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1 DOCUMENT #:GSC15-CL-02 FOR:Presentation SOURCE:CCSA AGENDA ITEM:Closing Plenary, 3.1 CONTACT(S) GSC15 Opening/Plenary Summary Report WEI LePing CCSA Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) GSC-15
2 106 attendees 99 input documents Presentations from 8 PSOs and ITU: ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, ISACC, TIA, TTA, TTC;ITU (GSC15-PLEN-4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12;9) Highlights were given on main topics of work for each PSO and ITU during the last year Overall, increasing efforts towards “green technologies”? Regional and global coordination and cooperation remain paramount 14 High Interest Subject panel sessions 1 New and Novel contribution Meeting Overview
3 Meeting Overview (2) High Interest Subjects (Panel Sessions) Continuing cooperation on IMT standardization (ARIB) Emergency communications (TIA) Security and lawful interception (TIA) Identity management and identification systems (ITU) IPTV (ATIS) Intelligent transportation systems (TIA) IP over broadband access in support of convergence (TTA) ICT and the environment (TTC) ICT management & operations (CCSA) Interoperability (TTC) Smart Grid(TIA) Machine-to-Machine(M2M) communications(ETSI) Service Oriented Network(ATIS) Cloud computing(ATIS) New and Novel Topics Policy Management Standards-Toward a Common Architecture Framework(ATIS)
4 Review from past GSC-14 Presentations Presentation of GSC-14 Plenary Status Report (GSC14-CL-37) Summary There were 28 Resolutions from GSC-14 Worked very aggressively to streamline the GSC process Target discussions in key areas New dimensions explored
5 Continuing Cooperation on IMT Standardization Presentations were provided by ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, ISACC, ITU, TIA and TTA on the basis of their contributions GSC15-PLEN-13r1 (ARIB), 14 (ATIS), 15 (CCSA), 16 (TIA), 17 (TTA), 69 (IMT Task Force; partially ETSI & ITU) and 70 (ISACC) Summary PSOs updated their national/regional activities on IMT standardization. The importance of cooperation on IMT standardization was emphasized in their contributions. Updates to the GSC-14 Resolution on IMT Standardization were recommended in order to include the current activities of ITU-R WP 5D, 3GPP and other PSOs and to retain as the High Interest Subject for the GSC-16 meeting. Resolution A drafting group was charged with updating the Resolution GSC- 14/01 on Continuing Cooperation on IMT Standardization.
6 Emergency Communications Presentations were provided by ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, ITU, and TIA GSC15-PLEN-18 (ATIS), -19 (CCSA), -20 (ETSI), -21 (ITU), -22r2 (TIA) Summary Focus was on architectures, services, and functional capabilities for standardization requirements in various emergency circumstances and environments. Areas of current standardization activities included satellite emergency communications, land to sky, emergency SMS, disaster recovery, citizen-to-authority (E911, NOVES), authority-to-citizen (EAS, CMAS, ENS), authority-to-authority (ETS), automated calls to emergency services, wireless and multimedia priority services, emergency services for femto, and position location. The importance and impacts of regional regulatory requirements and mandates in coordination with global directions was stressed. Plans are to continue to develop new standards and make revisions to existing standards. Plans are to continue to support the various public safety needs and regulations including non- voice emergency services, public warning research, sensor monitoring, unified IMS, priority call in public communications, call forwarding and referral of emergency calls and RRS-based public safety communications infrastructure. Plans are to continue cross-organizational coordination, collaboration, and liaisons. Recommendations Reaffirm the existing Resolution GSC-14/02 Retain HIS for GSC-16 6
7 Security and Lawful Intercept Presentations were provided by ATIS, ETSI, and TIA GSC15-PLEN-23 (ATIS), 24 (ETIS), 25 (TIA) Summary Lawful Intercept (LI) Focus is on VOIP, Internet Access and Services, Local Breakout, Femtocells, Smart Grid. Continue cross coordination and collaboration among the SDOs. Security Focus is on security enhancements for Femtocells, advanced security for HRPD, eHRPD and XHRPD, RRS, IPv6, and new developments in 3GPP (LTE and HNB) and 3GPP2, and M2M. Equipment Numbering Identifier security continues as discussion items during Global Numbering JEM moderated by TR-45 EUMAG hosted by IMEI (GSMA) & MEID (TIA) Stressed importance of cooperation among the SDOs. Challenge is to address the inconsistent implementations of security in the network. Recommendations Retain HIS for GSC-16
