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The War Created divisions within the colonies. 700,000 out of 2.5 million were loyal to British: Tories. Also united the colonies. Soldiers in Continental.

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Presentation on theme: "The War Created divisions within the colonies. 700,000 out of 2.5 million were loyal to British: Tories. Also united the colonies. Soldiers in Continental."— Presentation transcript:

1 The War Created divisions within the colonies. 700,000 out of 2.5 million were loyal to British: Tories. Also united the colonies. Soldiers in Continental Army began to see themselves as Americans, not just Virginians or New Yorkers. Citizens pondered much more deeply what they had in common with citizens of other colonies. Summoned great public virtue, from ordinary citizens, as well as the famous.

2 Video: Battle of Bunker Hill The Americans faced formidable power. Despite losing this battle, the Americans inflict surprisingly large losses on the British. This gives them confidence going forward.

3 After the War The colonies had an unusual amount of public virtue. They also had other assets that would facilitate setting up a Good Society.

4 Quiz 10 1. Claim: The colonists knew that they wanted liberty from British tyranny, but, in the midst of the Revolution, they had not yet considered broader meanings for the word “liberty”. 2. Claim: The Declaration of Independence’s four principles include equality, rights, consent, and due process. 3. The Declaration of Independence says: “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government”. Claim: This statement represents the only one of the four Declaration principles that John Locke did not argue for in his Second Treatise on Government. 4. Starting in 1890, some Southern states effectively denied many blacks from voting by requiring them to pass literacy tests. Claim: This practice did not violate any of the principles mentioned in the Declaration of Independence. 5. Suppose the US Congress passes a law banning coal mining in Utah over the strenuous objections of the people of Utah. Claim: The Declaration of Independence provides justification for Utah seeking to secede from the United States in this case.

5 iClicker What was the main impact of the Declaration of Independence as a founding document? A. Served as a clear statement of the ideals of America. B. United the colonists as one nation. C. Sparked a war with Great Britain. D. Organized a government by the people, for the people, and of the people.

6 Videos: Debating the Declaration After others had argued for patience, John Adams argues for making the break now.

7 Historical Background of the Declaration Military battles became more intense: The need for unity increased. Congress appointed a committee to draft a declaration. John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Robert Livingston, Roger Sherman. Congress debated Declaration fiercely for three days. Unanimously approved by Congress July 4.


9 Video: Super Bowl Declaration Cool people recite the coolest parts of a very cool document.

10 iClicker Which of the following ideas is found in Locke’s Second Treatise but not explicitly in the Declaration of Independence? A.Government only has legitimacy if the people consent to that government. B.Government power should be divided among multiple branches. C. In a state of nature, people tend to trample on each other’s rights. D. People have natural rights that government must preserve.

11 Four Premises of the Declaration of Independence 1.Equality: All people are created equal. 2.Rights: God has endowed each person with unalienable rights. 3.Consent: Government, with power from the people, should secure these rights. 4.Revolution: If government fails to do this, it should be removed.

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