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Published byEve Arden Modified over 10 years ago
Twenty-First Pan American Child Congress Twenty-First Pan American Child Congress December 2014
1.It is an Inter-American Meeting of Ministers, Secretaries of State and other government authorities with responsibility for matters involving children 2.It is one of the senior bodies in the hierarchical structure of the IIN 3.It takes place every five years 4.Recent venues: Peru (2009), Mexico (2005), Argentina (1999), Costa Rica (1993), United States (1984), Uruguay (1977), Chile (1973) 5.The Pan American Child Forum began to be held at the same time as from the 20 th PACC 1.It is an Inter-American Meeting of Ministers, Secretaries of State and other government authorities with responsibility for matters involving children 2.It is one of the senior bodies in the hierarchical structure of the IIN 3.It takes place every five years 4.Recent venues: Peru (2009), Mexico (2005), Argentina (1999), Costa Rica (1993), United States (1984), Uruguay (1977), Chile (1973) 5.The Pan American Child Forum began to be held at the same time as from the 20 th PACC Characteristics To promote experience and knowledge sharing and make recommendations that will advance the well- being of children. Objective
The General Assembly of the OAS can declare the Congress a “Specialized Inter- American Conference” It addresses issues related to Inter- American cooperation Its agenda is submitted for the consideration of the governments involved.
The process leading to consensus regarding the proposed 21 st PACC and 2 nd Forum 1. Review with President and Vice-President of the Directing Council of the IIN 2. Discussions with representatives of the Committee on the Rights of the Child 3. Virtual Meeting with the Follow-Up Committee for Action Plan held on July 10th, and a schedule decided to consult the States in each sub-region. Members: President - Panama, Vice-President - El Salvador, Canada, Costa Rica, Brazil, Ecuador and Trinidad and Tobago
Meeting with the Action Plan Follow-Up Committee and analysis by sub-region Canada, United States, Mexico Analysis with President and Vice-President Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Dominican Republic Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago 21 st Pan American Child Congress presentation and analysis process 9 - 10 July Analysis with Host State – BRAZIL 12 July - 12 August Comments received and discussion with States regarding recommendations 12-20 August Remittance of papers to be considered during the 88 th R.M. of the Directing Council 21 August
Proposed Rules of Procedure
1.The IIN Statutes 2.The IIN Rules of Procedure 3.Resolution AG/RES. 87 (II-O/72) “Standards for the Implementation and Coordination of the Provisions of the Charter relating to Inter-American Specialized Organizations” 4.General Assembly Resolution AG/RES. 85 (II-O/72), “Standards for Inter-American Specialized Conferences” 5.OAS Resolution CP/RES. 76 (84/72), “Model Rules of Procedure for Inter-American Specialized Conferences” 1.The IIN Statutes 2.The IIN Rules of Procedure 3.Resolution AG/RES. 87 (II-O/72) “Standards for the Implementation and Coordination of the Provisions of the Charter relating to Inter-American Specialized Organizations” 4.General Assembly Resolution AG/RES. 85 (II-O/72), “Standards for Inter-American Specialized Conferences” 5.OAS Resolution CP/RES. 76 (84/72), “Model Rules of Procedure for Inter-American Specialized Conferences” Grounds To establish the procedures and rules which will govern the 21 st Pan American Congress and the 2 nd Child Participation Forum Objective
Participants Delegations from the States composed of: A Head of Delegation Alternate delegates Technical advisers specializing in children and adolescents Adolescents between 12 and 17 years of age The Secretary General of the OAS and representatives of other OAS agencies with an interest in the issues addressed by the Congress OAS Permanent Observers and other Observers Special guests Delegations from the States composed of: A Head of Delegation Alternate delegates Technical advisers specializing in children and adolescents Adolescents between 12 and 17 years of age The Secretary General of the OAS and representatives of other OAS agencies with an interest in the issues addressed by the Congress OAS Permanent Observers and other Observers Special guests
General Directorate of the IIN – shall cooperate with the president in all matters relating to Congress procedures. Secretariat President and Vice-President President – one President elected Vice-President – Two Vice- Presidents elected These officers shall be elected during the preliminary session, by a simple majority of the participating States. The president shall chair the sessions and shall have the casting vote. Congress Authorities, Committees and Secretariat Committees Accreditation Committee – responsible for examining the credentials of the delegations Style Committee – composed of at least one representative for each official language of the OAS
