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Keeping Fit to Drive. Fatigue Types of Fatigue A.Normal fatigue B.Emotional fatigue C.Fatigue caused by disease.

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Presentation on theme: "Keeping Fit to Drive. Fatigue Types of Fatigue A.Normal fatigue B.Emotional fatigue C.Fatigue caused by disease."— Presentation transcript:

1 Keeping Fit to Drive

2 Fatigue Types of Fatigue A.Normal fatigue B.Emotional fatigue C.Fatigue caused by disease

3 Symptoms of Fatigue Physical Tired muscles General bodily sensations Sleepiness Tired feeling in head Pains in back and head Muscle pain and soreness Stiffness in joints Swelling of hands and feet Mental Slowed judgment Impaired concentration Impaired memory Unreasonable emotional responses

4 Fatigue Related Driving Problems Tendency to stare Trouble concentrating Loss of memory Slowed reactions Reduced co-ordination Irritability/aggressiveness Driving Process Search Identify Predict Decide Execute vsvs

5 Delaying Fatigue When Driving Avoid long drives Avoid anger Change drivers Keep eyes moving Let in fresh air Adjust temperature Wear seat belt Avoid leaning forward Wear good sunglasses Avoid alcohol Stop periodically Only rest will relieve fatigue!

6 Emotions Understand your own personal makeup Identify and avoid situations that upset you Plan trips to reduce stress

7 Prevent Situational Road Rage Expect others to make mistakes Do not underestimate others/drivers’ capacity to cause trouble Remember emotions are contagious Direct emotions to actions not individuals Delay driving when upset / ask someone else to drive Avoid making eye contact with an aggressive driver Do not make obscene gestures

8 Prevent Situational Road Rage Use your horn sparingly and for specific reason Stay out of the passing lane when not passing another vehicle Signal before changing lanes Use turn signal prior to any change of direction Avoid blocking right-hand turn lanes Do not tailgate If you must drive slow, pull over to allow traffic to pass Avoid unnecessary use of high beam headlights

9 Prevent Situational Road Rage Stop at the side of the road to talk with pedestrians or other drivers, not in a travel lane Steer off the road and stop if you must use car phone Do not inflict loud radio music or noise on neighboring cars Do not take more than one parking space If you’re not disabled, do not park in a designated disabled parking space Do not allow your car door to hit the vehicle parked next to you

10 Prevent Situational Road Rage “He who blows a fuse often is usually in the dark.” - a wise guy

11 Prevent Situational Road Rage

12 Temporary Illness Headache Allergies Cold/Flu

13 Drugs: Use & Abuse Categories Non- prescription or over the counter Prescription Illegal or Illicit Types Depressants Hallucinogens Stimulants Narcotics

14 Types of Drugs Depressants –Alcohol (booze) –Analgesics (pain pills) –Anti-diabetics (sugar medicine) –Barbiturates (downers) –Sedatives (ludes) Hallucinogens –Cannabis (pot) –Lysergic Acid (LSD/acid) –Mescaline and Peyote (mesc) –Phencyclidien (PCP) –Inhalants (fumes) –Psilocybine (shrooms) Stimulants –Amphetamines (speed) –Caffeine (soft drinks/chocolate/coffee) –Nicotine (tobacco) Narcotics –Cocaine (crack/coke) –Opiates (codeine/heroin/morphine) –Designer Drugs (Ecstasy/XTC) Among other effects, use impairs judgement - which can be fatal to the driving process!

15 Consider This! Young drivers are involved in fatal crashes at twice the rate of drivers 21 and older. Almost half of those killed in alcohol related crashes had not been drinking but were victims of drunk drivers. More than half of all fatalities during holidays are alcohol related.

16 WHISKEY @ 80 o (80 proof about 40%) (100 proof about 50%) 1 oz.(shot) 0.40 ounces of ethyl alcohol 0.40 ounces of ethyl alcohol BEER @ 4.5% 12 oz. 0.045 ounces of ethyl alcohol 0.54 ounces of ethyl alcohol COOLER @ 5.0% 12 oz. 0.05 ounces of ethyl alcohol 0.60 ounces of ethyl alcohol MARGARITA Tequila (80 o ) Triple sec (60 o ) 1.5 oz. 0.5 oz. 0.4 0.3 ounces of ethyl alcohol 0.6 + 0.15 = 0.75 ounces of ethyl alcohol MARGARITA =88% more alcohol… than a shot of whiskey. COOLER =50% more alcohol… than a shot of whiskey. BEER =35% more alcohol… than a shot of whiskey. WINE =20% more alcohol… than a shot of whiskey.

17 Effects of Alcohol Depression Anxiety Stress levels Reduces inhibitions Impairs judgement Ability to process information Hearing Speech Vision Walking Coordination Impairment begins with 1 drink! Driving Process Search Identify Predict Decide Execute Sober Thoughts

18 Alcohol Effects By BAC Level Decision Making.03-.04 Release of Inhibitions.04 Reflexes.05-.10 Coordination/Motor Ability.10 Confusion/Disorientation.15 Stupor.20-.30 Coma.30-.40 Death.40 or more


20 BAC 0.04 five times more likely to be in crash BAC 0.08 twenty five times more likely In US 20,000/yr killed in fatal crashes –more than 400 per week Probability of Collision Kentucky Presumed under the influence if BAC is 0.08% (21 yrs +) Less than 21 zero tolerance ( presumed under the influence BAC 0.02%)

21 Penalties for DUI Social consequences for you, your family, your friends, and your community Legal consequences can affect your life choices Monetary consequences, perhaps the most insignificant effect of DUI, include, fines, attorney fees, insurance, loss of work, and many more

22 Jacqueline Saburido was a happy going university student who loved to swim, practiced flamenco dancing and loved to spend her time with family and friends. Today, Jacqueline is a survivor of a car accident with a drunk driver in Austin, Texas that left her burned and disfigured for life. Her passion for life has motivated her to want to make a contribution to society with the goal of reducing accidents involving drunk drivers.












34 Think about the consequences of your actions! Drive responsibly.

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