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What does our flag mean? Click to listen to the story.

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Presentation on theme: "What does our flag mean? Click to listen to the story."— Presentation transcript:

1 What does our flag mean? Click to listen to the story.

2 Small Group Timer Timer

3 Review Games Vocabulary & Amazing Words: Arcade Games Jigword Matchword Speedword Wordsearch Word Web Spelling City: Amazing Spelling City: Vocabulary Spelling Words: Speedword Word Web Quia Games Spelling City High Frequency Words Spelling City

4 Red, White, and Blue Amazing Words history independence symbol patriotic unfurl frayed allegiance indivisible

5 Red, White, and Blue Vocabulary Words freedom flag stripes stars nicknames birthday America Congress American Revolution colonies

6 Red, White, and Blue High Frequency Words answer company faraway parents picture school wash

7 Red, White, and Blue Glue Words have their who his there Spelling Words tried cried trying crying planned skipped planning skipping liked danced liking dancing hiked replied hiking replying

8 Big Question: What does our flag mean? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

9 Red, White, and Blue Monday Morning Warm-Up Today we will learn about flags. Every country has a flag. Flags bring cheers. They tell a country's story. What does our flag mean?

10 Red, White, and Blue Monday Morning Warm-Up Today we will learn about flags. Every country has a flag. Flags bring cheers. They tell a country's story. What does our flag mean?

11 Today we will learn about: Amazing Words Inflected Endings Fact and Opinion Monitor and Fix Up Quotation Marks

12 Amazing Words

13 history history his – to - ry History is all that has happened in the life of a people, a country, or a field of study such as science or art. In school we will study the history of the United States. I like to learn about the history of the Plains Indians. My brother takes a class in art history.

14 independence in – de - pen - dence Independence means freedom from being controlled by other people or countries. The United States declared independence from England over 200 years ago. The Fourth of July is Independence Day in the United States.

15 symbol symbol sym - bol A symbol is something, such as a sign, a mark, or an object that stands for something else. A red traffic light is a symbol for stop. A flag can be a symbol for a country or a state. A star on a map is a symbol for a capital city.

16 Listen to a song about the United States flag.

17 Inflected Endings smaller - smallest What do you know about reading these words? They are base words with the endings –er and –est.

18 Inflected Endings Today we’ll review spelling changes that may be needed when endings are added to base words. These spelling changes are: –Double the final consonant –Drop e before adding the ending –Change y to i before adding the ending

19 Inflected Endings drop - dropped How did the base word drop change when the –ed ending was added? You can cover the ending, read the base word, and then blend the base word and ending to read the whole word. joke - joking

20 Inflected Endings Sometimes I have to chunk the base word into smaller parts. Read the base word and the ending. Then I blend all the chunks together to read the word: spiciest - spi, ci, est

21 Inflected Endings smarter scared judging cries happiest plans crutches rubbed beginning braver funniest

22 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est

23 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step

24 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step steps

25 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step stepsstepped

26 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step stepsstepped stepping

27 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step stepsstepped stepping X

28 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step stepsstepped stepping XX

29 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny stepsstepped stepping XX

30 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny steps X stepped stepping XX

31 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny steps X stepped X stepping XX

32 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny steps X stepped X stepping X XX

33 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny steps X stepped X stepping X funnier X

34 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny steps X stepped X stepping X funnier X funniest

35 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny bounce steps X stepped X stepping X funnier X funniest

36 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny bounce steps X bounces stepped X stepping X funnier X funniest

37 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny bounce steps X bounces stepped X bounced stepping X funnier X funniest

38 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny bounce steps X bounces stepped X bounced stepping X bouncing X funnier X funniest

39 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny bounce steps X bounces stepped X bounced stepping X bouncing X funnier X funniest

40 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny bounce steps X bounces stepped X bounced stepping X bouncing X funnier X funniest X

41 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny bounce cry steps X bounces stepped X bounced stepping X bouncing X funnier X funniest X

42 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny bounce cry steps X bounces cries stepped X bounced stepping X bouncing X funnier X funniest X

43 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny bounce cry steps X bounces cries stepped X bounced cried stepping X bouncing X funnier X funniest X

44 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny bounce cry steps X bounces cries stepped X bounced cried stepping X bouncing crying X funnier X funniest X

45 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny bounce cry steps X bounces cries stepped X bounced cried stepping X bouncing crying X funnier X funniest X

