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Kohlberg & Erikson. Kohlberg believed that children develop a moral code and awareness of respect, empathy & love through interactions with others.

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Presentation on theme: "Kohlberg & Erikson. Kohlberg believed that children develop a moral code and awareness of respect, empathy & love through interactions with others."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kohlberg & Erikson

2 Kohlberg believed that children develop a moral code and awareness of respect, empathy & love through interactions with others

3 Preconventional Stages: develops in the first 9 years of life  1. Obediance & Punishment  Sense of right & wrong  Individualism & Exchange  Right & wrong determined by rewards

4 Conventional Stages: adolescence  3. “Good boy/ Nice Girl”  Classifying moral behavior as to whether it will help or please  4. Law & Order Stage  Equate being good with respecting authority & obeying the law

5 Postconventional Stages about 10-15% of population reaches these  5. Social Contract/Individual Rights  Recognition that rights can supersede laws that are restrictive or destructive in nature  6. Universal Ethical Principles  Your own conscious becomes the ultimate judge, commit yourself to equal rights & respect for all above all else. Have great sense and respect for justice.

6 Erikson’s Theory of 8 Stage Development  Everyone is born with a purpose, and they work towards that purpose through 8 stages of conflicts throughout life.

7 1. Trust v. Mistrust  Infants needs are met or neglected – this shapes their ability to trust.

8 2. Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt  Toddlers explore the world and feel shame from failures & reprimands. This shapes their development of will power through negotiating the experiences of success & failure

9 3. Initiative vs. Guilt  Children act creatively and are playful with purpose. Severe punishments at this stage can inflict paralyzing feelings of guilt.

10 4. Industry vs. Inferiority  Education & learning social skills marks this stage. Provides feelings of confidence, although could potentially lead to the equation of self-worth with productivity

11 5. Ego-Identity vs. Role Confusion  Sense of who we are while considering the past, present and future. Exploring different interests, opinions, perspectives & niches until we find where we “fit”  Erikson coined the phrase “identity crisis”

12 6. Intimacy vs. Isolation  Build close relationships & experience love. Also exposures to heartbreak and rejection.

13 7. Generativity vs. Stagnation  Finding pride in your work on behalf of future generations or through social activism. Stagnation being a sense of ‘stuckness’; a lack of legacy.

14 8. Ego-Integrity vs. Despair  Either feeling satisfied & at peace with the holistic view of your life lived OR a sense of despair over the reality of impending death.

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