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EFFECTIVE ORAL PRESENTATIONS Why?? You will have to give oral presentations after graduation. You will have to give oral presentations after graduation.

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3 Why?? You will have to give oral presentations after graduation. You will have to give oral presentations after graduation. You need to practice to get better. You need to practice to get better. –This is a relatively non-threatening environment

4 Mechanics Only two (or three for the 5 person group) members will present. Only two (or three for the 5 person group) members will present. Everyone must participate in at least one of the presentations. Everyone must participate in at least one of the presentations. Maximum of 15 minutes (including questions) - I would expect them to be much shorter. Maximum of 15 minutes (including questions) - I would expect them to be much shorter. Currently scheduled for week 5. Currently scheduled for week 5.

5 Today’s talk Introduce nine points for preparing and delivering an oral presentation about technical material Introduce nine points for preparing and delivering an oral presentation about technical material Whole - Part - Whole organization Whole - Part - Whole organization Emphasize that presentation is for the audience Emphasize that presentation is for the audience

6 1. Know Your Audience Know what your audience already knows Know what your audience already knows Try to determine the mindset Try to determine the mindset For this talk: Identify your audience for us. For example: Presenting PDS to: For this talk: Identify your audience for us. For example: Presenting PDS to: – design team –upper management –venture capitalists

7 2. Put it on Paper (or in an outline form) The best way to organize your thoughts The best way to organize your thoughts

8 3. Draw a Picture Visuals are critical to a good presentation Visuals are critical to a good presentation Should be pleasing to the eye Should be pleasing to the eye Avoid excessive words Avoid excessive words –Use handouts Always avoid excessive Always avoid excessive use of equations use of equations Use to support points Use to support points

9 Draw a Picture (continued) Explain the axes in all graphs Explain the axes in all graphs Avoid detailed tables if at all possible - is there another way to present the results that is clearer? Avoid detailed tables if at all possible - is there another way to present the results that is clearer?

10 4. Show and Tell Use physical samples if possible - but be careful Use physical samples if possible - but be careful Technical audiences are “touchy - feely” oriented Technical audiences are “touchy - feely” oriented

11 5. Don’t be Afraid to Repeat Yourself Whole - Part - Whole Whole - Part - Whole Introduction (Tell them what you’re going to tell them) Introduction (Tell them what you’re going to tell them) Body (Tell them) Body (Tell them) Summary (Tell them what you told them) Summary (Tell them what you told them)

12 6. Practice, Practice, Practice The more you do it, the easier it gets The more you do it, the easier it gets Don’t memorize, Don’t memorize, know material know material Timing is very Timing is very important important Eliminate “um’s” Eliminate “um’s” and “you know’s” and “you know’s” Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice PracticePracticePracticePractice

13 7. Be Ready to Answer Questions Goal is to entice audience to want to understand and know more Goal is to entice audience to want to understand and know more Set aside time for questions Set aside time for questions Watch audience for unasked questions Watch audience for unasked questions Answer question to best of your ability, if you don’t know the answer - say so and offer to find the answer Answer question to best of your ability, if you don’t know the answer - say so and offer to find the answer

14 8. Let Your Body Do The Talking Show confidence and interest (no slouching) Show confidence and interest (no slouching) Maintain eye contact Maintain eye contact Watch your hands Watch your hands Personal appearance (pride) Personal appearance (pride) (Formal attire is not required for this presentation)

15 9. Don’t Forget the Details Is the equipment there? Is the equipment there? How does the equipment work? How does the equipment work?

16 SUMMARY What We’ve Done Today Introduced and discussed nine points for preparation and delivery of an oral presentation Introduced and discussed nine points for preparation and delivery of an oral presentation Discussed the Whole - Part - Whole technique Discussed the Whole - Part - Whole technique Emphasized that the presentation is for the audience Emphasized that the presentation is for the audience

17 ? Questions? Dr. Cornwell, do we need to present every single item in our PDS? Won’t that be boring? Dr. Cornwell, should we just dive into our PDS or should we give some background on our product? Dr. Cornwell, your kids are incredibly cute. Have you considered consulting an agent? Dr. Cornwell, what sort of problems have you noticed with presentations in the past?

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