8 Identity Management Presentations were provided by ATIS, ETSI, ISACC and ITU-T GSC15-PLEN-26 (ATIS), 27 (ETSI), 28 (ISACC), 29 (ITU), 71 (ISACC), 80 (ITU) Summary Highlight Interoperability, Federation, Discovery of IdM and Privacy are key issues to be further study. Leverage diverse IdM solutions are common objective among the SDOs. Collaboration among main SDOs need to be strengthened. Various important standards are in developing. Next step Challenge is to address the inconsistency of various IdM solutions from different SDOs. Continue to develop new standards and make revisions to existing standards. Stressed importance of cooperation among the SDOs. Focus on Identity management for RFIDs, sensors, wireless and near-field devices, on- board GSM NGN, IPTV, clouding computing, healthcare, emergency communications, e- government, disaster relief, and convergent network and service Recommendation Reaffirm the existing Resolution GSC-14/04 Retain HIS for GSC-16
9 IPTV Presentations GSC15-PLEN-30, -31, -32, -33, -34, 40r1 Summary IPTV standards have progressed to evolve from architectural scope and broadcast services to more advanced services and capabilities Delivery of Internet content is currently being undertaken – some variance across Internet models Open security and secure DRM solutions for IPTV are critical challenges Future IPTV standards must continue to evolve to meet dynamic environment defined by NGN Convergence, IMS and web-based services and applications-oriented model Emerging device capabilities (e.g. 3D), expanding network capabilities (e.g. CDNs) and new applications like targeted advertising are driving new IPTV requirements It is important to ensure the alignment of IPTV architectures and interfaces with global aspects; and to continue to work cooperatively with external organizations, especially with the ITU-T on aligning and coordinating efforts and work products As IPTV standardization continues to progress, Interoperability events are critical to the needs of the market, as SDOs pursue harmonization and seek to avoid fragmentation IPTV standards must be sufficiently flexible to support unique needs of countries, service areas and regulatory frameworks New market requirements and standardization activities related to mobile applications of IPTV highlights the need for cooperation and information exchange across relevant SDOs Resolution Proposed revisions to Resolution GSC-14/06 on IPTV Standards
10 ITS Presentations GSC15-PLEN-35 (ARIB),36 (ETSI),37 (ITU), 38 (TIA), 39 (TTA) Summary Major activity in ITS standards in Europe, Japan, Korea, and the U.S. Unreported activity in China International ITS standards leadership from ITU and ISO All PSOs are encouraged to solicit participation from their countries in the Fully Networked Car Workshop in Geneva March 2-3, 2011 at the time of the Geneva Motorshow Resolution Resolution on GSC ITS Task Force revised to add driver distraction, request exploration of TD-LTE for ITS, and further emphasise cooperative systems
11 IP over Broadband Access Presentations GSC15-PLEN-42(TIA) Summary Noting that the GSC has reached its goal of encouraging IP over Broadband Convergence related subjects are being addressed in many of areas such as IPTV, ITS, Smart Grid and Cloud Computing etc. Resolution Recommend “Not Reaffirm” the Res GSC-14/07
12 ICT & Environment Contributions GSC15-PLEN-42 (ATIS), 43 (ETSI), 44 (ITU), 90 (TIA), 45 (TTA), 78 (TTC), 84 (res TTC) Highlight of Current Activities ATIS’ Green Initiative: Promoting Efficiency and Innovation for Environmental Sustainability ETSI Green Agenda: Technical standardization activities, Electronic working tools, Seminar) ITU-T (SG5 ICT&CC,1 st Rec L.1000), ITU-R (climate monitor) and ITU-D TIA’s ‘Green’ Drive: Environmental Regulatory Tracking, Green Addendum, E-cycling Website, Standards Development for 3GPP2 & Data Centers, etc.) TTA’s Standard Roadmap of Green ICT (Green of ICT, Green by ICT, etc.) TTC’s Green ICT activities toward low-carbon society (Methodology of environmental assessment) Next Steps/Actions Important to carry out the standardization work in a coordinated way (Avoid conflicting standards & duplication of work) Promotion of collaboration and coordination (JCA on ICT&CC, Invite relevant organizations or experts) Continued focus on development of standards (e.g., Smart Grid, M2M, Data Centers) to support technologies, projects and features relative to energy efficiencies and green environment Establishment of Green ICT Standard Roadmap, strengthen collaboration with relevant organization Summary PSOs updated their regional activities on ICT & Environment. The importance of cooperation on ICT & Environment was emphasized. Update of resolution is proposed by ATIS and TTC. Recommendation Resolution GSC-14 on ICT & Environment needs to be updated. Retain HIS for GSC-16.
