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Vinay K Dadhwal Director National Remote Sensing Centre (ISRO) Plenary: Dimensions & Directions of Geospatial Technology India Geospatial Forum; February.

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Presentation on theme: "Vinay K Dadhwal Director National Remote Sensing Centre (ISRO) Plenary: Dimensions & Directions of Geospatial Technology India Geospatial Forum; February."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vinay K Dadhwal Director National Remote Sensing Centre (ISRO) Plenary: Dimensions & Directions of Geospatial Technology India Geospatial Forum; February 7-9, 2012, Gurgaon Indian Satellite Remote Sensing Programme : NRSC Perspective

2 Outline Indian EO Satellites : Recent & Future NRSC Activity Profile EO Data Acquisition & Archives Data & Products Dissemination RS Applications Programme Visualization & Geospatial Services

3 Indian EO Satellites : Recent & Future Launches in 2011 – Resourcesat-2, Meghatropiques, Youthsat Operational/In-service EO Satellites – Oceansat-2 – Cartosat-1, 2; IMS-1; Resourcesat-1 Near future EO Satellites – (Polar) : RISAT-1, SARAL – (Geostationary) : INSAT-3D, GISAT

4 SSR : 200 Gb for 12 min. recording of payload of LISS-4 or LISS-3 + AWIFS Capability : Steerable with ± 26 deg. across track Payload can be operated in every orbit for duration of 16 min. 3 Cameras (AWiFS, LISS 3, LISS 4) Repetitivity: 5 days (AWiFS) to 24 days (LISS 3) & Revisit : 5 days (LISS 4) Spatial resolution of 5.8 m (LISS 4) – 56 m (AWiFS) Swath of 23 km (LISS 4) to 740 km (AWiFS) AIS Payload (Communication/ ship identification) Launch: 20 April 2011 Data products  Improved radiometric quality  Ortho-Rectification using CartoDEM  Improved Geo-location accuracy  Automatic LISS-4 MX Registration Resourcesat-2

5 SARAL RISAT-1 Payloads C band SAR 5.35 GHz frequency; 5 imaging modes single, dual & quad polarisation modes 18.3 to 48.6 o look angle; 20.1-54.5 o orbit incidence For applications in Disasters, Agriculture, soil moisture etc. Status Launch by PSLV in first quarter of 2012 Payloads Ka-band Altimeter (~35.5GHz) Dual freq Radiometer (23.8/36.8 GHz Satellite with ARgos and ALtika - Joint ISRO-CNES Mission Status Launch by PSLV in Second quarter of 2012 INSAT - 3D For improved understanding of weather systems Payloads 19 channel Sounder 6 Channel Imager Status Launch by end 2012 GISAT Multiple acquisition capability from a Geosynchronous Orbit Payloads High resolution multi-spectral VNIR (HRMX-VNIR): 50m Res. Hyper spectral VNIR & SWIR: 320m and 192m Res. High resolution Multi-spectral (HRMX-TIR): 1.5km Res. Status Launch by PSLV during 2013 EO Missions - Near Future

6 NRSC Activity Profile SATELLITE DATA ACQUISITION & ARCHIVAL DATA PRODUCTS - PROCESSING, DISSEMINATION AERIAL DATA ACQUISITION, PROCESSING – LFDC & ALTM RS & GIS APPLICATIONS – Nationwide EO Applications Disaster Management Support – DSC & NDEM REGIONAL CENTRES – Applications & User Projects Balanagar Shadnagar Bangalore ; Jodhpur ; Kolkotta ; Nagpur

7 EO Data Acquisition & Archives Ground Station at Shadnagar for Indian Region Global: IGS, OBSSR-Playback, Svalbard (Norway) Establish GS at Antartica : Global, Near real-time ARCHIVE (.ca 1000 Terra Bytes since 1979), All IRS – Foreign : Landsat, ERS, SPOT, NOAA, MODIS – Top Archives : IRS P5 (235 TB); RESOURCESAT-1 (168 TB); IRS 1C(140 TB); IRS 1D (140 TB); CARTOSAT 2 (100 TB)

8 RSDP 2011 policy implemented No restriction of data products up to 1 m For FY 2010-11 products supplied 67,002 against targeted sales of 60,000 Web based free data delivery (enabled AWIFS & CartoDEM Emergency Data delivery - 899 products - under NRT mode for Emergency applications Dissemination of Scatterometer products to EUMETSAT in near real time Delivery with less than 150 minutes from the time data is recorded on onboard Data & Products Dissemination Services

