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Supporting, Accommodating, & Scaffolding Instruction in the Common Core Presented by: Northwestern Illinois Association for Paraprofessional Training Sheri.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting, Accommodating, & Scaffolding Instruction in the Common Core Presented by: Northwestern Illinois Association for Paraprofessional Training Sheri."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting, Accommodating, & Scaffolding Instruction in the Common Core Presented by: Northwestern Illinois Association for Paraprofessional Training Sheri White

2 presenter Peg Rozhon Northwestern Illinois Association 3626 E. State St. Rockford, IL 61108 (815)964-0937, ext. 36 Fax: (815)964-2210

3 objectives 1) To become familiar with Common Core standards and its relationship to ILS (Illinois State Standards) and CCRS (College and Career Readiness Standards) 2) To understand your role with respect to common core expectations: DLM (Dynamic Learning Maps, EE (Essential Elements), supported instruction 3) To gain awareness of best practice to meet common core standard expectations –Process over content –Increasing difficulty/rigor of assignments and activities –Development of student vocabulary –Development of critical thinking skills –Independent performance

4 Ground Rules Seminar schedule Breaks Cell phones Group etiquette (side conversations are discourteous and disruptive to those around you and to the speaker, please play nice!) Participation guidelines –“call back” signal –Remember: You only get what you give

5 Common Core State Standards Fewer, clearer and higher College and Careers Readiness Rigorous content and applications Evidence-based International benchmarking

6 So what does it all mean? Fewer, clearer, higher College and career readiness Rigorous content and applications Evidence based International benchmarking Learning for ALL!

7 But what does it mean for kids with disabilities? significant

8 Common Core Essential Elements Specific statements of the content and skills Linked to the CCSS Provide links between the CCSS and grade specific expectations

9 More importantly, the CCEE focus on more reasonable expectations for students with significant disabilities.

10 Let’s review the CCSS K-12 standards Grade-specific end-of-year expectations Developmentally appropriate, cumulative progression of skills and understandings



13 scaffolding Each of the standards has been scaffolded in that they build upon one and another.

14 Illinois State Standards CCSS do relate to the current ISS ISS are still present in areas other than Mathematics and English/Language Arts ISS in Eng/LA and Math tied to CCSS Other areas include: Foreign Languages, Social Emotional Learning, NGSS* Science, Social Science, Physical Development & Health, Fine Arts *Next Generation Science Standards

15 College & Career Readiness Standards (CCR) Agricultural Education,Agricultural Education Business, Marketing and Computer Education,Business, Marketing and Computer Education Family and Consumer Sciences, Health Science Technology,Family and Consumer Sciences Health Science Technology and Technology and Engineering Education (Industrial).Technology and Engineering Education (Industrial)

16 HANDOUTS ARE YOU READY? Career and Technical Education in Illinois Fact Sheet

17 Myths about CCSS MYTH: Common core lowers the bar for everyone FACT: The Standards were informed by the best in the country, the highest international standards, and evidence and expertise about educational outcomes. The unfortunate truth is that even in our highest performing states, graduation rates are not 100%, unemployment is high and need for remedial college courses is present! DON’T BE FOOLED BY THE WORD “common”!

18 Table Activity Clementine’s Weight Loss Program Instructions 1. Find handout in packet: Clementine’s Weight Loss Program 2. Select the following for your table: recorder reporter time keeper materials go-for 3. Review exercise with me 4. Send go-for to get chart paper and marker 5. 10 minutes to complete exercise 6. Have go-for tape your table’s response on the wall 7. Questions?

19 Let’s take a tour! Grab some post-its Get up and take a look at the group reports on Clementine If you are curious about anything on a report, write your question and stick it on the report

20 Dynamic Learning Maps Essential Elements Specific statements of knowledge & skills related to the CCSS; Bridge between the expectations outlined in the CCSS and the expectations of students with the most significant cognitive disabilities.

21 DLM are highly connected representations of how academic skills are acquired CCSS IDENTIFY THE LEARNING TARGETS Dynamic Learning Maps clarify how to get there



24 Dynamic Learning Maps Alternate assessment for students with disabilities Sequenced learning targets Dynamic in that the system recognizes that learning is not the same for everyone

25 A Useful Comparison Let’s take a trip to Coney Island, NY How long will the trip take? At your table discuss this question; if you need clarifying information, record it on a post-it note and have your go-fer from Carol’s Weight Loss Activity bring them to me.

