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INTOSAI Working Group on Public Debt Chairman’s Report Mr. Roberto Salcedo Aquino Representative of the WGPD’s Chair INTOSAI Working Group on Public Debt.

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Presentation on theme: "INTOSAI Working Group on Public Debt Chairman’s Report Mr. Roberto Salcedo Aquino Representative of the WGPD’s Chair INTOSAI Working Group on Public Debt."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTOSAI Working Group on Public Debt Chairman’s Report Mr. Roberto Salcedo Aquino Representative of the WGPD’s Chair INTOSAI Working Group on Public Debt Mexico City, June 14, 2010

2 Attending SAIs  Austria  Brazil  Fiji  Finland  Mexico  Portugal  Russian Federation  Sweden  United States of America  Zambia  INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI)

3 1. Investigation Themes  Raison d’être of the WGPD  Official Products  Goal 1 of the WGPD Strategic Plan  Capacity building and abilities on public debt auditing  Status of current investigations  Kyiv meeting 2009  10 investigation themes  Two possible products for the XX INCOSAI

4 1. Investigation Themes  “Public Debt Indicators”  Translated into the 5 INTOSAI official languages  Currently being edited and exposed to INTOSAI Community  ISSAI 5423

5 1. Investigation Themes (2)  “Impact of Financial Crisis on Public Debt”  Still requires validation of contents updating  impact of the global financial crisis on public debt profiles  GAO’s representative will inform about its updating

6 1. Investigation Themes (3)  Five Projects on Public Debt issues  Public Debt Management Office  Contingent debt  Assessment of human resources employed in debt contracting  Risk assessment and reduction of probable effects on debt structure  Governmental support during the financial crisis: impacts on public debt and potential roles of SAIs

7 1. Investigation Themes (4)  New Standards on development and approval of ISSAIs and INTOSAI GOVs  Currently under analysis and development (Steering Committee of Professional Standards)  To be discussed by the 60 th INTOSAI Governing Board Meeting  Endorsed by the XX INCOSAI

8 1. Investigation Themes (5)  New Standards on development and approval of ISSAIs and INTOSAI GOVs will ensure:  Transparency of their development  Accountability before the INTOSAI community  Consistency and High Quality of the products

9 1. Investigation Themes (6)  Regulatory frame implies a more thorough process  The more advanced investigation themes will be able to undergo the process  Presentation of WGPD Official Products for the XX or XXI INCOSAI  The SAI of Mexico will present an overview of this process

10 1. Investigation Themes (7)  Three investigation themes for further development  Evaluation on information systems related to public debt management  Extraordinary income analysis and its use to ameliorate external public debt  Public bidding and adjudication for the recruitment of agents, bond and stock brokers

11 2. INTOSAI & WGPD Strategic Plan (1)  INTOSAI’s Strategic Plan 2011-2016:  More rigorous process for ISSAIs and INTOSAI GOVs  Fully review of those created by Subcommittees, Working Groups and Task Forces  Revision of all INTOSAI structures and their efforts  To be analyzed and endorsed during the XX INCOSAI

12 2. INTOSAI & WGPD Strategic Plan (2)  WGPD Official Products revision  Comments and suggestions on our official products  Input for Team Leaders

13 2. INTOSAI & WGPD Strategic Plan (3)  WGPD’s Strategic Plan 2011-2016 benchmarks:  Submission and endorsement of the SP  Analog coverage period  INTOSAI’s Strategic Plan  Updated Terms of Reference (endorsed in Kyiv, 2009)

14 2. INTOSAI & WGPD Strategic Plan (4)  WGPD’s Strategic Plan 2011-2016 benchmarks (2):  IDI input  Building professional skills and institutional capabilities  Dissemination of knowledge  Design of training programs on Public Debt Auditing

15 3. WGPD Terms of Reference (1)  In force since October 2009  Endorsed during the 59 th Governing Board Meeting  To be presented to the Steering Committee of Goal 3 in August 2010  To be endorsed by the XX INCOSAI in November 2010

16 3. WGPD Terms of Reference (2)  ToR include:  Adjustments regarding to membership status  New oversight bodies (Goal 3 Steering Committee and Plenary Committee)  Activities, rights and responsibilities for the Chair, Theme Leaders and meeting hosting SAIs  Rules for WGPD’s bodies, sub-groups and Task Forces

17 4. WGPD website  WGPD website  Continuous contents updating  Directory of members  Audit reports  Publications  Working materials  SAI of Mexico  presentation on WGPD administrative matters

18 5. Group of Experts on Public Debt  At request of IDI in 2008  Group of WGPD Experts List:  Updated (15 WGPD members to date)  Can be consulted on the WGPD website

19 6. WGPD Participation in Training Programs 6. WGPD Participation in Training Programs  Active participation of the GAO and the SAI of Portugal on Capacity Building  Trans-Regional Program on Public Debt Management Auditing  Presentation by the IDI

20 7. INTOSAI Glossary of Auditing Terms Project  To be presented in the XX INCOSAI  Terminology available on the 5 INTOSAI official languages  Contents have been integrated, refined, updated and classified by topic by the SAI of Mexico  Developed as an Internet-based tool

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