Restricted to heads of delegation or persons they appoint. Preliminary Session 89 th Meeting of the Directing Council All matters pertaining to the 21st Congress will be reviewed and agreements in their regard will be reached. Heads of Delegation Plenary Sessions Plenary Session: the adoption of resolutions (formal and unified). PrivatePublic Attended by all delegation members, observers and special guests. Opening Session General Plenary Sessions: Conferences, Panel of Experts, Presentations by the States, 2 nd Participation Forum and Information Fair. Closing Session: Conclusions and Closing Ceremony. Types of SessionSessions, Debates and Elections
CPNNA/RES. 1 (XX-09) -, in which resolute 10 urges the States to institutionalize the Second Pan American Forum is part of the 21 st Pan American Congress. It provides a venue for the participation of the children who are part of the official delegations of member states. All conclusions arising from the various workshops and committees of the Second Pan American Forum shall be included in the final report of the Congress. The Forum’s conclusions will be presented at the 21 st Pan American Congress by the official adolescent representatives to the second Pan American Forum. THE SECOND PAN AMERICAN FORUM
Draft Agenda and Methodology Framework
Methodological Aspects The methodology should be designed to foster discussion among the States, on the basis of experts’ analysis and experiences in policy application. Content should address the management of institutions, the challenges facing governments and the cross-sectoral dynamics of the States. New content should add to current thinking on each subject. The methodology should be designed to foster discussion among the States, on the basis of experts’ analysis and experiences in policy application. Content should address the management of institutions, the challenges facing governments and the cross-sectoral dynamics of the States. New content should add to current thinking on each subject.
Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 89 th Meeting of the Directing Council Opening Ceremony 2 nd Child Pan American Forum Opening Session 21 st PACC Opening Session 21 st PACC Conference T1 Topic 1: 25 th Anniv. Convention Panel of Experts T1 States’ Presentations T1 Topic 2: Criminal Liability Conference on T2 Panel of Experts T2 States’ Presentations T2 and T3 Conference T3 Closing Ceremony 21 st PACC Closing Ceremony 21 st PACC Adoption of Resolutions 21 st PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS Opening Information Fair Panel of Experts T3 Cross-Generation Discussion Topic 3: Child Sexual Exploitation Overview by President of 21 st PACC Recommendations of Civil Society Forum 2 nd Child Pan American Forum – Conclusions States’ Presentations – Conclusions Overview by President of 21 st PACC Recommendations of Civil Society Forum 2 nd Child Pan American Forum – Conclusions States’ Presentations – Conclusions Accreditations
Introduction to debate Place discussion in a broad context – main topics, descriptive information regarding the situation of children Give a conceptual definition Establish frameworks of reference Share principal recommendations and goals of international treaties One presenter per conference - 45 minutes Conference
Provide analysis of key aspects in each issue Generate discussion among presenters and participants Summarize principal aspects three experts and one moderator - 60 minutes Panel of Experts
Analysis of meaningful experiences involving their institutions Learning experiences mainstreamed Summary of lessons learned Information regarding challenges facing management Experiences that are applicable to urban and rural areas Emphasis on the joint responsibility of States and families Geographical representativeness 2 or 3 concurrent panels 2 or 3 States and 1 moderator - 90 minutes The presentations by the States will provide greater opportunities for discussion among participants States’ Presentations
Violence against children General topic THE TWENTY-FIRST PAN AMERICAN CHILD CONGRESS Childhood: Building Peaceful Environments
A positive perspective of the subject Refrain from characterizing children as victims Focus debate on strengths and areas of opportunity
DRAFT AGENDA 1)Violence against Children. “25 years after the CRC: Building Peaceful Environments” 2) Juvenile Criminal Liability Systems 3) The Sexual Exploitation of Children
1)Violence against Children. “25 years after the CRC: Building Peaceful Environments” General Assembly of the OAS AG/RES.2803 (XLIII-O/13) Implementation of the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication of Violence Against Women, “Convention Of Belém Do Pará” The influence of the CRC in the eradication of all forms of violence Follow-up to the recommendations of the World Report on Violence (1, 2 and 11) Follow-up to General Comment Nº 13 The relevance of the Third Optional Protocol and the right to participation
25 years after the CRC: Building Peaceful Environments 1.Legislation reform for the elimination of violence against children. 2.Means of coordination and planning for the elimination of violence against children. 3.Monitoring mechanisms for the elimination of violence against children. Conference Panel of Experts States’ Presentations
2) Juvenile Criminal Liability Systems Articles 37 and 40 of the CRC Follow-up to Action Plan 2011-2015 and resolution CD/RES. 03 (87-R/12) IACHR report on Juvenile Justice and Human Rights in the Americas
