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Criminal Justice Stream 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Criminal Justice Stream 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Criminal Justice Stream 1

2 Four Pillars of a Criminal Justice System
Rehabilitation Safety Deterrence Retribution

3 Rehabilitation

4 How does the justice system help rehabilitation?
The parole system incentivises good behaviour To get parole initially When you are out of prison on parole We can provide rehabilitation services to criminals like education Conciliation between victims and perpetrators

5 How does the criminal justice system hurt rehabilitation?
Resentment of society and the state Creation of criminal networks Difficulty of getting a job outside of prison Australia has a 50% recidivism rate

6 Safety

7 How is the criminal justice system good for safety?
Victims are protected (e.g. from an ongoing abuser) Because criminals are kept locked away, they can’t reoffend and inflict harm on other people

8 Deterrence

9 Why do prisons deter people
Rational choice theory Discursive changes in the way we think about crime

10 Why might the deterrent effect fail??
Criminals are often really irrational Lack education Crimes of passion Economic desperation/drug addiction etc. People are optimistic that they won’t get caught Sometimes it is basically impossible to enforce crimes (rape, drugs)

11 Retributive Justice

12 Why does the criminal justice system give retributive justice?
Victims can recover if the perpetrator is in jail Society’s desire for justice is met People get what they deserve

13 Putting it all together

14 What can we do with these concepts?
Think about how the model makes the things we have discussed better/worse

15 Then analyse stakeholders with them
Will crime go up or down as a result of this model? How will prisoners be affected by it? Will it be more moral/just?

16 Helpful Rule of Thumb Your stakeholders should generally be the way you structure/label your arguments What does this do to levels of crime? How does this help the recovery of victims? How does this impact perpetrators? The content of your arguments can then use the four pillars

17 Remember! There is no universal template
Which of the four pillars you deploy depends on the debate, you have to think through which issues the model is really affecting

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