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Mobilising stimulus, ideas and initiatives Process and results of a European Open Space Conference DIALOGIK Stuttgart Germany.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobilising stimulus, ideas and initiatives Process and results of a European Open Space Conference DIALOGIK Stuttgart Germany."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobilising stimulus, ideas and initiatives Process and results of a European Open Space Conference DIALOGIK Stuttgart Germany

2 Details of the conference 2  Open-Space-Conference fall 2013 (15 th November) in Brussels at the Royal Flemish Academy of Science and the Arts (one full day)  Conference heading: “Food and Health – Research 2020. How can we shape the future of research in food and health?”  70 people in the plenary hall  18 different countries, mostly Europe, but also from as far as the US, Chile, Israel and Egypt

3 The Team 3  Dialogik Ludger Benighaus, Christian Hofmaier, Lisa Kastl, Leonie Steckermeier  Hohenheim University Klaus Hadwiger, Susanne Braun  Eufic Brussels Raymond Gemen, Laura Fernandez (EUFIC, Brussels, Belgium)  SPI Porto, Portugal Rachel Newton, Daniela Coutinho  Gene Rowe as evaluator  and all other members of the consortium

4 Some Impressions 4

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10 Results: 4 to 5 main Issues 10  Food, diet and health  Information, communication and education  Engaging Civil Society, Industry and regulators  Research and Knowledge

11 Results: Food, diet and health 11 FOOD, DIET AND HEALTH  Information Campaigns as a Strategy Not Sophisticated Enough For Fostering A Healthy Lifestyle.  Diverse Diet is Key  Public Access to Advice for Developing Healthy Patterns of Nutrition

12 Results: INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION AND EDUCATION 12 INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION AND EDUCATION  Problem of Habit and Preference  Healthy Patterns Need To Be Taught At An Early Stage Of Develoment  The problem with Foodbashing

13 Results: ENGAGING THE CIVIL SOCIETY/INDUSTRY AND REGULATORS 13 ENGAGING THE CIVIL SOCIETY/INDUSTRY AND REGULATORS Stakeholders need to work together / Promotion of Health Industry Engagement is Key

14 Results “Future research demands” Research on diets (gluten-free nutrition, Impact of food styles, studies on vegetarianism, meat, animal products, veganism) Research on food production (Impact of grain modification, GMO food, Impact of organic food quality) Research on information and education (Impact of education on dietary behavior, approach of nutritional education and socio economic status) Actors in Research (Who is the civil society and when should it be involved in research?) 14

15 Results: Recommendations for action 15 Recommendations on education and information (Providing information on food production to the public, consumer education, education in schools) Recommendations on research organization (Inclusion of all stakeholders, Inclusion of various actors along the whole product cycle, more non-industrial research including civil society Setting incentives Extra attention on biodiversity conservation

16 Conclusion 16 The Open Space Technology as a conference method is suitable for divers groups and heterogeneous interests and disciplines, probably for conflicting parties as well, as given in the INPROFOOD project and the topics of food, health and research  Brings out topics and main research areas in a very short time of a one or two full day event, proper documentation is needed  Other suitable methods to foster debate and to mobilize mutual exchange: consensus conferences, world café, future search conferences

17 Partners

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