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Can you use the pronunciation guides to read these words? /∂-̀ter-nē/

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Presentation on theme: "Can you use the pronunciation guides to read these words? /∂-̀ter-nē/"— Presentation transcript:

1 Can you use the pronunciation guides to read these words? /∂-̀ter-nē/

2 Can you use the pronunciation guides to read these words? / ̀k∂r-nl/

3 Can you use the pronunciation guides to read these words? / ̀le-j∂s-lā-tor/

4 Can you use the pronunciation guides to read these words? /pōs(t)-̀pōn/ ō

5 Can you use the pronunciation guides to read these words? / ̀kwä-l∂-fī/

6 Can you use the pronunciation guides to read these words? /re-pri-̀zen-t∂-tiv/

7 Can you use the pronunciation guides to read these words? /sa-t∂s- ̀fak-t(∂)rē/

8 Can you use the pronunciation guides to read these words? /s∂b- ̀mit/

9 Ester Morris Vocabulary

10 “They might find they may need to submit to laws they don’t agree with.” “I apologize for my behavior and I submit to any punishment you might inflict.” submitting, submission, submitted

11 “…only one-third of those who qualify are eligible to vote were registered to do so.” “But the only fellow who opposed her for the position failed to qualify.” qualifying, qualification, qualified

12 “Everyone, from a teacher to an army colonel, has the right to vote as long as they are citizens.” “That man was Colonel William Bright, and he thought women’s being able to vote and hold office make all kinds of sense.” (Can you hear the dialect in this quote?”

13 “That’s why the Founding Fathers set up a special type of democracy in which people elect a representative who will speak for them.” “Colonel Bright was opposed by a feisty young lawyer named Benjamin Sheeks, another representative from South Pass City, who thought the idea was hogwash.” represent, representation, represented

14 “Some people thought the age (to vote) should be lowered to 18 years old, so an attorney challenged the law in court.” “The opposing attorney was having a heyday picking at every little thing and getting Mr. Sheeks’s dander up real good.”

15 “People who are old enough to vote should not postpone signing up…” “He made a motion to postpone discussion until July Fourth, which any fool knew was a holiday.” postponed, postponing

16 “In Washington, D.C., and every state capital, the legislature decides about future laws.” “In the closing months of 1869, a legislature full of men voted to give the women of Wyoming rights no other women in the world had: they could vote and hold office the same as men.” legislative, legislator, legislation

17 “These laws might not be satisfactory for your needs.” “…and I feel my work has been satisfactory, although I have often regretted I was not better qualified to fill the position.” satisfaction, satisfy, satisfying, satisfied

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