46 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny bounce cry steps X bounces cries stepped X bounced cried stepping X bouncing crying X funnier X funniest X

47 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny bounce cry happy steps X bounces cries stepped X bounced cried stepping X bouncing crying X funnier X funniest X

48 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny bounce cry happy steps X bounces cries X stepped X bounced cried stepping X bouncing crying X funnier X funniest X

49 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny bounce cry happy steps X bounces cries X stepped X bounced cried X stepping X bouncing crying X funnier X funniest X

50 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny bounce cry happy steps X bounces cries X stepped X bounced cried X stepping X bouncing crying X funnier X funniest X

51 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny bounce cry happy steps X bounces cries X stepped X bounced cried X stepping X bouncing crying X funnier X happier X funniest X

52 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny bounce cry happy steps X bounces cries X stepped X bounced cried X stepping X bouncing crying X funnier X happier X funniest X happiest

53 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny bounce cry happy clear steps X bounces cries X stepped X bounced cried X stepping X bouncing crying X funnier X happier X funniest X happiest

54 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny bounce cry happy clear steps X bounces cries X clears stepped X bounced cried X stepping X bouncing crying X funnier X happier X funniest X happiest

55 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny bounce cry happy clear steps X bounces cries X clears stepped X bounced cried X cleared stepping X bouncing crying X funnier X happier X funniest X happiest

56 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny bounce cry happy clear steps X bounces cries X clears stepped X bounced cried X cleared stepping X bouncing crying X clearing X funnier X happier X funniest X happiest

57 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny bounce cry happy clear steps X bounces cries X clears stepped X bounced cried X cleared stepping X bouncing crying X clearing X funnier X happier clearer X funniest X happiest

58 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est step funny bounce cry happy clear steps X bounces cries X clears stepped X bounced cried X cleared stepping X bouncing crying X clearing X funnier X happier clearer X funniest X happiest clearest

59 Inflected Endings tried unhappier friendlier pouncing reapplied winner jogging prepays happily funnier discovered peaceful chokes unluckiest writer

60 Red, White, and Blue Glue Words have their who his there Spelling Words tried cried trying crying planned skipped planning skipping liked danced liking dancing hiked replied hiking replying

61 Fact and Opinion Monitor and Fix Up Recall our story Just Like Josh Gibson. Make a statement of fact about baseball. Make a statement of opinion about baseball. How can you tell if a statement of fact is true?

62 Fact and Opinion Monitor and Fix Up Good readers can identify statements of fact and opinion in a story. Sometimes there are helpful clue words, such as best or great, to help identity a statement of opinion. Sometimes there aren’t.

63 Fact and Opinion Monitor and Fix Up Good readers can identify statements of fact and opinion in a story. Sometimes there are helpful clue words, such as best or great, to help identity a statement of opinion. Sometimes there aren’t.

64 Fact and Opinion Monitor and Fix Up We can keep track of statement of fact and statements of opinion by stopping during reading and rereading what we don’t understand. Look for clue words to recognize statements of opinion.


66 Daily Fix-It hour flag has stars and strips. Our flag has stars and stripes. we will cook diner for thanksgiving. We will cook dinner for Thanksgiving.

67 Quotation Marks Quotation marks (“ ”) show the beginning and ending of the words someone says. The speaker’s name and words such as said or asked are not inside the quotation marks.

68 Quotation Marks Examples: “What is a symbol?” asked Kim. “A symbol is something that stands for something else,” Jerome said.

69 Quotation Marks What is a symbol of our country? asked Emma. “What is a symbol of our country?” asked Emma. David said, Our flag is a symbol. David said, “Our flag is a symbol.” The bald eagle is a symbol too, said Liam. “The bald eagle is a symbol too,” said Liam.

70 Quotation Marks Miki asked, Why is the bald eagle a symbol? Miki asked, “Why is the bald eagle a symbol?” Sasha said, The bald eagle is strong and free, and so is the United States. Sasha said, “The bald eagle is strong and free, and so is the United States.”

71 Quotation Marks Let’s find out more about the bald eagle, Alan said. “Let’s find out more about the bald eagle,” Alan said.

72 Wrap Up Your Day! Inflected Endings Spelling Words with –ed and –ing Fact and Opinion Let’s Talk About It Tomorrow we will read about celebrating the American flag.

