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Caroline Chisholm Catholic College A Learning and Teaching Tool.

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Presentation on theme: "Caroline Chisholm Catholic College A Learning and Teaching Tool."— Presentation transcript:

1 Edublogs @ Caroline Chisholm Catholic College A Learning and Teaching Tool


3 Overview of Edublogs Professional Learning Days Tuesday 8 th Dec: Edublogs Plenary Wednesday 9 th Dec: Workshop 1 & 2 Thursday 10 th Dec: Workshop 3 Friday 11 th Dec: Student Learning Portfolios Please refer to EOYPL Program for times and venue

4 Overview of Plenary What is a blog? Using blogs as a learning and teaching tool Pilot Project Blogging for teachers Edublogs Campus

5 What is a Blog? Blogs are classified as a Web 2.0 tool. Web 2.0 Tools is the term for ‘Advanced Internet Technologies and Applications.’ Blogs in plain English ( in plain

6 What is a Blog? The term “blog” is short for web log. A blog is a chronologically ordered series of Web site updates, written and organised like a traditional diary. It can contain images, audio and other forms of media. Blogs invite readers to comment on what has been said.

7 Approaches to Learning & Teaching Constructive Learning Differentiated Learning E-learning Individual Education Programs (IEPs) Lifelong Learning Multiple Intelligences Metacognition Problem-Based Learning Student-Centred Learning

8 Using Blogs as a Learning and Teaching Tool Blogging E-learning Lifelong Learning Multiple Intelligence Metacognition “Blogs provide a communication space that teachers can utilise with students whenever there is a curriculum need to develop writing, share ideas and reflect on work being undertaken in the classroom.” riculum/ict/weblogs/#value

9 Pilot Project Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of blogs as a teaching and learning tool. To empower students to be responsible for and to personalise their learning through the use of digital portfolios.

10 Pilot Project CurriculumEdublogs Shared with an audience Timetabled Computer Lab Ed. Support Staff Anita, Erin & Leanne Student Learning Portfolios Teacher Blogs Semester 2 2009 7D KWE, SMC 7H AQU, JMC 7G JDI, LHA

11 Blogging for Teachers An informational resource. An instructional resource. Incorporate curriculum links to extend the reach of student resources. To archive and access teacher materials and resources in the future. A discussion forum.

12 Blogging for Teachers KWE SMC JDI Education Support VCA

13 Evaluation of Pilot Project StrengthsConsiderations Student engagement evidentInternet credit Increased student responsibility, including goal setting Students forgetting passwords Good forum for student reflectionScaffolding required to assist students in selecting evidence to showcase Caters for personalisation of learningStorage space limited Effective communication toolIntellectual property An opportunity for students to develop their computer skills Tendency for blog to become informal, social forum Use of edublogs was well supported Increased teacher confidence

14 Blogging in 2010 “21st century learning is not about gathering information but about knowing how to act on it, knowing what questions to ask of it and being able to thinking critically about content and origin.” 2009 – Pilot Project - Staff Professional Learning 2010 – Teacher Blogs - Year 9 Student Learning Portfolios

15 Edublogs Campus CCCC Edublogs CampusCCCC Edublogs Campus (can be accessed via College intranet). Benefits of Edublogs Campus: Allows blogs to be centralised, created and managed within our domain, Caroline Chisholm Catholic College Academically focused plugins, designs and features Ability to create and manage hundreds of blogs Ability to control matters of privacy Tracking content users, usage and visitors Transforming professional development

16 Edublogs Campus Teachers are provided with an account URL: Blog Title: Vanessa Catania’s Blog Username: vcatania Password: auto-generated

17 Sample Email Dear User, Your new CCCC Edublogs Campus blog has been successfully set up at: You can log in to the administration site with the following information: Username: ksmith Password: ******** Login Here: To help you get started you may wish to refer to edublogs support materials: Please make regular reference to the blogs.cccc site of for updates, information, resources and support: We hope you enjoy your new blog! --CCCC Edublogs Campus

18 Vision Design, Creativity & Technology Investigating & Design Producing Analysing & Evaluating

19 Thank you Pilot Group: KWE, SMC, JDI, LHA, AQU, JMC, Anita Dodson, Leanne Azzopardi, Erin Clayton Facilitators: MGU, LSW, JRA, ABR, SMC, Anita Dodson Special Mention: JPA, NBR


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