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Loving discipline is not abusive Proper spanking is not violence Voter/Consumer Research poll of 1000+ Americans (commissioned by the Family Research Council)

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Presentation on theme: "Loving discipline is not abusive Proper spanking is not violence Voter/Consumer Research poll of 1000+ Americans (commissioned by the Family Research Council)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Loving discipline is not abusive Proper spanking is not violence Voter/Consumer Research poll of 1000+ Americans (commissioned by the Family Research Council) : –76% said spanking was an effective form of discipline in their home when they were children –Nearly 50% of those who answered otherwise grew up in homes in which they were never spanked

2 Poll Americans perceive lack of discipline as the biggest problem in public education today Several studies show strong public support for corporal punishment by parents –Wisdom of man finally catches up!

3 Proverbs: A divinely inspired training manual for parents and children It is relevant to our day –Parents 3000 years ago faced the same problems w. their children that we face –People are people, no matter when they lived I Little Foxes

4 Pay attention when a child: Ignores orders Argues Back-talks Disobeys Throws fits –These little foxes end in rebellion –Solution: Resist Beginnings Stop a small fire before it spreads 1 Sm.2-3 –God held Eli responsible

5 II Proverbs And Parental Discipline Pro.13:24 “Boys have their ears on their backsides; they listen when they are beaten” –Egyptian proverb: “Boys have their ears on their backsides; they listen when they are beaten” –Parents who refuse discipline because they “love” the child are following human, not divine, wisdom loveProper discipline expresses love hateThose who neglect it hate their child

6 Pro.19:18 Parents who wait too late to begin discipline are flirting w. a “hopeless” condition (“while there is hope”) –Don’t wait to discipline after children are set in their ways –It is sad when a ten year old gets the bluff in on his mother! The only delay that parents should allow in discipline: period between the child’s violation and the parent’s cooling off

7 Pro.22:15 A child does foolish things because he lacks wisdom and experience, and craves mischief Pro. 23:13-14 –Discipline includes not only punishment, but instruction –A spanking must inflict pain –The ultimate purpose of discipline is to deliver the child’s soul from Hades.

8 Pro.29:15 Discipline offers side benefits: in control –Parents are in control, not frustrated delight –Parents delight in their children avoid embarrassment –Parents avoid embarrassment shape a soul –Parents shape a soul into the image of Christ (Hb. 12)

9 The disciplined child The disciplined child enjoys the security of learning wisdom and of knowing that his parents care about him A child left to himselfA child left to himself describes our permissive generation –An unrestrained child is like a colt that never learns to wear a bridle he –He does what he wants to do

10 Pro.29:17 Parallelism: –First half promises “rest” –Second adds “delight/pleasure” A disciplined child relieves anxiety (“gives rest”) and brings happiness to the parents An undisciplined child causes anxiety and grief

11 III Proverbs And Children’s Obedience Pro.1:8 –The book of Proverbs came not merely from the experience of old age, but as a special gift from God, v. 7; 3:11-12) – “Son” in these contexts does not exclude daughters –OT parents stoned rebellious children If this law were in effect today...

12 Pro.13:1 The wise child eventually sees that discipline is an act of love, not a trick of cruel parents. Hb.12:11 A scoffer is a mocker, the worst kind of fool Parallelism: –First part: “instruction” –Second part: “rebuke” Stronger word shows he does not respond to instruction on any levelStronger word shows he does not respond to instruction on any level

13 The characteristics (13:1) The “young mocker” is the opposite of the “wise son” in the first part –Rebuke –Rebuke: no respect for authority. This attitudes causes every other problem –Scoffer –Scoffer: reviles worship of God. A child who dishonors parents will dishonor God! –Does not listen –Does not listen: unteachable (thinks he knows it all)

14 Pro. 15:5 –The road to wisdom is not in the child’s limited experience, but in his parents’ instruction Pro. 23:22 –Listen (Mt.17:5) –Do not despise (Mt.6:24)

15 Pro. 28:7 Pro. 30:11-14 –“There is a generation” Heading the list: those who do not respect parents These parents were afraid that corporal punishment would damage their friendship w. their children!

16 Pro. 30:11 curse –To curse parents includes defaming or showing disrespect in general Ex.21:17 bless –To bless means to honor, respect (Pro.20:20)

17 Pro. 30:17 The “eye” most clearly reveals inner feelings A look of scorn speaks volumes

18 Discipline must be consistent in four ways 1.Personal 1.Personal. Hypocritical parents do untold damage 2.Parental 2.Parental. Make a rule a day for next 10 years, but don’t enforce most?? 3.Partner 3.Partner – If parents are not consistently united in discipline, they will fail 4.Persistent 4.Persistent – you must outlast them –Do not let begging, whining, or screaming wear you down

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