73 Red, White, and Blue Monday Journal Topic List important people in history that you have read or heard about.

74 Red, White, and Blue Tuesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about the American flag. We're going to learn nicknames for our flag. We'll talk about how our flag was made. How would you feel if you were told you couldn't fly our flag?

75 Red, White, and Blue Tuesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will read about the American flag. We're going to learn nicknames for our flag. We'll talk about how our flag was made. How would you feel if you were told you couldn't fly our flag?

76 Today we will learn about: Amazing Words Inflected Endings Vocabulary Words Compound Words Word Structure Quotation Marks

77 Amazing Words

78 patriotic pa – tri – ot – ic If someone shows love and loyalty to his or her country, that person is patriotic. People who fly the flag of their country are patriotic. It is patriotic to support and defend your country. Patriotic men and women sometimes run for governor or senator.

79 unfurl unfurl un – furl To unfurl something means to unroll it or spread it out. When you unfurl the flag, you can see the stars and stripes. Mom unfurled the blanket and put it on the bed.

80 frayed frayed frayed When something is frayed, it is worn away on the edges, and threads are hanging loose. His jeans were frayed at the bottom. The old rug was frayed around the edges.

81 frayed

82 Great-Grandmother’s Secret

83 Inflected Endings dancing You can read this word because you know how to read base words with endings. What base word and ending form dancing? dance + ing When you come to a base word with an ending, look at the base word and the ending. Is there a spelling change? Then read them together.

84 Inflected Endings raked raking fishing fishes blurrier blurriest continues continuing stops stopped stopping funnier funniest

85 Listen for words with inflected endings.

86 Inflected Endings Inflected Endings Find the words with inflected endings in “Flag Day Parade.” bunches waving flags folks hurried having spotted floats funniest clowns bands continued happier wishes

87 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est

88 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est clap

89 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or – es -ed-ing-er-est clap claps

90 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap clapsclapped

91 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap clapsclappedclapping

92 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap clapsclappedclappingX

93 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap clapsclappedclappingXX

94 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry clapsclappedclappingXX

95 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry claps dries clappedclappingXX

96 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry claps dries clapped dried clappingXX

97 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry claps dries clapped dried clapping drying XX

98 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry claps dries clapped dried clapping drying X drier X

99 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry claps dries clapped dried clapping drying X drier X driest

100 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry claps dries clapped dried clapping drying X drier X driest

101 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry scorch claps dries clapped dried clapping drying X drier X driest

102 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry scorch claps dries scorches clapped dried clapping drying X drier X driest

103 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry scorch claps dries scorches clapped dried scorched clapping drying X drier X driest

104 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry scorch claps dries scorches clapped dried scorched clapping drying scorching X drier X driest

105 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry scorch claps dries scorches clapped dried scorched clapping drying scorching X drier X driest

106 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry scorch claps dries scorches clapped dried scorched clapping drying scorching X drier X driest X

107 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry scorch try claps dries scorches clapped dried scorched clapping drying scorching X drier X driest X

108 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry scorch try claps dries scorches tries clapped dried scorched clapping drying scorching X drier X driest X

109 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry scorch try claps dries scorches tries clapped dried scorched tried clapping drying scorching X drier X driest X

110 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry scorch try claps dries scorches tries clapped dried scorched tried clapping drying scorching trying X drier X driest X

111 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry scorch try claps dries scorches tries clapped dried scorched tried clapping drying scorching trying X drier X driest X

112 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry scorch try claps dries scorches tries clapped dried scorched tried clapping drying scorching trying X drier X driest X

113 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry scorch try silly claps dries scorches tries clapped dried scorched tried clapping drying scorching trying X drier X driest X

114 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry scorch try silly claps dries scorches tries X clapped dried scorched tried clapping drying scorching trying X drier X driest X

115 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry scorch try silly claps dries scorches tries X clapped dried scorched tried X clapping drying scorching trying X drier X driest X

116 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry scorch try silly claps dries scorches tries X clapped dried scorched tried X clapping drying scorching trying X drier X driest X

117 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry scorch try silly claps dries scorches tries X clapped dried scorched tried X clapping drying scorching trying X drier X sillier X driest X

118 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry scorch try silly claps dries scorches tries X clapped dried scorched tried X clapping drying scorching trying X drier X sillier X driest X silliest