9 Land Use/Land Cover using AWiFS (1:250,000) Seven cycles completed 2010-11 ; 8th cycle (11-12) in progress Land Use/Land Cover using LISS III (1:50,000) First cycle (05-06): completed & Atlas Released ; Second cycle (11-12) initiated Land Degradation using LISS III (1:50,000) Mapping completed; Enhanced with NBSS & LUP data; Atlas in preparation Geomorphology & Lineament using LISS III (1:50,000) with GSI 450 maps completed; 600 maps planned by March, 2012 1500 maps planned by March, 2013 Space based Information Support for Decentralised Planning (SIS- DP) using Carto-1+LISS-IV (1:10,000) Ortho products being generated 9000 Cartosat stereo-pairs processed; Satellite data for planning to panchayats National EO Applications Projects Many New Applications with Resourcesat-2 Forest change alert system using AWiFS Initiated in association with FSI & Maharashtra State Forest Department

10 Geospatial Web Services under ISRO/DOS NRDB- Natural Resource - BHUVAN - Gateway to Indian Earth Observation - BHOOSAMAPADA-LULC - MOSDAC- Met & Ocean Data - SCORPIO – Cyclone Observation and Prediction – DSC-Disaster Decision Support - IBIN- Bio-resource Information - BIS- Biodiversity Information - India WRIS- Water Resources - …Next Challenge – Data Discovery & Gateway : Unified Data Geoportal Additional web –enabled systems for - Indian Forest Fire Response and Assessment System - Wasteland Information System - Wetland Information System - Urban Information System

11 Online Shape file Creation Terrain Profile Urban Design Tools 3D Fly Through Multi-Lingual (English | Hindi | Tamil | Telugu | Gujarati | Marati | Kannada --) Data Download (CartoDEM, AWiFS, LISS III Ortho) What is Unique in Bhuvan? Bhuvan - Gateway to Indian EO Data Products & Services VisualisationData ArchiveThematic ServicesGeo-Processing Prototype Website of the Month – Dec’2010 Availability of Seamless High Resolution Data Multi-Sensor, Temporal, Resolution Data from IRS Satellites Rich Thematic Information Weather Data from ISRO AWS Ocean Services Collaboration / Sharing / Community Participation OGC Web Services

12 NRSC Open EO Data Archive A new initiative to facilitate the users to select, browse and download IRS satellite data products.  Cartosat-1:DEM: 1 arc Sec  Resourcesat-1:AWiFS Ortho (2008,2009):56m  Resourcesat-1:LISS III Ortho (2008-09):24m  Metadata NSDI 2.0  Select Area based on ‘Bounding box, Mapsheet(SOI), Tiles, Interactive Drawing’ This facility will be extended for other IRS satellite data coarser than 24m in near future. Data Downloads (thousand)  CartoDEM – 6  AWiFS Ortho – 2  LISS III Ortho – 5 Total – 13 ( till 05 Feb’12) Released on 29 Sep 2011 Released on 02 Jan 2012

13 Thematic Services Bhuvan-Thematic Services facilitate the users to select, browse and query the Thematic Datasets from this portal. Users can also consume these Thematic Datasets and integrate into their systems as ‘OGC Web Services’.  Land Use Land Cover  Flood (Annual and Hazard Layer)  Land Degradation “OGC Web Services (WMS, WMTS) towards interoperability” Released on 17 Dec 2011  Total Hits : 1,79, 273  Unique Visitors : 1444 ( till 08 Jan’12)

14 BHOOSAMPADA : interactive GIS environment in internet domain for LULC data visualization, querying and analysis. Temporal data on LULC-250K (7 Annual Cycles starting from 2004-05), Water bodies and Snow cover available with dynamic linkage of socioeconomic data. LULC-50K (2005-06) BHOOSAMPADA is developed using open source and COTS GIS solutions. BHOOSAMPADA- LULC Information Portal

15 Future Geospatial Activities National HR data sets for decentralised planning support (SiSDP) - Society Outreach Geophysical Products including Climate Quality (ECV) Model derived Land Surface Process Outputs Unified ISRO Data Geoportal Improved / Expanded Bhuvan Mashups (many web services, incl WRIS) Linking with mobile/PDA for data collection, applications, disaster-related information support….

16 Thank You

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