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Supporting spirituality for children and young people in state care Dr. Annabel Goodyer.

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1 Supporting spirituality for children and young people in state care Dr. Annabel Goodyer

2 65,500 children in English state care: vulnerabilities Education: 15% obtain 5 GCSE’s at A-C grades, including maths & English, compared to 58% in the general population (2011) School-leavers: 18% unemployed compared to 4% Criminal activity: 7% (aged 10-17) compared to 2% in the general population received a conviction or police warning 4.3 per cent were identified as having a substance misuse problem during the year.

3 ‘Resilient children are better equipped to resist stress and adversity, cope with change and uncertainty, and to recover faster and more completely from t traumatic events or episodes’ (Newman & Blackburn 2001:1) Using resilience theory to enhance life-chances A. Goodyer lsbu

4 Social Causation factors : Newman & Blackburn in Golightly 2004) Strong Extended Family Successful Schooling Network of friends Member of religious community Having a role outside family: sport, clubs, hobbies etc. Spirituality supports resilience A. Goodyer lsbu

5 5 Fitting the Pieces Together: DfE 2011 Legal underpinnings: - Children Act 1989 - International obligations Placements [Care Standards Act 2000] - Fostering (Vol. 4) - Children’s Homes (vol. 5) - Notification; Registration - National Minimum Standards Child at the centre - Care Planning (Vol.2) - Sufficiency Duty Principles: mirrors journey through care timeliness and permanence maintain parental involvement cycle of: assessment, planning, intervention, review One, integrated care plan! Voice of the child - IRO Handbook - Lead Member and DCS - Effective Advocacy Care leavers - Planning Transitions to Adulthood for care leavers (Vol. 3) PA to 25 Health and education - Promoting health - Promoting education - Designated teacher Related duties for vulnerable children - Short breaks - Visits to former LAC in detention - children in long term residential care - Family & Friends - Placements by vol. orgs..

6 Centre for Social Work Research (CSWR2011): witchcraft projects CSWR evaluated the funded welfare projects of 4 London groups(AFRUCA, CCPAS, Congolese Family Centre, Victoria Climbie Association), from 2007-11 Explored how they had worked to educate, support and offer expertise on witchcraft & spirit possession

7 CSWR Findings Belief in witchcraft & possession are widespread, but rarely harmful Faith organisations are largely seen as offering support & advice to immigrants who face poverty & inequality in the wider community Safeguarding procedures can be effective if parents or church leaders perform acts of deliverance which inflict harm and/or trauma on the child Unscrupulous faith leaders are in a position to exploit vulnerable individuals

8 Supporting spirituality in social work practice Through dialogue Practically Affirming life choices Maintaining links with the child /young persons family culture and beliefs


10 References Centre for Social Work Research (2011) Safeguarding Children’s Rights: Exploring issues of witchcraft and spirit possession in London’s African communities DfE 2011 Care into practice: the legal framework for looked after children and care leavers, London TSO Golightly, M 2004 Social Work and Mental Health Exeter, Learning Matters

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