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York Region District School Board Talking Destinations: An Information Session for Parents and Students.

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Presentation on theme: "York Region District School Board Talking Destinations: An Information Session for Parents and Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 York Region District School Board Talking Destinations: An Information Session for Parents and Students

2 York Region District School Board Agenda 1.Introductions 2.Plenary Session a)Looking at the Future b)Earning a High School Diploma c)4 Destinations – An Overview d)Planning backwards 3.Breakout Sessions a)College & Apprenticeships b)University 4.Breakout Sessions repeated

3 York Region District School Board LOOKING AT THE FUTURE Can you see your child earning money while enjoying doing this?

4 York Region District School Board LOOKING AT THE FUTURE Can you see your child earning money while enjoying doing this?

5 York Region District School Board LOOKING AT THE FUTURE Can you see your child earning money while enjoying doing this?

6 York Region District School Board The Employment Continuum (science & technology) scientist engineer technologist technician entry level skills university degree (4-6 yr.) university degree (4-6 yr.) college diploma (3 yr.) college diploma (2 yr.) apprenticeship certification (2-5 yr.) skilled trades person on the job training (1 – 2 yr.) Average Salary* $26/hr $22/hr $19/hr $19/hr $11-28/hr $10-14/hr Based on info from * More conceptual More hands on

7 York Region District School Board EARNING YOUR HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA

8 York Region District School Board O.S.S. Diploma Requirements 30 credits  18 compulsory  12 optional 40 hours of community involvement Successful completion of the Ontario Secondary School Literacy requirement

9 York Region District School Board Compulsory Credits 4 credits in English (1 credit per grade) 3 credits in mathematics (at least 1 in grade 11 or 12) 2 credits in science 1 credit in Canadian history 1 credit in Canadian geography 1 credit in the arts (music, visual, drama or media arts) 1 credit in health and physical education 1 credit in French as a second language ½ credit in Civics ½ credit in Career Studies Plus…..

10 York Region District School Board Compulsory credits, plus …... Group 1: ONE additional credit in English, or French as a second language, or a native, classical or international language, or a social science and humanities, or Canadian and world studies, or guidance & career education, or cooperative education * Group 2: ONE additional credit in health and physical education, or business studies, or the arts (music, visual arts, drama), or French as a second language, or cooperative education * Group 3: ONE additional credit in science (grades 11 or 12), or technological education (grades 9-12), or computer science (grades 10-12) or French as a second language, or cooperative education * * a maximum of 2 credits in cooperative education can count as compulsory credits; French as a second language can count as a Group 2 or Group 3 credit

11 York Region District School Board Prerequisite Planning Grade 9/10 Grade 11/12 academic (D)university (U) univ/college (M) applied (P)college (C) locally dev. (L)workplace (E)open (O)

12 York Region District School Board Prerequisite Planning Courses in Grade 10, 11 & 12 may have prerequisites Flowcharts are available in the regional course calendar outlining prerequisites for each discipline Post-secondary institutions and some apprenticeship and workplace destinations also have prerequisites

13 York Region District School Board Remember that Full Disclosure applies to you! The Ontario Student Transcript provides a record of a student’s overall achievement in high school and is required by post-secondary institutions to assess admission to their programs In grades 9 & 10, only successfully completed courses, with the percentage grade will appear on your transcript In grades 11 & 12, a list of ALL courses taken or attempted, with the percentage grade, will appear on your transcript

14 York Region District School Board What EVERYONE has in common We are all going to work … but we enter the workforce at different times in our lives!

15 York Region District School Board FOUR DESTINATIONS An Overview Workplace Apprenticeships Community College University

16 York Region District School Board The Workplace Pathway There are many viable entry-level job opportunities for students who have completed their OSSD and have workplace experiences. Students should: consider cooperative education as an important component of workplace preparation; work with teachers, parents &/or employment centres to create a personal portfolio (cover letters, resume, letters of reference, skills summaries, etc.) to present to prospective employers.

17 York Region District School Board The Apprenticeship Pathway hands-on training with a licensed journeyperson  85-90% occurs ‘on-the-job’  10-15% takes place in the classroom get paid while learning one of Ontario’s best kept secrets of post- secondary training

18 York Region District School Board combines theoretical knowledge and practical experience approximately 3000 programs to choose from 1 year certificates 2 year diplomas 3 year advanced diplomas 4 year applied bachelor’s degrees The College Pathway

19 York Region District School Board theoretical academic training many different types of programs to choose from  3 year general degrees (not many available)  4 year honours degrees  5 year honours degrees ex/ with co-op ex/ concurrent education programs The University Pathway

20 York Region District School Board University  College Program links between colleges and universities are increasing dramatically by offering: joint programs  provide students with both theoretical & practical skills  students earn both a degree & a diploma in four years articulation agreements  many opportunities for transfer between colleges and universities

21 York Region District School Board PLANNING BACKWARDS

22 York Region District School Board Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12 English Math Science Recommend Group 1, 2 or 3 GeographyHistory Phys. Ed.Careers / Civics French Recommend Group 1, 2 or 3 Art Recommend Group 1, 2 or 3Recommend CO-OP Recommend Group 1, 2 or 3Recommend CO-OP 8 credits 6 - 8 credits Course Selection for all Pathways Students need to be aware of prerequisites for course selection and for post- secondary destinations. Option credits provide opportunities to explore other areas of interest &/or “hands-on” experiential learning opportunities. Compulsory creditsOption credits

23 York Region District School Board Math Pathways

24 York Region District School Board Breakout Sessions College & Apprenticeship overview o Cafeteria (approximately 30 minutes) University overview o Library (approximately 30 minutes) Each session will be repeated twice We encourage you to attend both to be informed about all opportunities!

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