119 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry scorch try silly fog claps dries scorches tries X clapped dried scorched tried X clapping drying scorching trying X drier X sillier X driest X silliest

120 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry scorch try silly fog claps dries scorches tries X fogs clapped dried scorched tried X clapping drying scorching trying X drier X sillier X driest X silliest

121 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry scorch try silly fog claps dries scorches tries X fogs clapped dried scorched tried X fogged clapping drying scorching trying X drier X sillier X driest X silliest

122 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry scorch try silly fog claps dries scorches tries X fogs clapped dried scorched tried X fogged clapping drying scorching trying X fogging X drier X sillier X driest X silliest

123 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry scorch try silly fog claps dries scorches tries X fogs clapped dried scorched tried X fogged clapping drying scorching trying X fogging X drier X sillier foggier X driest X silliest

124 Inflected Endings Base Word -s or –es-ed-ing-er-est clap dry scorch try silly fog claps dries scorches tries X fogs clapped dried scorched tried X fogged clapping drying scorching trying X fogging X drier X sillier foggier X driest X silliest foggiest

125 Red, White, and Blue Glue Words have their who his there Spelling Words tried cried trying crying planned skipped planning skipping liked danced liking dancing hiked replied hiking replying

126 Inflected Endings He liked that we planned to go hiking. I was skipping and dancing all the way home. “Dad tried to get the baby to stop crying,” I replied.

127 Vocabulary freedom – being able to do, say, and think as you please flag – a piece of colored cloth with stars or other symbols on it. Every country and state has its own flag.flag stripes – a long, narrow band of colorstripes stars – a shape that has five or six pointsstars

128 Vocabulary nicknames – names used instead of real names birthday – the day that you were born. Most people celebrate their birthdays every year. America – another name for North America and South America. Some people use the name America to mean the United States. America (next slide)

129 flag flagflag Today’s Flag 48 Star Flag13 Star Flag First American Flag Alabama State Flag Confederate Flag

130 stripes stripesstripes

131 stars starsstars

132 Symbols of America Symbols of America

133 Congress CongressCongress

134 American Revolution American Revolution American Revolution American Revolution

135 colonies

136 Vocabulary Congress – the national lawmaking group of the United States Congress American Revolution – war in which the thirteen American colonies gained their freedom from EnglandAmerican Revolution colonies – groups of people who left their own land to settle in another landcolonies

137 Vocabulary freedom America flag won stripes very stars people nicknames early birthday together

138 Compound Words There are strategies you can use when you come across words you don’t understand. You can look for context clues in the words and sentences around the unknown word. You can look in a dictionary or glossary.

139 Compound Words Sometimes you can get the meaning from word parts. We may understand the two shorter words in a compound word (wildcat, a cat that’s wild). Today we will learn more about compound words.


141 Daily Fix-It the flag stands from freedum The flag stands for freedom. our fleg has stars and sripes Our flag has stars and stripes.

142 Quotation Marks Quotation marks (“ ”) show the beginning and ending of the words someone says. The speaker’s name and words such as said or asked are not inside the quotation marks.

143 Quotation Marks I’m coming, said Maria. “I’m coming,” said Maria. Sam said, Our flag is red, white, and blue. Sam said, “Our flag is red, white, and blue.”

144 Quotation Marks Let’s have a parade, said Betsy. “Let’s have a parade,” said Betsy. Ross asked, What kind of parade should we have? Ross asked, “What kind of parade should we have?”

145 Wrap Up Your Day! Lesson Vocabulary Monitor and Fix-Up Let’s Talk About It Tomorrow we will hear about Great- Grandmother’s secret.

146 Red, White, and Blue Tuesday Journal Topic Write about a time you saw a flag flying.

147 Red, White, and Blue Wednesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will listen again to the story of William and his flag. William wants to be patriotic and fly a flag outside his house. His great-grandmother directs him to a suitcase that has his great- grandfather's special flag in it. Why is the flag so special?

148 Red, White, and Blue Wednesday Morning Warm-Up Today we will listen again to the story of William and his flag. William wants to be patriotic and fly a flag outside his house. His great-grandmother directs him to a suitcase that has his great- grandfather's special flag in it. Why is the flag so special?

