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4  What it’s NOT:  It’s NOT an imaginary man month in which the Super Bowl BCS Championship World Series NBA Finals The Final Four The Masters Deer Season Elk Season Duck Season Pheasant Season …all take place!

5  What it IS :  It IS a software engineering scheduling monster  It IS a commonly used practice of project management  It IS useless in most software engineeringenvironments.

6  The ‘Man-Month’ is a calculation: 1 Man = 1 Month i.e. A job that would take 1 man 5 months to complete will take 5 men 1 month to complete.

7  The ‘Man-Month’ will not work for a software engineering project  Software Engineering is governed by sequential constraints and is linear.

8  The ‘Man-Month’ will not work for a software engineering project  Each new worker would require time to bring them ‘up to speed’  Extends the amount of time required to complete the project.

9  System Testing – does not benefit from additional resources.  Systems Testing is the biggest pit-fall in project planning  Systems Testing should be allowed at least ½ the total time allotted for project completion.  More time allotted for testing instead of more personnel.

10  Be liberal with project completion estimates.  Too often an estimate of completion is based on what the boss or client want to hear.  A more realistic time estimate or padding of time estimate (set yourself up for success, give yourself a chance to be a hero)

11  System Testing – does not benefit from additional resources.  Systems Testing is the biggest pit-fall in project planning  Systems Testing should be allowed at least ½ the total time allotted for project completion.  More time allotted for testing instead of more personnel.

12  Failing to meet un-aquireable goals.  A snowball effect happens when inadequate time is allotted and incorrect steps are taken to correct the issue.  Makes you look incompetent  Wastes money/time/resources

13  When more manpower works for Software Engineering  More manpower should be directly related to the number of independent subtasks  “Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later” Brooks Law

14 “More software projects have gone awry for lack of calendar time than for all other causes combined.” P roper P roject P lanning P revents P reposterously P athetic P roblematic P rojects

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