Analysis of violence in juvenile criminal liability systems in the region and the role played in prevention by various stakeholders. Legislation reform, means of coordination and information systems for the effective application of alternative and early termination measures in criminal proceedings, as well as non‐custodial penalties. Alternative and early termination measures in criminal proceedings. Application of non-custodial penalties. Presentation of experiences involving legislation reform, means of coordination and information systems. Conference Panel of Experts States’ Presentations
3) The Sexual Exploitation of Children Inter-American Cooperation Programme for the Prevention and Eradication of Sexual Exploitation, and muggling of and Trafficking in Children General Assembly Asamblea General AG/RES: 2028 (XXXIV - 0/04) SEC – One of the worst forms of violence Article 19, paragraph 1 of the CRC: "[...] all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse" The efforts of the States in the framework of the “Rio Commitments” (2008)
Child sexual exploitation in the Americas (SEC) Protection systems against SEC and its new forms Challenges in the application of legal regulations when fighting against SEC International cooperation in the fight against SEC: the participation of international agencies and technical assistance for the States Cross-sectoral coordination in the fight against SEC: tourism and the Internet Cooperation between States to fight the trafficking and exploitation networks Strategies for the restitution of rights Conference Panel of Experts States’ Presentations
Sharing information about the programmes offered by the States Stands available for governments and observers Free access to all Official launching ceremony. Closes at the end of the second day of the Congress Information Fair
2 nd Pan American Child Forum Constitution Process
As a right and a principle recognized by the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) Broadly, in establishing procedures General Comment Nº 12 “[...] should not only be a momentary act, but the starting point for an intense exchange between children and adults on the development of policies, programmes and measures in all relevant contexts of children’s lives.” As a right and a principle recognized by the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) Broadly, in establishing procedures General Comment Nº 12 “[...] should not only be a momentary act, but the starting point for an intense exchange between children and adults on the development of policies, programmes and measures in all relevant contexts of children’s lives.” How is the right to participation interpreted?
The right to participation in the CRC Article 13: Freedom of Expression Children have the right to express their opinions, to obtain and share information and to impart ideas and information, regardless of frontiers. Article 14: Freedom of thought, conscience and religion Children have the right to think and believe whatever they wish, and to practise their religion. Parents should guide their children in these matters. Article 15: Freedom of association Children have the right to meet, and to form groups and organizations. Article 17: Access to appropriate information Children have the right to obtain reliable information from the mass media. Television, radio and newspapers should provide information that children can understand, and avoid promoting material injurious to children. Article 12: Children’s opinion Children have the right to express their views freely and that these views be given due weight in matters affecting them. Article 12: Children’s opinion Children have the right to express their views freely and that these views be given due weight in matters affecting them.
What is the Pan American Forum? A venue for the promotion of child participation An opportunity to enjoy the right to give an opinion and be heard by regional authorities A transitional stage in the advocacy process – it requires a broad “pre-forum” and “post-forum” approach Adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17 take part A venue for the promotion of child participation An opportunity to enjoy the right to give an opinion and be heard by regional authorities A transitional stage in the advocacy process – it requires a broad “pre-forum” and “post-forum” approach Adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17 take part
First Pan American Child Forum Lima, Peru, 2009 First Pan American Child Forum Lima, Peru, 2009
Objectives To guarantee opportunities for sharing between children, and across generations with participants at the Twentieth Pan American Congress. To gather the opinions of children (assessment and recommendations), twenty years after the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. To compile opinions and recommendations regarding the right to participate. To include the conclusions arising from the Pan American Forum among the resolutions of the 20 th Congress. To guarantee opportunities for sharing between children, and across generations with participants at the Twentieth Pan American Congress. To gather the opinions of children (assessment and recommendations), twenty years after the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. To compile opinions and recommendations regarding the right to participate. To include the conclusions arising from the Pan American Forum among the resolutions of the 20 th Congress.