149 Today we will learn about: Amazing Words Contractions Inflected Endings Compound Words Fluency Quotation Marks

150 Amazing Words

151 allegiance allegiance al – le – giance Allegiance is the loyalty or faithfulness a person feels to his or her country, a leader, a friend, or family. He joined the army because of his allegiance to his country. The children said the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States.

152 indivisible indivisible in – di – vis – i - ble If something is indivisible, it cannot be divided, or separated into parts. The states of the United States are indivisible. The team is so united that they are indivisible.

153 Contractions Contractions are a short way of saying and writing two words. An apostrophe takes the place of the letters that are left out. you’re – you are I’ve – I have will not – won’t

154 Contractions Two Words Contractions

155 Contractions Two Words Contractions they are

156 Contractions Two Words Contractions they are they’re

157 Contractions Two Words Contractions they are we have they’re

158 Contractions Two Words Contractions they are we have they’re we’ve

159 Contractions Two Words Contractions they are we have he had they’re we’ve

160 Contractions Two Words Contractions they are we have he had they’re we’ve he’d

161 Contractions Two Words Contractions they are we have he had will not they’re we’ve he’d

162 Contractions Two Words Contractions they are we have he had will not they’re we’ve he’d won’t

163 Contractions Two Words Contractions they are we have he had will not do not they’re we’ve he’d won’t

164 Contractions Two Words Contractions they are we have he had will not do not they’re we’ve he’d won’t don’t

165 Contractions Two Words Contractions they are we have he had will not do not we are they’re we’ve he’d won’t don’t

166 Contractions Two Words Contractions they are we have he had will not do not we are they’re we’ve he’d won’t don’t we’re

167 Red, White, and Blue Vocabulary Words freedom flag stripes stars nicknames birthday America Congress American Revolution colonies

168 Vocabulary Words What is a kind of freedom you have had? What are some places in America? Which is easier to draw—stars or stripes? What are some nicknames people have? Would you want to get a flag on your birthday?

169 Red, White, and Blue Glue Words have their who his there Spelling Words tried cried trying crying planned skipped planning skipping liked danced liking dancing hiked replied hiking replying

170 Inflected Endings Finish the sentence: We tried to visit… She was trying to learn… He planned to… They were planning to make… The dog liked the… She is liking…

171 Inflected Endings Finish the sentence: The club hiked… He was hiking in the woods when… The baby cried after… The little girl was crying because… We skipped across… He was skipping when…

172 Compound Words A compound word is made up of two or more smaller words. Sometimes you can figure out the meaning of the compound word if you know the meanings of the smaller words. At lunchtime I watch my favorite baseball team.

173 Daily Fix-It some of the strippes are white. Some of the stripes are white. people move to america People move to America.

174 Quotation Marks Quotation marks (“ ”) show the beginning and ending of the words someone says. The speaker’s name and words such as said or asked are not inside the quotation marks.

175 Quotation Marks Where did you go? asked Mom. “Where did you go?” asked Mom. I went to the library, said Mark. “I went to the library,” said Mark.

176 Wrap Up Your Day! Fact and Opinion Silent Reading Routine Let’s Talk About It Tomorrow we will listen to a story about the American flag and what it stands for.

177 Red, White, and Blue Wednesday Journal Topic Write about the colors in the flag.

178 Red, White, and Blue Thursday Morning Warm-Up Today we will learn another song about our flag. Our flag is red, white, and blue. Our flag is a symbol for our country. What does our flag mean to you?

179 Red, White, and Blue Thursday Morning Warm-Up Today we will learn another song about our flag. Our flag is red, white, and blue. Our flag is a symbol for our country. What does our flag mean to you?

180 Today we will learn about: Inflected Endings Fluency Quotation Marks Understand Nonverbal Cues

181 Red, White, and Blue Amazing Words history independence symbol patriotic unfurl frayed allegiance indivisible

182 Uncle Sam and Old Glory

183 Sentence Reading Today I will draw the biggest chalk picture of sailing ships. I saw Paul as I walked to school last Monday. Did you wash the bait pails that we used when we caught fish?

184 Sentence Reading My parents always say it is okay to be afraid or scared. The teacher taught us to raise our hands before giving an answer. In August company came from faraway to stay with us.

185 Red, White, and Blue Glue Words have their who his there Spelling Words tried cried trying crying planned skipped planning skipping liked danced liking dancing hiked replied hiking replying


187 Daily Fix-It america’s birthdaiy is July 4 th. America’s birthday is July 4th. i painted sturs and strips. I painted stars and stripes.

