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Hazing Prevention In Action Jason T. Spratt Dean of Students Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.

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Presentation on theme: "Hazing Prevention In Action Jason T. Spratt Dean of Students Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hazing Prevention In Action Jason T. Spratt Dean of Students Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

2 Alpha Phi Omega It is the VISION of Alpha Phi Omega to be recognized as the premier service-based leadership development organization. It is the MISSION of Alpha Phi Omega to prepare campus and community leaders through service. The VALUES of Alpha Phi Omega are to develop leadership, promote friendship and provide service. The OBJECTIVES of Alpha Phi Omega are Share, Grow, Improve and Invest.

3 How do you define hazing?

4 Hazing: What is it? Alpha Phi Omega defines hazing as: Any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off fraternity premises or during fraternity functions, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. Such activities may include but are not limited to the following: use of alcoholic beverages; paddling in any form; branding; creation of excessive fatigue, physical or psychological shocks; quests; treasure hunts; scavenger hunts, road trips; or any other such activities carried on in the name of the Fraternity; wearing of public apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; engaging in public stunts and buffoonery; morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; and any other activities which are not consistent with fraternal law, ritual or policy or the regulations and policies of the educational institution and local, state and federal laws.

5 Hazing: What is it? HazingPrevention.Org defines hazing as any action taken or any situation created intentionally that causes embarrassment, harassment or ridicule and risks emotional and/or physical harm to members of a group or team, whether new or not, regardless of the person’s willingness to participate Hazing is a problem for everyone It is not just a social fraternity/sorority problem 44 states have anti-hazing laws currently (states without anti- hazing laws: Alaska, Hawaii, Montana, New Mexico, South Dakota and Wyoming) It is likely happening as we speak

6 What students say… “Hazing is good and hazing is bad. It depends on how you are using it. If you are using it to inflict hard on someone then it is bad.” “Hazing in my opinion is just a gray term, it comes out to a real personal preference.” “I think there are a lot of definitions of hazing. One that I have heard is anything that makes someone feel uncomfortable or threatened without a constructive purpose.” (Allan & Madden, 2008)

7 Some of the numbers… 55% of the college students involved in clubs, teams and organizations experience hazing Alcohol consumption, humiliation, isolation, sleep- deprivation, and sex acts are hazing practices common across types of student groups 25% of coaches or advisors were aware of the group’s hazing behaviors, in 25% alumni were present, and 25% occurred in public spaces on campus 95% of the students that identify their experience as hazing don’t report it 47% of students come to college having experienced hazing 90% of students who have experienced hazing in college do not consider themselves to have been hazed (Allan & Madden, 2008)

8 Reported Hazing by Type of Organization

9 This is a high school student…

10 This is a college student…

11 These are Florida Marlins Rookies…

12 Brothers and Sisters??????

13 So what do we do and how do we prevent it?

14 We Educate New members and old members need to be educated on the dangers of hazing and that it won’t be tolerated Hazing is not a secret and not the way that fraternal bonding should be formed Accountability by everyone is critical – the chapter, the national headquarters, the community, and society Education has to include all students, faculty, staff, and family members – especially the family members of 1 st generation college students Education has to begin in middle and high school Understanding bystander behavior and intervention is key

15 What is a bystander? A bystander could be anyone who sees or otherwise becomes aware of behavior that appears worthy of comment or action. Bystanders are the largest number of people in “violent” situations such as: bullying, discrimination, harassment, hazing, alcohol abuse, physical abuse and sexual abuse/violence We have all been bystanders in our lives, and we will all be in situations where we are bystanders in the future. The choice, then, becomes whether we are going to be active bystanders who speak up and say/do something, or whether we will be passive bystanders who stand by and say/do nothing

16 The Good Samaritan This is not as common as you think… Research has shown that the more bystanders are present during a incident, the less likely that chances are that someone will help Why do you think this happens?

17 Why Bystanders Don’t Act? If no one else is acting, it is hard to go against the crowd Fear of retaliation, especially if the problem person is powerful People may feel that they are risking embarrassment (what if I am wrong?) They may think someone else is going to help (this is referred to as a diffusion of responsibility) Thinking that because no one else is helping, maybe help isn’t necessary. Uncertainty about what to do to help The Bystander Effect: Death of Matthew Carrington

18 Power of Bystanders Have you ever stopped a friend from doing something that could get them in trouble? Have you even taken the keys from someone that has been drinking? Have you ever reported something to an authority figure that you thought could prevent a violent situation? If so, you have used the power of bystanders

19 Steps to Bystander Action 1.Notice something out of the ordinary 2.“Trust your gut” that something is unacceptable 3.Ask yourself: “Can I help?” -If no one helps, what will likely happen? -Is someone else better placed to respond? -What would be my purpose in responding? 4.Assess your options for giving help Name or acknowledge the offense Point to the “elephant in the room” Interrupt the behavior Publicly support the person being hurt or offended and/or prevent further injury or offense Use body language to show disapproval Use humor to diffuse the situation Encourage dialogue Help calm the situation before an incident if possible Call for help Report the incident (after the fact)

20 Steps to Bystander Action 5.Determine the potential risk of taking action -Are there risks to myself? -Are there risks to others? -Is there a low-risk option? -How could I reduce risks? -Is there more information I can get to better assess the situation? 6.Decide whether to act, at the time or later

21 Bystander Intervention Strategies “I” statements State your feelings Name the behavior State how you want the person to respond By focusing on your own feelings you are not directly criticizing the other person Example: “I feel ____ when you____. Please don’t do that anymore.” Silent Stare You don’t have to speak to communicate Sometimes a disapproving look can be more powerful than words Humor Can help reduce tension but don’t undermine what you are saying with too much humor Group Intervention Safety in the power of numbers

22 Bystander Intervention Strategies Bring it Home Example: “I hope no one ever talks about you like that.” Example: “What would you do is someone said ________?” Friendship Approach Example: “As your friend I need to tell you that ______.” Distraction Example: Ask a man harassing a woman on the street for directions or the time. Example: Interrupt and start a conversation with the person. Act within your comfort zone and use common sense. Never choose a course of action that put you or anyone else at greater risk of harm. There are a range of actions but if you or someone else is in immediate danger, calling 911 is the best action a bystander can take.

23 What can Alpha Phi Omega do? Discussion and Questions

24 Thank you! Bystander Intervention resources adapted from online resources at Virginia Tech, MIT, William & Mary, National Sexual Violence Resource Center, and Hazing information from and and

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