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By Naek R. Sijabat. BooksWrittenFirst Copy from Original (Years) Number of Copies Illiad by Homer800 BCc. 400 BC400 years643 Herodotus460-400.

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Presentation on theme: "By Naek R. Sijabat. BooksWrittenFirst Copy from Original (Years) Number of Copies Illiad by Homer800 BCc. 400 BC400 years643 Herodotus460-400."— Presentation transcript:

1 by Naek R. Sijabat







8 BooksWrittenFirst Copy from Original (Years) Number of Copies Illiad by Homer800 BCc. 400 BC400 years643 Herodotus460-400 BCc. 900 AD1350 years8 Thucydides480-425 BCc. 900 AD1300 years8 Plato400 BCc. 900 AD1300 years7 Gallic Wars100-44 SMc. 900 AD1000 years10 NT50-100 ADfragment - c.114 some books - c.200 almost complete - c.250 complete - c.325 +50 years 100 years 150 years 225 years 5366




12 The Ebers Papyrus: “To prevent hair from turning gray, anoint it with the blood of a calf which has been boiled in oil or with the fat of a rattlesnake.” “A mixture of six fats, namely those of the horse, the hippopotamus, the crocodile, the cat, the snake and the ibex.... to prevent hair loss.” Key words: Other Document; Advise; Compare to the Bible







19 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. (Matthew 5:17-18)

20 Genesis: He is the seed of the woman Exodus: He is the passover lamb Leviticus: He is the high priest Numbers: He is the pillar of cloud by day and fire by night Deuteronomy: He is the prophet like unto Moses Joshua: He is the captain of our salvation Judges: He is the judge and lawgiver Ruth: He is the kinsman redeemer I & II Samuel: He is the trusted prophet Kings and Chronicles: He is the reigning king Ezra: He is the faithful scribe Nehemiah: He is the rebuilder of the broken wall Esther: He is the Mordecai Job: He is the ever- living redeemer Psalms: He is the Lord our shepherd Proverbs & Ecclesiastes: He is true wisdom Song of Solomon: He is the true lover and bridegroom Isaiah: He is the prince of peace Jeremiah and Lamentations: He is the weeping prophet Ezekiel: He is the wonderful four- faced man Daniel: He is the fourth man in the fiery furnace Hosea: He is the eternal husband -forever married to the backslider Joel, He is the baptizer with the Holy Spirit Amos: He is the burden-bearer Obadiah: He is the Savior Jonah: He is the great foreign missionary Micah: He is the messenger with beautiful feet Nahum: He is the avenger Habakkuk: He is God's evangelist pleading for revival Zephaniah: He is the Lord mighty to save. Haggai: He is the restorer of the lost heritage Zechariah: He is the fountain opened in the house of David for sin and for cleansing Malachi: He is the sun of righteousness arising with healing in His wings

21 Collosians 2:16-17 …These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ

22 Attitudes/ Actions towards the Bible: 1.Respect 2.Read 3.Remember 4.Respond (Do)

23 Bibliography: NIV Bible Science & Christianity by Dr. John Oakes PhD Christ & the Law; The Power of the Word by John Mac Arthur Wikipedia

24 Thank you! For further study: Naek R. Sijabat

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