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Published byEricka Sinnott Modified over 10 years ago
Representing Central Government in the South East Monday, 27 April 2015 Vivien Lines DCSF Safeguarding Adviser VCS Safeguarding Seminar 17 December 2009 Safeguarding priorities in light of Lord Laming’s Report
Background to Lord Laming’s Report Announced by Ministers 12 November 2008 Wide ranging remit. Set out in letter from Secretary of State 17 November: –What good practice has been achieved in safeguarding children since the publication of the Victoria Climbié Inquiry Report? –What are the key barriers that may be preventing good safeguarding practice everywhere? –What specific actions should be taken by Government and national and local agencies to overcome these barriers and accelerate systematic improvements in safeguarding practice across the country? Report, and Government’s immediate response, published 12 March 2009
Recommendations 58 recommendations designed to strengthen the implementation of child protection arrangements. They seek to: –strengthen national leadership to ensure that best practice in many areas of the country is being universally applied in every area of the country; –improve local accountability so that all services know exactly what they need to do to keep children safe; and –provide more support for both local leaders and the front-line workforce.
Progress Stronger national leadership National Safeguarding Delivery Unit Cross-Government reporting to a new Ministerial subgroup, Partnership Network established immediately Initial priorities: –Building capacity Training and recruitment of SCR independent chairs and authors Support and challenge through GOs –Improving understanding Sharing information to keep children safe Improving access to and understanding of key data to keep children safe Referrals and assessment by staff working in adult-focussed services Embedding the lessons of SCRs and CDOPs –Providing tools to support good practice Stocktake of Improvement activity in safeguarding New safeguarding indicators A more rigorous inspection framework: Action from Ofsted, Care Quality Commission, HMIC and HMIP
Progress Stronger central guidance Working Together to Safeguard Children proposed changes for 2010 Revised guidance on Serious Case Reviews (chapter 8) – strengthening the process and ensure lessons are learned LSCB given clear role to monitor local thresholds LSCB Annual Report informing delivery by Children’s Trusts Changes to guidance on assessments including ensuring the child is seen alone Children’s Trust Boards to set out provision of early intervention and prevention Chapter 4 to set out elements of high quality supervision Referrals from adults services staff and membership on LSCBs Lay members
Progress Local leadership and accountability Strengthened local governance arrangements and a clearer relationship between Children’s Trusts and Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBs) DCSs and Lead Members have central roles. Revised statutory guidance issued. LA Chief Executives and Council leaders also have critical roles. They should make an annual assessment of the effectiveness of local governance and partnership arrangements
Progress Local leaders and the front-line workforce Better support for DCSs and aspirant DCSs – a new leadership programme from autumn 2009 and a succession planning strategy C4EO research briefings and national workshops – from June 2009 Recommendations of the Social Work Task Force A programme of intensive support and coaching for social work team leaders and first line managers, particularly those working in child protection Action to improve skills and capacity in child protection in police forces A new Action on Health Visiting Programme to improve training, development and support for the health workforce on safeguarding
Progress by LSCBs ‘Relatively new BUT already having a positive impact on services for protection children. A vital role in building stronger partnerships.’ Ensure independence from Children’s Trust through chairing arrangements New roles of DCS and Lead Member Lay members Clearer focus on monitoring and evaluation – quality assurance developing Annual report to Children’s Trust with findings visible in CYPP Ensuring independence in SCR process Improve skills and knowledge of those carrying out SCRs Learning lessons and improving local arrangements
LSCB’s role to monitor and evaluate… Monitoring safeguarding at a single agency and working together level Ensuring an appropriate element of independence Bringing together qualitative and quantitative information from a wide range of sources; –Audits of priority areas, e.g. case audits –Performance data and needs analysis –Serious case reviews –Observation and self assessment –Views of staff –Views of service users and complaints Analysing findings to target improvement activity in priority areas Reporting findings to the Children’s Trust Monitoring progress and evidence of improvement.
What does it all mean for the Third Sector? Membership and representation on LSCBs and CTBs LSCB/CT Board and LSP- how do we hold each other to account? Training - on what and how do we fund it? LSCB - increased impact on joint commissioning and workforce development. Learning about what works – engaging adults services Involvement of community health services Role of schools and FE colleges as statutory partners The voice of children, young people and families Learning lessons Quality assurance Evidence of impact on safeguarding outcomes…
Role of GOSE Regional presence for the DCSF Close relationship with NSDU Support and challenge to LAs and LSCBs Developing and sharing good practice regionally and nationally Supporting co-ordination across the sectors in the region Priority work areas for 2009/10; –Serious Case Reviews; quality and ensuring lessons are learned –Support and challenge to LAs on children’s social care. –LSCB quality assurance –Supporting practice developments in priority areas, e.g. neglect –Supporting progress on national policy priorities; safeguarding and children in care.
Keeping children safe is everyone’s responsibility.
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