13 ICT Management & Operations Presentations GSC15-PLEN-46, 47r1 Summary Research is needed for the convergent ICT M&O today covering both telecom/communication and IT field. ATIS focus on ICT service specified M&O standardization activities, such as IPTV, NGN, and so on CCSA established a practical ICT M&O framework which can harmonize most of the current ICT standardization achievements in different organizations Coordinate and collaborate with other organizations where appropriate Continue with cross-organizational coordination and collaboration Resolution Proposed to revise GSC14-CL-016R1 “ ICT Management and operations ”
14 Interoperability Presentations GSC15-PLEN-48 (ATIS), 49 (CCSA), 50 (ISACC), 51 (ITU), 74 (ISACC), 79 (TTC),85 (TTC),92(ETSI) Summary ATIS presented their activities and challenges on interoperability including NG- CI, IIF, NG-CI, ESIF. CCSA presented the trends and their challenges for Broadband Network Convergence (FMC). ETSI presented their activities and challenges mainly on ETSI Interoperability testing (Plugtests ™ ). ISACC analyzed the root causes of non-interoperability and proposed resolution to assist the ITU-T in implementation of Res 76. This presentation includes proposed modifications to the resolution. ITU presented their activities in Study Groups. JCA-CIT, regional ITU consultations, Pilot conformity Database and Interop event etc. TTC presented their activities on NGN interoperability. And TTC proposed modifications to the resolution. Resolution The importance of interoperability was emphasized in those contributions and recognized among PSOs. Proposed modifications to the resolution were reviewed. The meeting positively supported to reaffirm the current resolution from GSC14. PPSO should facilitate the communication and discussion among SDOs and make effort to get consensus to achieve interoperability.
15 Smart Grid Presentations GSC15-PLEN-52 (ATIS), 53 (ETSI), 54 (ISACC), 55 (ITU), 56 (TTA), 91(TIA) Summary Six reports presented by ATIS, ETSI, ITU-T, TIA, and TTA, each had initiated standardization activities on Smart Grid. Many countries have initiated Smart Grid activities, including China, EU, Japan, Korea and the U.S. Each may have different scopes and approaches due to differences in regional requirements. Smart Grid is an opportunity for the ICT industry. Partnership and cooperation between power and ICT companies are vital to the success of the smart grid story. Key areas of work: communications and networking, data management, privacy, and cyber security. Challenges: better partnership between power and ICT industries; avoid multiplicity of standards, duplication of work. Next steps/actions: needs stronger cooperation and collaboration among national, regional and international activities that relate to standardization in the field of "Smart Grids and ICT.” Resolution The panel prepared a new resolution for continuation of Smart Grid standardization process.
