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Published byAntwan Nie Modified over 10 years ago
EUropean RObotics Platform EUROP 1st EUROP Workshop Product Scenarios and Technology Roadmap
EUropean RObotics Platform Workshop agenda Day 1 morning : Plenary meeting Working groups organization Day 1 afternoon : Working group activities Day 2 morning : Working group activities Day 2 afternoon : Synthesis and homework
EUropean RObotics Platform Plenary meeting topics FP6 / Call 6 : to be confirmed the 30th Nov, open date; 1st December, closing date ; 31st April, 36 Meuros for robotics. Security is not part of the Call 6 topics ! SRA roadmap To be issued by end of March Workshop process and homework to match this objective -Workshop 1: Product roadmap (22 – 23 Nov) -Workshop 2 : Product roadmap consolidation and technology roadmap emergence (17 – 18 Jan, Roma or Paris as back up, to be confirm the 2nd of December) -Workshop 3 : (in March in Paris ) Technology roadmap consolidation EURON / EUROP relationship At the technology roadmap emergence milestone, to be organized in February for the second workshop
EUropean RObotics Platform Participants from Website registration INDUSTRY SECTOR SAGEM DS R U Robots intelsys SINTERS ZTS VVU KOSICE a.s. Neuronics AG EADS NV REIKU KUKA Roboter GmbH Telerobot CEA Reis Robotics PHILIPS EUnited Robotics DOMESTIC SECTOR SAGEM DS Robosoft intelsys Electrolux AB THALES LAAS-CNRS K-Team iTechnic Ltd Telerobot CEA PHILIPS PROFESSIONAL SECTOR SAGEM DS R U Robots Robosoft HTR intelsys DLR RM SINTERS ZTS VVU KOSICE a.s THALES EADS NV PGES LAAS-CNRS KUKA Roboter GmbH QinetiQ K-Team Oxford Technologies Ltd ITechnic Ltd ECA Telerobot Saab AB CEA Deltatronics Acrobot Company Ltd. Reis Robotics PHILIPS SPACE SECTOR SAGEM DS intelsys Dassault Aviation DLR RM SINTERS EADS Space TransportationEADS Space Astrium Galileo Avionica S.p.A. EADS NV LAAS-CNRS REIKU KUKA Roboter GmbH IAI European Space Agency Oxford Technologies Ltd Finmeccanica Telerobot SECURITY SECTOR SAGEM DS R U Robots Robosoft intelsys Dassault Aviation EADS Space Transportation ZTS VVU KOSICE a.s. Neuronics AG THALES EADS Space Astrium Galileo Avionica S.p.A. EADS NV PGES LAAS-CNRS EADS CRC Germany QinetiQ IAI Oxford Technologies Ltd Finmeccanica iTechnic Ltd ECA Telerobot Saab AB BAE Systems CEA More than 50 attendees for the workshop
EUropean RObotics Platform Product Scenario Submission Initial call for ideas prior to the workshop Fast and first evaluation to filter by working group chair following criterias : Market and clients Innovation and originality Clarity and presentation Technical Strength Relevance to challenges More than 70 scenarios have been generated before the workshop Working group leaders utilize a method guide to process the scenarios to emerge products and technologies.