188 Quotation Marks Quotation marks (“ ”) show the beginning and ending of the words someone says. The speaker’s name and words such as said or asked are not inside the quotation marks.

189 Quotation Marks Please stand for The Star Spangled Banner, said the principal. “Please stand for The Star Spangled Banner,” said the principal. The mayor said, Fly your flag on the Fourth of July. The mayor said, “Fly your flag on the Fourth of July.” Sarita said, I display the flag proudly. Sarita said, “I display the flag proudly.”

190 Speaking and Viewing Speakers: Stand up straight. Make eye contact. Use gestures. Use body language to convey a feeling.

191 Speaking and Viewing Listeners: Focus on the speaker. Make eye contact. Pay attention to the speaker’s body language. Look for speaker’s gesture.

192 Wrap Up Your Day! Make Connections: Text to Text Let’s Talk About It Tomorrow we will hear about the flag’s history.

193 Red, White, and Blue Thursday Journal Topic Write about why independence is important.

194 Red, White, and Blue Friday Morning Warm-Up This week we read about the history of the American flag. The flag is a symbol of our country's independence. What does our flag mean?

195 Today we will learn about: Inflected Endings Vocabulary Words Amazing Words Quotation Marks Take Notes/Outline

196 Red, White, and Blue Amazing Words history independence symbol patriotic unfurl frayed allegiance indivisible

197 Red, White, and Blue Glue Words have their who his there Spelling Words tried cried trying crying planned skipped planning skipping liked danced liking dancing hiked replied hiking replying

198 Inflected Endings We are hoping that Mom will let us help with baking and tasting the cookies! I walked into the room and hugged Grandma for the longest time. Pam relies on her studying to keep her from missing any math problems. I grabbed a sandwich, chatted with my dad, and trotted out the door.

199 Red, White, and Blue Vocabulary Words freedom flag stripes stars nicknames birthday America Congress American Revolution colonies

200 Vocabulary Words Vocabulary Words stars, nicknames, stripes, America, freedom, flag, birthday This is what a zebra has on its body. stripes Everyone has one once a year. birthday This is the country we live in. America

201 Vocabulary Words Vocabulary Words stars, nicknames, stripes, America, freedom, flag, birthday You can see this wave from the top of some poles. flag These twinkle in the sky at night. stars

202 Vocabulary Words Vocabulary Words stars, nicknames, stripes, America, freedom, flag, birthday Teddy, J.R. and P.J. are examples of these. nicknames We have this when we are free. freedom

203 Red, White, and Blue High Frequency Words answer company faraway parents picture school wash

204 Daily Fix-It our flagg has fifty stars? Our flag has fifty stars. this is my eighth Birthday. This is my eighth birthday.

205 Take Notes/Outline An outline is a way to organize information. When you read something you want to remember, you should take notes. Let’s take notes about America’s Flag on page 325.

206 Wrap Up Your Week! Let’s Talk About Traditions

207 Red, White, and Blue Friday Journal Topic Write about a class that makes a symbol.

208 Red, White, and Blue Related Links U. S. Flag Flag Rules Betsey Ross Homepage U.S.A Flag Site U.S. Symbols

209 Red, White, and Blue Related Links U. S. Flag Flag Rules Betsey Ross Homepage U.S.A Flag Site U.S. Symbols

210 Red, White, and Blue Related Links U. S. Flag Flag Rules Betsey Ross Homepage U.S.A Flag Site U.S. Symbols

211 Red, White, and Blue APTPlus Videos (password required) Celebrating America: Symbols and Ceremonies of the United States Celebrating America: Symbols and Ceremonies of the United States (22:00) Old GloryOld Glory (10:00) The U.S. Flag: Proper Rules and DisplayThe U.S. Flag: Proper Rules and Display (06:24) U.S. SymbolsU.S. Symbols (17:00) TLC Elementary School: Understanding Government TLC Elementary School: Understanding Government (24:16) America the BeautifulAmerica the Beautiful (04:00) America at Its Best: The American GovernmentAmerica at Its Best: The American Government (15:00) This Is Our CountryThis Is Our Country (24:00) The Star Spangled BannerThe Star Spangled Banner (13:00)

212 We are now ready to take our story tests. Story test –Classroom webpage, –Student page, –Taking Tests AR –Other Reading Quizzes –Quiz # 904632

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