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 Email Management has become a multi-faceted complex task involving:  Storage Management  Content Management  Document Management  Quota Management.

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Presentation on theme: " Email Management has become a multi-faceted complex task involving:  Storage Management  Content Management  Document Management  Quota Management."— Presentation transcript:


2  Email Management has become a multi-faceted complex task involving:  Storage Management  Content Management  Document Management  Quota Management (Lack of Clean-up)  Legal Compliance  Archiving  Backup Time and Capability  Managing Restore Times

3  Ever increasing email usage  Users send revised files (attachments) back and forth  Microsoft introduced the ability to house multiple databases on multiple servers  Users’ “Sent Items” fill up  Users don’t clean up or don’t have time to clean up their mailboxes  Lack of tools of “management” tools

4  Increased requirement for retention and legal compliance  Email often deemed mission critical  Lack of viable non-proprietary solutions  Increased storage requirements  Increased backup and recovery times  Proliferation of Personal Folder Files (PSTs)  Exchange database proliferation  Loss of single instance storage in Exchange 2010

5  Ever increasing storage requirements  Employees exceed their mailbox size limits  Increased support costs  Increased backup time  Increased recovery time  Poor Service Level Agreements (SLA)  Increased Cost of Ownership  Reduced staff productivity (due to time spent managing their email/mailbox)

6  Attachment maintenance  Difficulty cross-referencing moved or deleted attachments  Incomplete records if deleted from “Sent Items”  Increase need for “archiving”  Difficulty retrieving attachments  Increase need for support  Long download times for dial up users  Larger than necessary OST files  Increased usage of PST files to keep mailbox size down  Difficulty “managing” communication records generally stored in their email “filing system”

7 Attachments account for 75% to 90% of all data storage on a typical email server. This means actual email requires only 10% to 25% of current allocated storage space.

8 One of the known problems with attachments has to do with the user’s sent items folder. Even if the recipient(s) delete the message after receiving the file, the file will remain on the server in the sender’s sent items.

9  Management of Exchange Mailboxes  Management of Exchange Public Folders  Management of Personal Folders (PSTs)  Completely automated  Non-proprietary, Flexible and Scalable  Leaving data always accessible

10  User’s can access their email and attachments directly (no proxy or redirector technology required)  Standard use of URLs and UNCs means no “custom” links to attachments or messages  No link or dependency between ES and Messaging Environment  Exchange Servers remain core to the Messaging Environment  No additional “headaches” or considerations to take into account during Exchange updates or upgrades.  Elimination of ES has no impact on data access  Take advantage of existing technologies without “locking” yourself into a new “system” to manage indefinitely.  Ensures the email management solution is not “critical” to users

11 With ES, control the quantity of file data stored within email and reduce overall storage requirements, decrease backup times and improve recovery times.

12  Scheduler Services can process Mailboxes, Public Folders or PSTs at various times  In depth reporting on mailbox / database / server content  Extremely Flexible Email Policies  Define one or more rules within Email Policies  Specify any number of Conditions, Actions, & Exclusions  Policy Assignments  Active Directory tie in and Exchange server tie in components  Specify users individually or by Active Directory group or OU  Set processing conditions and exceptions based on desired criteria

13  Create one or more Email Policies  Within the Email Policy, define a set of rules to:  Set up message condition(s)  Set up appropriate courses of action for conditions that pass, such as specifying network locations for removed attachments  Specify message exceptions  Create an Assignment for an Email Policy  Within the Assignment, define:  The schedule for the assignment to run  Conditions upon which objects should be processed  Specify which Email Policy should be run if the object passes the condition(s)  Specify any exceptions

14 Email Management Server is managed through a Microsoft Management Console snap-in. Depending on your edition, different nodes will appear on the left hand side.

15 User’s view their e-mail just as before, however when attachments are moved, a hyperlink is available instead.

16 When user’s view e-mail that contained one or more attachments that were deleted, they will only see the filename(s) of those attachments. This is ideal for reference purposes.

17  Content Management  Move, Copy or Delete messages or attachments  Storage Management  Reduce required disk space for messaging environment  Remove unwanted content  Reduce backup time  Improve recovery time  Compliance  Increase Length of Online Email Retention  Archive just messages to PSTs only if desired or required

18  Increase online storage retention time (keep email in the email system longer)  Minimize mail server storage requirements  Assists in helping users maintain reasonable mailbox sizes  Allows for the removal of unnecessary attachments  Can assist in reducing public folder sizes  Reduce backup time and recovery time  Improve service level agreements and minimize downtime  Substantially reduce near-line, offline and archive requirements  Reduce overall total cost of ownership

19  Reduce user time required to “cleanup” their mailbox  Allow users to easily retrieve their files (attachments)  Continue to access saved attachments in email via hyperlinks  Allow users to keep a record of attachments sent  Reduce the need for users to export or archive to PSTs  Minimize email related need for support  Allows users to keep email in their mailbox for extended periods of time  Allows users to continue using email as they always have without forcing any end user behavioural changes

20  Reduce ongoing mailbox management and maintenance  Avoid users receiving “mailbox over size limit” message  Easy access to migrated attachments via hyperlinks placed in email  Delete attachments out users sent items: leaving filename(s)  Reduce need for frequent local archiving (creation of PST files)  Mobile Users will have significantly small OSTs  Offload clogged Exchange Servers  Server-centric solution – No client component required  Keep more email online – centrally stored and protected by IT

21  No re-education of users required  No client component to install or configure  Non-Proprietary Solution  No additional “new” systems to manage  Solution is at Arms-Length to messaging environment  Solution is flexible and customizable  Solution is scalable  Highly effective low cost solution



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