EUropean RObotics Platform Role of WG chairs and co-chairs Chair : Organise working groups (consolidation groups and creation groups) Schedule and manage speech timeline Ensure a fair contribution of all the workshop stakeholders Ensure product scenario objectives are met, in terms of balance, coverage and consistency Co-chair : Performs a synthesis of the working group outcome Support the chair in its role and to guarantee the consistency of the production
EUropean RObotics Platform Working Group leaders WG Industry: WGL : COMAUWGCL : EUnited WG Professional services: WGL : DeltatronicsWGCL : CEA WG Security Robots: WGL : AleniaWGCL: RURobots WG Space Robots: WGL : EADSWGCL : Gallileo Avionica Domestic Services: WGL : PHILIPSWGCL : ITechnic
EUropean RObotics Platform Workshop Process Product Scenario Generation Day 1 Presentation 13h30-16h00 each author present product scenarios 10 minutes including Q&A Scenario workout 16h20-18h30 in small groups: 1 Consolidation groups based on accepted scenario: merging / combination scenario breakdown refinement & simplification 2 Creation groups Define missing scenario (domotic) Product Scenario Refinement and Consolidation Day 2 Presentation 9h00-10h45 each group presents product scenario updates and new scenarios 6 minutes each, includig Q&A Scenario Selection 11h00-12h15 Final Consolidation Cochair prepares synthesis Synthesis (plenary) Day 2 Industry, Professional and Security : 13h30-15h30 Space & Domestic : 15H50-17h10 Initial review and evaluation (comitee) Process example 12h00-12h30
EUropean RObotics Platform Scenario Generation (Day 1) Product Scenario Deployment / Exploitation Environment Key Features Technological requirements Product Roadmap PS A PS B PS AB PS A Combining Dividing Simplifying, completing or improving PS A ’ PS A1 PS A2 +, Use method guides and evaluation criterias
EUropean RObotics Platform Scenario worksheet (Day 1 & 2) Deployment / Exploitation EnvironmentKey Features Technological RequirementsProduct Roadmap Assumptions (hazards, failures,...) Environment/ Exploitation Requirements (operator safety, …) Actors, Missions and Interactions (Human, Robots, C3I) Functions (mobility, grasping, diagnose…) Systems Requirements (safety, …) Design invariants (distributed sensing, …) Others Components Systems Engineering Human Factors Advanced Behaviors Micro-Nano-Robotics Robotic Technologies Others Business Model Commercialisation Structure Production Aspects Logistics Product Schedule Non EU competitors Refinement and Consolidation
EUropean RObotics Platform Product Scenario : example guide (1/4) Deployment / Exploitation Environment Assumptions: energy exhausted, loss of communication, Environment/ Exploitation Requirements: remain within com distance from the C&C) manage energy partial autonomy (perception and planning) Actors Multiple rovers, Planetary C&C, earth station Missions perform mapping, change modules, operate sample return Interactions Remotely controled from the C&C Remotely controled from earth via the C&C.
EUropean RObotics Platform Product Scenario : example guide (2/4) Key Features Functions (mobility, grasping, diagnose…) Systems Requirements (safety, …) Design invariants (distributed sensing, …) Others Seismic, meteo sensor, com relay Driller and camera Sample grasp and camera Refuel and mission module change Refuel (solar panel) and mobility Operate, perform mission Basic Functions Navigate Dock Drill and Collect Sample Sense and localise Solar power refuel Sensor deployment Communication relay Coordinate with others Simple sample analysis System Requirements: Modularity of interfaces Rover Safety C2 safety when docking Real time control Design invariants: Interface with C2 Local autonomy (perception, navigation, actuation loops)
EUropean RObotics Platform Product Scenario : example guide (3/4) Components Communications Optronics Actuation Mobility Systems Engineering Safety, dependability Real-time Modularity Advanced Behaviors Coordination and resource allocation Automatic planning and scheduling, resource management Diagnosis Reconfiguration Model Predictive Control / Adaptive control Expert systems for automated analysis System conflict detection and resolution Robotic technologies Grasping Docking Mobility in low / strong gavity
EUropean RObotics Platform Product Scenario : example guide (4/4) Product Roadmap Business Model Commercialisation Structure Production Aspects Logistics Product Schedule Non EU competitors ESA Public Industrial Business Model Competitors: NASA NASDA … Platform developement Control and Command R&D Launch 2008 201020142015
EUropean RObotics Platform Merging example Similar Environment Deployment scenarios Sys. Requirements Design invariants Control / Command Solar panel Robotic Arm Modular unit Mobility
EUropean RObotics Platform Synthesis and next step For each scenario: Brief description according to the template Have we got product? Work to consolidate (refinement, other scenarii, …) Technological trends What is the picture? Do we have consensus within each WG ? Homework before the workshop 2 (17 – 18 Jan) Each groups shall consolidate the work according to supplied template (products and technologies). Outcomes expected by the year end Each groups shall provide complementary scenarii if necessary to cover missing areas. Outcomes expected by the year end. Sagem to provide beginning of next year a homogeneous synthesis of the workshop outcomes
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