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The Renaissance in Spain

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1 The Renaissance in Spain
El Siglo De Oro The Renaissance in Spain

2 AfirmaciÓn If “el Siglo de Oro” had not occurred you would not speak Spanish today. ¿Por qué?

3 Fechas importantes Lasted through 16th century (1500s) Began in 1492
Inspired by antiquity (Greece and Rome) as well as Italian Renaissance Led to advancement in Art, Literature, and Exploration Began in 1492 Spain was officially united under Christianity Western discovery of the Americas Publication of Grámatica of the vernacular (common) Spanish language

4 Uniting España Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon
Married in 1469 Catholic Ordered the Reconquista (reuniting of territory now Spain) Financial supporters of exploration and the arts

5 Los Moros Located in region of Granada Muslims from Morocco
Flourishing Islamic culture Alhambra Needed to remove them to unite Spain under Christianity Reconquista La Alhambra

6 Inquisición Española Tool to remove foreigners and heretics (including Conversos (Jews converted to Christianity), Moriscos (Muslims converted to Christianity), some Protestants) Church and Government lead Known for torture? Garrucha: Victim suspended from ceiling by wrists Toca: waterboarding Potro: the rack

7 Exploración Cortes and Montezuma- Mexico
Funded by Isabella and Ferdinand, Carlos I Main explorers for Spain: Cristobal Colombo (Hispañola) Francisco Pizarro (Inca) Hernán Cortez (Aztec) Francisco Coronado (southwest US) Ponce de Leon (Florida) Motives: Wealth- gold and spices Power Trade Catholicism Territory Colombian exchange: People, crops, animals, ideas goods Spain became leading power in world Cortes and Montezuma- Mexico Spanish territory during Renaissance

8 Arte Strongly patronized by Monarchy and Church El Greco
Intellectual somewhat realistic religious El Greco Diego Velázquez Francisco de Zurbarán

9 Arquitectura Influenced by classical Greece/Rome
Replaced Gothic structures Edificios importantes El Escorial- palacio de Felipe I La Plaza Mayor- central de Madrid El Escorial La Plaza Mayor

10 Literatura La Gramática- Antonio de Nebrija Drama: Miguel de Cervantes
Created common grammar Drama: Lope de Vega-developed guidelines, wrote about common people Miguel de Cervantes Don Quijote de la Mancha First modern novel Most famous book in Spanish literature

11 El Fin Spain’s influence declines:
Excessive spending by Felipe II Inflation- influx of silver Territorial Wars Emphasis shifted from Renaissance ideals to Baroque (new, eccentric, explosive characteristics) but culture had changed forever

12 AFirmación If “el Siglo de Oro” had not occurred you would not speak Spanish today. ¿Estás de acuerdo? ¿Por qué? Tarea: Escribe ½ pág o más (en inglés) defending your opinion on the above statement. Use examples based on what you know about the Renaissance in Italy and what you learned about the Golden Age in Spain during this presentation.

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