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Quality Assurance Overview Princeton, NJ +1 609-688-6886 Hyderabad, India +91 40 4466 1188 January 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality Assurance Overview Princeton, NJ +1 609-688-6886 Hyderabad, India +91 40 4466 1188 January 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality Assurance Overview Princeton, NJ +1 609-688-6886 Hyderabad, India +91 40 4466 1188 January 2010

2 What We Offer GLOBAL COMPANY: GameShastra is a global company with operations in both Hyderabad, India and Princeton, New Jersey with round-the-clock communication for our clients. STRICT SECURITY: Our facility runs under the tightest security measures for both physical and data to ensure your intellectual property is safe. As India’s largest full service Games Company, GameShastra is a leader in QA Testing with extensive experience on all console platforms, PC, Mac and iPhone. GAME INDUSTRY EXPERTS: With our gaming experience we are uniquely positioned to provide our clients with professional and reliable testing services. We have dedicated resources for QA operations which you do not find with our competitors.

3 Benefits Of Our Approach Largest game services company in India. Management Team; experienced international game development leaders. Continuous internal training initiatives to outperform industry expectations. Contact points in 4 time zones = continual real-time feedback to clients. GameShastra takes the risk out of your Product Testing with reports on every build and a detailed analysis of the defects found.

4 QA Services Compliance Testing PC Functional & Compatibility Certification & Submission Pre-Certification Testing iPhone and iPod touch TestingiPhone and iPod touch Testing Multi-Platform Capability Online MP/Load and Stress Testing QA Services As India’s largest full service QA Testing Facility, we focus on complete game testing from Compliance and Pre-cert Testing to Functional, Online, Multiplayer, Load & Stress Testing.

5 How It All Works Passionate, cross-functional testers with well defined roles. Teams own end-to-end customer experience throughout the Game Testing Lifecycle. Teams have resources and are responsible for being self-directed and creating innovation autonomously. Our teams are lead by strong technologists, with both customer and product focus and a passion for innovation. GameShastra’s experienced teams of testers are specially trained in the art of QA processes and client management.

6 Our Testing Labs STRONG METHODOLOGIES: GameShastra utilizes proven processes to manage and report all aspects of the testing cycle. STATE-OF-THE ART FACILITY: Our facility includes experienced and professional engineers and QA testers with extensive game testing experience. In our testing labs we can simulate any real-world environment in which your product may be used and document quickly and accurately any problems that occur. STATE-OF-THE ART EQUIPMENT: Our labs are equipped with a full range of peripherals from the leading console manufacturers and multiple hardware and OS configurations for testing across a matrix of combinations.

7 Security / Confidentiality Physical Security Access is restricted by use of Identification Cards. Asset cleanup is done before reallocation of the assets with Personnel and Asset movement monitored. Network Security VPN (Encrypted Data Transfer) for avoiding Network Sniffing. Physically isolated Network for strategic customer projects. All computing infrastructure is secured behind a firewall. Data Security Write enabled devices (CDRW, Floppy drives, USB ports) are disabled. Secure FTP server is used for build transfers. At GameShastra’s Hyderabad facility security of our client’s intellectual property is of the utmost importance.

8 Testing Lifecycle All QA projects go through a rigorous five part lifecycle to insure our clients receive the most defined and accurate defect reporting.

9 Our Clients GameShastra handles all facets of QA testing for many of today’s top publishers in the game industry including:

10 01/25/10 Activities Deliverables Post Mortem analysis Capture lessons learnt Milestone certification Testing Execute Tests (Functionality/ Standards/Co mpatibility) Log Defects Fill out Checklists Create database logins for the teams and clients Setup Test Environment Define Acceptance Criteria Generate Test Plans  Project Kickoff Meeting  Identify Resource Estimates and schedules Test Closure Report Submissio n Checklist Review (On client Request)þ  Intermediary and Validation Report.  Milestone Certification Report Bug Reports Filled Out checklists Daily Status Reports Regression Report  Database details  Database login details with user names and passwords  Detailed Test Plan  Introductory Mail Validation Sign Off Closure Milestone Test Execution Test Execution Database Creation Project Initiation Test Planning Testing Process GameShastra’s testing process and deliverables include the following:

11 Our Platforms GameShastra tests products for a wide variety of gaming and computer platforms.

12 Princeton, NJ 609-688-68863 Hyderabad, India +91 40 4466 1188 Contact Contact For more info please visit : &

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