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Anger Ancient Philosophy. Anger The emotion most closely connected with violence is anger most common behavioral outcome of anger is an attempt to inflict.

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Presentation on theme: "Anger Ancient Philosophy. Anger The emotion most closely connected with violence is anger most common behavioral outcome of anger is an attempt to inflict."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anger Ancient Philosophy

2 Anger The emotion most closely connected with violence is anger most common behavioral outcome of anger is an attempt to inflict some kind of harm on the transgressor

3 Irrational Anger Risk indifference –the angry person often seems indifferent to the potential costs entailed by their actions. Disproportionality –seek to inflict costs on transgressors that greatly outweigh the costs suffered as a result of the transgression

4 Function of Anger Prompt responses that inflict high costs on the transgressor are likely to deter future transgressions This functionality would have been especially marked in the small-scale, face-to-face communities characteristic of most of our species’ history Reputations have much greater impact in such groups than they do in a mobile, largely anonymous social world

5 Sex Differences When the costs of offspring increases, the male must be willing to fight other males to insure his paternity –Female will know a child is hers –Male will not selection favored males who, in comparison with females, were both more easily and more dramatically blinded by anger

6 Anger psychological difference between males and females corresponds with morphological differences, as the greater size and muscularity of men is reasonably explained as the product of intrasexual selection, i.e., men are in part designed for combat.

7 Anger the sexes differ significantly in the ability to recognize correctly the different facial expressions of emotional states

8 Anger Women were found to be better than men at correctly recognizing the emotions of anger and sadness when they are being displayed on faces of both sexes. Men were particularly bad at recognizing the emotions of anger when these are displayed on the faces of women. The poorest performance at correctly identifying facial expressions occurs when men try to spot female anger.

9 Anger more dangerous for a man not to be able to recognize anger in another man, and so take evasive action less dangerous to his persona safety if he failed to spot anger in a woman’s face. It was particularly dangerous for a woman to be in the presence of an angry man due to his strength superiority, so they evolved to be particularly sensitive to the slightest sign of male anger.

10 Anger women found they had to explode in a very obvious way before their anger would be correctly labeled by men.

11 Anger women who are ‘family oriented’ want to settle down with a single mate and start a family are particularly good at identifying anger in others. women who are ‘mating’ oriented – who are more interested in dating a wide variety of men and don’t want to settle down just yet, are less good than ‘family oriented’ women in spotting anger in men.

12 Anger it was adaptive for women with children to be particularly sensitive to anger in nearby males, as a way of protecting their children from potentially dangerous men.

13 Anger The right hemisphere of the brain is in charge of emotional expression and this part of the brain controls the muscles on the left side of the face. Focusing on the left side of a person’s face assists emotion recognition as this is the side most active when expressing emotions, particularly negative ones.

14 Cultural Conditions of Anger Male flash anger valorized in societies in which –vital resources can be easily appropriated –little protection is provided for the individual –cooperation is not highly relevant to resource acquisition.

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