26 Answers 17 hours and 45 minutes 12 hours and 42 minutes 21 hours and 14 minutes 264 hours 89 hours 37 minutes

27 How is the dynamic learning maps assessment different from the ILA? It is an ongoing assessment It starts at the student’s present level of performance It is both formative and summative

28 Formative assessment Remember Clementine? Prepare Your Table reports for Clementine Retrieve your table report; review any post its; address them as needed Report

29 Summative assessment

30 How is the dynamic learning maps assessment different from the ILA? The assessment will incorporate instructionally relevant item types that are similar to what students actually do during instruction.

31 Skills Assessed Tested Subject-Specific Skills. These skills include things like knowing a vocabulary word or being able to solve a multiplication problem.

32 Skills Assessed Related Precursor Academic Skills. These are the underlying skills necessary to master the tested skill. For example, to solve a multiplication problem, a student first needs to understand what numbers are, be able to order numbers, etc. For each grade-level skill that is tested, there are numerous precursor skills.

33 Skills Assessed Communication Skills. These are skills that allow students to communicate their answers. Communication skills are not limited to speech, but include a variety of things like pointing or nodding. Attention Skills. Before a student can show knowledge of a particular subject, the student must first be able to focus on the task or item presented.

34 Skills Assessed Attention Skills. Before a student can show knowledge of a particular subject, the student must first be able to focus on the task or item presented.

35 By mapping these and other types of skills, learning maps allow students to show what they do know rather than simply cataloging what they don’t know.

36 Another key difference: Participation guidelines


38 Not officially accepted at this time

39 The Dynamic Learning Maps™ Alternate Assessment System uses items and tasks that are embedded in day-to-day instruction. As these embedded items and tasks are given to a student, the student’s learning is mapped throughout the year. Because of this, testing and teaching happen at the same time. This gives teachers the opportunity to see what students know during the year when teachers still have time to change instruction to better support student learning. formative

40 Tied to Present Levels of Performance As the students take assessments, the tasks and items are determined based upon performance on the previous task or item. This gives a clearer picture of a student’s present level of performance.

41 What do instructional assistants need to change with respect to their daily interactions with students in order to help them achieve the best possible outcomes?


43 UN PACK THE STATEMENT Circle the nouns determine, squared, cubed Underline the verbs value, quantity

44 Figure out the skills needed Start with the verb determine – What skills do you need to determine something?

45 Look at the nouns: quantity value What skills do you need to determine quantity? Value?

46 Figure out the skills needed Look at the other verbs: squared cubed What skills are needed to determine the value of a squared number? A cubed number?

47 Table Activity Unpack the statements at your table. Use the worksheet to report your results.


49 You cannot think of standards as a discrete set of skills

50 Useful Technique Look at all of the skills across grade levels and within the clusters of the standards.


52 23 5 =+

53 Compose and decompose the number 5

54 Bundles to show 10 and 14

55 Array: an arrangement of rows and columns to represent a number

56 Unit fractions: Fractions with 1 in the denominator 1/2 1/4 1/6


58 Group work Planning for Success

59 Instructions 1. Find handouts in packet: Planning for Success 2. Select the following for your table: recorder reporter time keeper materials go-for 3. Review exercise with me: Use the standard at your table along with your “unpacked” standard worksheets; create a plan for either Avery (odd numbered tables) or Bonnie (even numbered tables) 4. Send go-for to get any clarification you need. 5. Complete the Planning for Success worksheet. 6. 10 minutes to complete exercise 7. Questions?


61 Reflection What was easy? What was challenging? What ideas do you have about planning? What support do you think you will need from your lead teacher?

62 target Ready aim fire and Ready fire aim

63 generalization Students must be able to perform the instruction across a variety of environments.

64 independence For instruction to be successful, students must be able to do it when we are not there!

65 LEAST RESTRICTIVE PROMPT Critical to the new assessments Promote independent functioning Continuum of supports!

66 consistency One has to be able to perform successfully across all environments, all the time, and with the same proficiency ALL THE TIME!

67 For Review Best Practice Process over content Increasing difficulty Critical thinking Independence Your Role Reinforce instruction Formative assessment Vocabulary State Standards CCSS ILS CCR DLM EE

68 Thank you!

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