Level of attendance – 61 delegates participated (32 girls and 29 boys) Delegates were between 10 and 19 years old – most of them were in their teens Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Jamaica, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent & The Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, United States, Uruguay and Venezuela Level of attendance – 61 delegates participated (32 girls and 29 boys) Delegates were between 10 and 19 years old – most of them were in their teens Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Jamaica, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent & The Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, United States, Uruguay and Venezuela Achievements: Representation
Information building and sharing through workshops and plenary sessions Opportunities for play and recreational activities Cross-generation opportunities: adolescents took part in discussion groups as presenters on the participation experience. They also participated in the Congress itself as observers and to present the Forum conclusions. The “Congresillo” (mini-Congress) was an event for deliberation and recapitulation that was widely commended by all Information building and sharing through workshops and plenary sessions Opportunities for play and recreational activities Cross-generation opportunities: adolescents took part in discussion groups as presenters on the participation experience. They also participated in the Congress itself as observers and to present the Forum conclusions. The “Congresillo” (mini-Congress) was an event for deliberation and recapitulation that was widely commended by all Achievements: Interaction
A Steering Committee provided support and advice in the development of strategies. Institutions (public and private) and professionals participated The Steering Committee was cross-generational: children also participated A Steering Committee provided support and advice in the development of strategies. Institutions (public and private) and professionals participated The Steering Committee was cross-generational: children also participated Achievements: Methodology
The quality of participation and its impact depends on the processes that preceded it Valuable information available and put into practice in advocacy opportunities such as Consultative Councils Most of the States implemented training sessions and informative meetings in relation to the Forum’s key topics The quality of participation and its impact depends on the processes that preceded it Valuable information available and put into practice in advocacy opportunities such as Consultative Councils Most of the States implemented training sessions and informative meetings in relation to the Forum’s key topics Lessons Learned
2 nd Pan American Forum Objectives * To promote participation as a process, within the context of the 21 st Pan American Congress * To foster leadership among young people with regard to promoting their rights * To encourage initiatives in the States tending towards the eradication of all forms of violence, with the participation of children
[Text] Before [Text] During [Text] After The Forum as a Process
Before 1. Forming a Steering Committee Composed of children, technical liaison officers and strategic partners Online sessions and one face-to-face session 2. Designing methodologies and guidelines 3. Activities planned to prevent, prohibit and combat violence against children
During A programme covering 4 days Delegations of 4 adolescents and 2 adults Cross-generation discussion – generating serious listening Pursuant to resolution CD/RES. 04 (85-R/10), Forum contributions are included among the official documents of the Congress
After Dissemination of the Forum outcomes Promoting action against violence Follow-up to recommendations Developing leadership
Requirements To include extensive activities with a view to the Forum in the yearly programmes of the participation areas of institutions To allocate resources for the participation of delegations To facilitate the collaboration of the technical staff responsible for participation programmes, so that they may contribute to the development and success of the event To promote adolescent steering committees for decision- making
Civil Society Forum prior to the 21 st Pan American Congress
To generate discussion and recommendations for the consideration of country delegations and authorities in preparation of the 21 st Pan American Child Congress Objective Resolution CP/RES. 759 (1217/99) “Guidelines for the participation of civil society organizations in OAS activities” Regulatory Grounds Forum Coordination The OAS Department of International Affairs, in collaboration with the IIN. In coordination with the Global Movement for Children.
PROPOSED FORUM FORMAT Three plenary sessions directly related to the issues to be addressed during the 21 st PACC. The recommendations paper will be included among the official 21 st PACC documentation. The recommendations arising from the “2 nd Civil Society Forum” will be read during the final plenary session of the 21 st Congress. The recommendations paper will be included among the official 21 st PACC documentation. The recommendations arising from the “2 nd Civil Society Forum” will be read during the final plenary session of the 21 st Congress. One final working session to review and compile the recommendations and suggestions arising from the previous sessions.
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