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Repository – CRIS colaboration in Portugal

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1 Repository – CRIS colaboration in Portugal

2 Agenda ●RCAAP (Portugal Open Access Science Repository) Project ●Portuguese National CRIS – DeGóis ●Colaborartion RCAAP-CRIS

3 RCAAP Project Promote visibility and accessibility to the Portuguese scientific output Improve access to information about national scientific output Integrate Portugal into international Initiatives Goals UMIC – Knowledge Society Agency (Political support and funding) FCCN (General and Infrastructures) UMinho (Scientific and Technical) Governance RCAAP Portal and validator SARI – IR’s in SaaS regime Communication, awareness, training Advocacy and Networking Services 19-04-2015 3RCAAP - Repositório Cientifico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal

4 Services - RCAAP portal 19-04-2015 4RCAAP - Repositório Cientifico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal

5 Services - IR’s (SaaS) Service highlights Target (R&D) Free Ruled by a contract Based on SaaS model Team Responsibilities Housing (N-REN Datacenter) Infrastructures management Software conf & manag Training Helpdesk and support Institutions rights 1 TB Host capacity Own look and fee RCAAP portal Indexing19-04-2015 5RCAAP - Repositório Cientifico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal

6 Services – Shared repository 19-04-2015 6RCAAP - Repositório Cientifico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal

7 Future Work ●Pilot with data repositories ●Compliance with OpenAIRE (European Repository) ●National training program ●Include Portuguese journals in Sherpa- Romeo database ●Partnership with Brazil (National Portals integration, IR, Journal, T&D) 19-04-2015 7RCAAP - Repositório Cientifico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal

8; jmm@fccn.pteloy@sdum.uminho.pt19-04-2015 8RCAAP - Repositório Cientifico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal

9 DeGóis  DeGóis Curricula Platform is an instrument for gathering, supplying and analyzing the intellectual and scientific production of portuguese researchers.  Main features of DeGóis portal: individual management of the curricular information; visualization of national science and technology indicators; search for curricula according to content related queries.

10 DeGóis  Principles All the information is created, edited and maintained by the researchers. Researchers are the sole responsible for their CV’s, so only the individual researcher may change the information on their CV’s CV’s are public Information on DeGóis is/will be shared with other systems of National Scientific System

11 DeGóis Arquitectura do DeGóisArquitectura do DeGóis

12  Used standard and guidelines Scienti Network CV standard (with some national extensions) OCDE Fields of Science International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) Portuguese geographical/territorial divisions

13 DeGóis  Interoperabillity  Scienti Network Standard (  Portfolios (HR-XML) (  CERIF (

14  Started in 2009  Phase 1 – Completed in 2009  Phase 2 – Second semester 2010 Cooperation RCAAP-DEGóis

15  Phase I  Objectives:  Offer ingest/deposit of metadata and fulltext from DeGóis to repositories  Offer export of metadata from repositories to DeGóis Cooperation RCAAP-DEGóis

16  Phase I  Objectives:  Offer ingest/deposit of metadata and fulltext from DeGóis to repositories  Offer export of metadata from repositories to DeGóis Cooperation RCAAP-DEGóis

17  Phase I  Solutions:  Using SWORD protocol to import/export from/to DeGóis and Dspace repositories  Implementing SWORD on the DeGóis  Making a Dspace Addon Cooperation RCAAP-DEGóis

18  Including DeGóis export on DSpace deposit workflow  Map metadata elements, and define some “default values”. Dspace DeGóis Add-on

19  Phase I  Development of DeGóis for the new functionality and implementing SWORD Cooperation RCAAP-DEGóis

20 Phase II – June –December 2010 ●Improving usability (mainly on DeGóis side) ●Establishing new “pathways” between DeGóis and RCAAP Portal and Repositories ●Collecting and sharing usage statistics of exchanges between DeGóis and Repositories ●Author identification

21 Thank you

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