16 M2M communications Presentations GSC15-PLEN-57 (CCSA), 58 (ETSI), 59 (TIA) Main observations M2M is a quickly emerging market driven by telecom operators, integrators, vendors, semi-conductor makers and regulatory M2M is becoming mainstream via major applications like Smart Meters, Smart Grid, eHealth, City Automation, Connected Consumer, Telematics to the Internet of Services, Things and Objects Many M2M standardization activities are spread over the globe Strong need for coordination of M2M standardization to avoid creating a multitude of non compatible M2M standards and keeping a good alignment between standards and market needs Resolution A new Resolution draft (GSC-15-PLEN-83rev1) proposes to establish a M2M Standardization Task Force to coordinate across interested PSOs. A drafting group to be set up to discuss offline, update the draft for decision by the closing plenary
17 Service Oriented Networks Presentations 2 SON contributions from CCSA (60) and ATIS (81). Summary Frameworks facilitate integration and adaptation of service enablers A minimum set of common functions is required in the framework These frameworks allow interworking across technologies: IMS, SOA, Web 2.0, Cloud, etc. Service Providers use the framework to integrate service inventories into multiple products Support for flexible reuse of service enablers allows the same functions to be used for multiple retail and wholesale products Service Oriented Networks are structured cloud implementations Resolution Proposed new Resolution from ATIS (GSC15-PLEN-86)
18 Cloud Computing Presentations Significant interest in cloud computing including 5 presentations from ETSI (61), ISAAC (62), ITU (63), TTA (64r1), and ATIS (82r2). Summary There is a consistent high level understanding of cloud definition. The layers of IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS are widely recognized There are many existing proprietary implementations. Implementable solutions of IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS are inconsistent and proprietary. Many service components already exist but gaps are not clear because of multiple taxonomies Standardizing taxonomy and identifying Cloud layers are more valuable if they are interoperable and consistent: standardized building blocks. Develop consistent requirements for cloud Focused effort on normalizing taxonomy Resolution Proposed new Resolution from ISAAC (GSC15-PLEN-76)
19 New and Novel Policy Management Standards ATIS provided a summary of the results of the ATIS Policy Management Focus Group (PM-FG). Service convergence is highlighting the importance of policy management to provide consistent performance for users across all technologies. In addition, rapid growth in data usage makes it important to use policy to efficiently utilize all available resources. Policy standards work identified in the PM-FG will continue to be progressed in 3GPP and in ATIS PTSC. Applications centric policy requirements will be considered in the next stage of this work.
20 Proposals for Resolutions(1/2) (revisited at closing plenary) Reaffirmed(1) GSC15-RES-02 - Emergency communications Revised(8) GSC15-RES-01 - Continuing cooperation on IMT standards GSC15-RES-04 – Identity Management GSC15-RES-06 - IPTV GSC15-RES-08 - ICT and the environment GSC15-RES-09 - ICT management & Operations GSC15-RES-14 - Intelligent Transportation Systems GSC15-RES-27 - Telecommunication/ICT Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities (UWG) GSC15-RES-28 - Interoperability
21 Proposals for Resolutions(2/2) (revisited at closing plenary) Deletion(1) IP Over Broadband Access in Support of Convergence New(4) GSC15-RES-[29] Smart grids GSC15-RES-[30] Machine-to-Machine(M2M) communications GSC15-RES-[31] Service Oriented Network (SON) GSC15-RES-[32] Cloud computing
22 Task Force Opening Plenary Reports - ITS Presentation GSC15-PLEN-68 One face-to-face meeting on March 2010 in Tokyo with attendees from ETSI, TIA, TTA and ARIB, and exchanged updated information and discussed on the followings: ITS cooperative systems in 700MHz, 5.8/5.9GHz band Reconfigurable radio systems for ITS Coordination of the ITS standard activities The Task Force will; continue to exchange information and views on ITS standardization activities. invite interested PSOs to participate in the Task Force. consider and discuss of the possibility on coordination in ITS standardization activities among PSOs. Revision of GSC14-RES-14 “GSC ITS Task Force” has been proposed in the HIS-ITS session.
23 Task Force Opening Plenary Reports - IMT Presentation GSC15-PLEN-69 Summary of IMT Task Force activities: Since GSC-14, Task Force has remained active by correspondence Task Force proposes GSC its continuation with the principal aim of exchanging information and views for consensus building on radio interface technologies for IMT-Advanced and future IMT Task Force encourages PSOs to review their national/regional activities and to report progress to the Task Force and at the next GSC meeting Proposed update of Resolution GSC-14/01 on “Continuing Cooperation on IMT Standardization”
24 AOB None
25 Summary Most High Interest Subject areas have seen progress since GSC14 Substantial increase in activity and interest was on Smart Grid, Cloud Computing, M2M, SON. The approach of PPSO leading the HIS discussions and time control have shown to be very effective Participants were commended for their commitment to work on global standards The Chair thanked all for their participation and spirit of cooperation The final agenda for this meeting, including all associated documents, is contained in GSC15-PLEN-02R9.
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