay. Oct 6th Singapore, Singapore Oct 7th Hanoi, Vietnam Oct 9th Ho Chi Minh City, Viet. Oct 12th Taipei, Taiwan Oct 14th Seoul, S. Korea Oct 16th White Plains NY, USA Oct 26th Washington DC, USA Oct 27th Atlanta, GA, USA Oct 28th Dallas, TX, USA Oct 29th Chicago, IL, USA Oct 30th Minneapolis, MN, USA Nov 9th Cincinnati OH, USA Nov 10th N. California, USA Nov 11th Los Angeles, CA, USA Nov 12th Vancouver, Canada Nov 16th Toronto, Canada Nov 18th Ottawa, Canada Nov 19th Oslo, Norway Dec 7th Uppsala, Sweden Dec 8th Paris, France Dec 9th Rome, Italy Dec 10th Bologna, Italy Dec 11th

54 Q Exactive EFS Data CDFA, Sacramento US FDA, DC

55 Q Exactive for EFS Targeted Screening & GUS
High Confidence Confirmation Targeted screening and GUS Goal How Q Exactive addresses the needs Mode/s of operation Software Data collected in HRAM MS and MS/MS Software capable of identifying all unique components in the chromatographic data Database searches for HRAM MS and library searches with MS/MS spectra Highest specificity with 140K resolution Software that supports multiple orthogonal ways of confirmation including elemental composition determination, isotope matching, DB search, spectral library matching. Xcalibur; ExactFinder Highest confidence in Targeted screening & GUS Full Scan MS w AIF Precursor ion selection w HCD MS/MS

56 Q Exactive Quan capabilities for EFS
Quantitation Performance Similar to High End QqQ Goal How Q Exactive addresses the needs Mode/s of operation Software Unit mass resolution precursor ion selection like QqQ Full scan HRAM MS/MS with stable fragment ion ratio Higher specificity than QqQ due to HRAM fragmment ions Ability to confirm with many fragment ions seen in full scan MS/MS Four to five orders of dynamic range UHPLC compatible Targeted MS/MS similar to SRM; Data dependent MS/MS where quant done using precursor ion in full scan MS and confirmation using HRAM fragment ions in MS/MS; Full scan MS; HRAM SIM Quant capability of high-end QqQ ExactFinder or Xcalibur

57 Q Exactive TM Hardware Innovations
Hardware Demonstration

58 Q Exactive RSLC < 1.5 m

59 California Dept of Food & Ag
Sample : 60+ pesticides in crop extracts In neat In Green Bell Peppers In avocado Calibration levels vary depending on analytes 500 ppb – 1 ppt Mass tolerance set at 5ppm Sample injection size = 5uL Column = Hypersil Gold aQ 100 x 2.1mm 1.9u

60 Q Exactive Workflows for EFS :
Full Scan : Screening (target and non-target) Quan Full scan Targeted Data Dependent MS/MS : Full scan screening Targeted precursor ion selection DD MS/MS of precursor ions UHPLC

61 Full Scan Targeted DD MS/MS
Quadrupole scans from a mass range of Sends the ions to Ctrap, compress and send into orbitrap for analysis From a targeted list (Data Dependent MS2 Quadrupole selects the ion of interest from list Pass it to Ctrap Then pass it to HCD for fragmentation Then sends data packet back to Ctrap and injects to Orbitrap to analyze for MS2 Full Scan Data Dependent (MS2) (TopN) – Ions are passed from a selected mass range, then triggered of a targeted listed (precursor) to collect ms/ms data for confirmation – result is 2 scans (FS, MS2) – This type of experiment is Quan followed by Confirmation. You can also run this experiment with “No Targeted” and than instrument will trigger of most intense ion in the spectrum and give you MS2 scan (great for metabolism)

62 CDFA samples (targeted list)
Parent selection list of 62 pesticide analyzed by CDFA of Sacramento Method transferred from TSQ Ultra

63 Q Exactive Full Scan Quan (Azoxystrobin at 1.5ppb)
Direct comparison of neat vs matrix

64 Q Exactive Quantitation Full Scan Targeted DD MS/MS (Azoxystrobin at 1
Q Exactive Quantitation Full Scan Targeted DD MS/MS (Azoxystrobin at 1.5ppb) Direct comparison of neat vs matrix Quan IP = 2

65 Quanfirmation Boscalid 1.5ppb
HRAM IP = 2 Boscalid Diuron Azoxystrobin Methomyl Indoxacarb Spinosad D Number of scans across a peak doing MS/MS Quantitation Confirmation Boscalid – MS/MS Accurate Mass Fragmentation HR MS(n) IP = 2.0

66 Quanfirmation Azoxystrobin 1.5ppb
Quantitation Number of scans across a peak doing MS/MS Diuron Azoxystrobin Boscalid Methomyl Spinosad D Indoxacarb Azoxystrobin MH+ = Confirmation

67 Q Exactive Quan performance :
Repeat 3x injections at LOD/LOQ in Matrix (Green Bell Pepper) 0.1 – 1.1 ppb data represented from FS/ Targeted DD MS2 QE

68 Comparison of CDFA pesticides in matrix : Q Exactive vs TSQ Vantage LOD/LOQ (ppb)

69 UHPLC compatibility : 60+ pesticides in 2 mins, 4s wide peaks, Full scan
Accela Q Exactive R = 70,000 All compound elute in 2mins, with peak width of 0.04mins = 9scans under the peak

70 Target Screen Method Select database, Identify with mz and confirm with isotope, library match

71 Unknown Screen Method Select database, Identify with mz and confirm with isotope, library match

72 Library/Database Searching Capabilities- Spectral Library Included
List selected based on customer feedback and from the major worldwide regulated lists Over 1000 compounds Over 6000 spectra HCD CID Positive Negative Multiple CE Pesticides, hormones, POPs, PPCP Created on LTQ Orbitrap Velos HRAM library courtesy : Eric Genin, Les Ulis

73 Q Exactive Quanfirmation
High performance HRAM Quantitation and Confirmation bench top LCMS system, capable of : Multi-residue quan performance similar to mid-high end Triples Ideal for targeted and general unknown screening Highest confidence confirmation with R = 140K, and MS/MS UHPLC compatible Best of both worlds! Now, you can have your cake and eat it too!

74 Resources : EFS LCMS compendium

75 Application based Comprehensive Solutions
Application protocol Step by step instructions for sample preparation, instrument setup and analysis Guidelines for acceptance criteria Instrument methods Simple method upload into TraceFinder software Enables rapid instrument setup and processing Application specific consumables Eliminates guesswork One central solutions provider

76 Applications Kits Hormones in drinking water /EPA 539 PFCs / EPA 537
Pharmaceuticals and personal care products / EPA 1694 Pesticides Antibiotics Allergens Marine toxins β-agonists Mycotoxins Comprehensive LCMS Apps Compendium – updated on a quarterly basis, covering key methods from all geo centers

77 The End Thank You!

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